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"Babyyyyy" Colby yelled from the bedroom as I changed Mia, "whaaaaat" I yelled back with a laugh, "we have to leave in 5 minutes will you guys be ready?!" He yelled and I rolled my eyes playfully, "yeah! We we'll be ready!" I yelled then looked down at Mia as she just stared at me, "we are aren't we?" I asked and tickled her tummy with my fingers, causing her to giggle.

It had been a few weeks since my episode and I hadn't had one since, so I was feeling pretty good about life again. Nothing has really happened. We just stay at home and the guys film videos for their main channels since they are too scared to really start filming for the duo channel again.

Today we were going to our cake tasting, which we were both pretty excited about considering the rest of wedding planning was usually boring and never involved food.

I smiled down at Mia as I got her dressed. Shewas finally big enough to wear the cute clothes that Devyn had bought her, so I put her in the cutest overalls and a headband, "you're so pretty!" I cooed and pinched her cheeks as she smiled up at me. I fell more in love with her every day I think. "Let's go before daddy yells at us." I said and scooped her up.

When I walked into the bedroom Colby was lacing his shoes up, "well look at my beautiful princess!" Colby cooed and grabbed Mia from me as soon as he was done lacing his shoes. I smiled at them then grabbed my own shoes, so that I could lace them up. "I'm gonna go get her in the car, meet me down there?" He asked and I nodded.

Once my shoes were laced I ran to the nursery and grabbed the diaper bag, then jogged down the stairs since we were running late. We always seemed to be running late nowadays because we were still getting used to Mia's schedule. "Woah, where are you going speedy?" Sam asked as I jogged passed him, "cake tasting! See you later!" I yelled and jogged to the car.

Colby already had Mia strapped in and the car started, I hopped in the car and put the bag by my feet, "sorry! Okay let's go." I said and buckled up. He chuckled, "let's go taste some cake!" He exclaimed causing Mia to coo happily.

I always loved getting to go places with the both of them. I was so in love with our little family and I was so happy that Mia was going to be a part of the wedding. I couldn't imagine life without her at this point. The night I had my episode, once I was calmed down, we went into the nursery and Mia just happily bounced in my arms. She brought me a sense of comfort that I didn't know I could have.

Ever since I got pregnant I was always so scared that I was going to be a bad mom. I was scared that Mia would have an instant hatred for me, but she didn't. She always looked at me like I was the best thing she had ever seen, "what are you thinking about?" Colby's voice broke through my thoughts. I smiled and looked up, "Mia." I said with a small smile, "hopefully you're thinking about how in love with you she is." Colby said and grabbed my hand,

"I just feel so lucky to have both of you. I love our little family." I said as he we drove down the road. "I love our little family too." He whispered.

We got to the bakery and were brought into the back room where we would be tasting the cakes. "Here's hoping we agree on a flavor." I said and smirked at Colby, "Here's hoping." He said and put a pacifier in Mia's mouth. She looked so cute as she sat in her stroller, her big eyes looking around the unfamiliar room.

A pretty red head walked into the room with a big smile on her face, "hi guys! I'm Samantha I'm going to be making your wedding cake." She said and held her hand out to me, "I'm Cora," I said and shook her hand, "Colby, and this is Mia." Colby said and shook her hand. She smiled and waved at Mia who was giving her a cautious look.

"It's so nice to meet you guys. I'm gonna go grab some cake samples then we can talk about what we want it to look like, sound good?" She asked and we both nodded, "sounds good." I said and she turned to leave the room again. When she came back she brought a huge tray of cake samples with different kinds of frostings on each, I smiled as I looked over Colby. He grinned at me, "this is definitely the best part of wedding planning." He said and Samantha laughed, "that's what they always say, but I would think dress shopping is the best part." I shook my head, "nope. Cake beats dresses any day of the week." I said with a laugh.

We went through each cake and gave our opinions on it, we mostly agreed but we had a few light hearted arguments. Colby really wanted the red velvet cake but I hated cream cheese frosting, "it's just chocolate cake Cor!" Colby whined and I giggled, "it's the frosting Cole! I don't like the frosting, why don't we do this delicious chocolate cake with the peanut butter frosting?" I asked and he rolled his eyes playfully, "fiiiine that was my next pick." He said and I scrunched my nose at him. "Okay so you guys want to do the chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting? We could technically do 3 flavors, since it's a three tiered cake." Samantha said and wrote something down. "Yes, let's do chocolate peanut butter for the bottom tier, red velvet for the middle, and classic white cake with vanilla frosting for the top tier." I said and winked at Colby, "sounds good to me...but like I think there's one more thing we need to test." He said with a smile then picked up a piece of the cake and smashed it onto my cheek.

I squeeled as he rubbed it into my skin, "Colby!" I giggled out and grabbed a piece of cake doing the same to him, "you're gonna make a mess." He said with a laugh as he reached for another piece. I got up and ran away from him as Samantha died of laughter. "Take a step back, Brock!" I yelled and crossed my arms in front of my face as Colby walked towards me. I squeeled and ran away as Mia started to cry, "look what you did." I fake scolded and walked to Mia, "it's okay sweetheart." I cooed and pulled her out of the stroller and rocked her as she stopped crying, "I think she just wanted to join." Colby said and booped her in the nose with frosting. She just blinked and looked up at me with a confused stare as I giggled.

When Colby did that it reminded me of when my dad used to do that to me, which made my heart swell. "Do all of your cake tastings turn out like this?" I asked and tried to rub the frosting off of her nose, "no, but I wish they would, you guys are the cutest." She said and I smiled,

"Yeah, we are pretty cute." Colby said and kissed my head.

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