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Colby's POV

I couldn't get over how beautiful Cora's smile was.

She's been through so much and she always come out smiling which was one of the reasons I loved her so much. I couldn't help but just stare at her, taking her beauty in. She didn't even notice me admiring her as she put on her black dress.

"What? Is something wrong with the dress?" Cora asked once she finally noticed I was staring at her. "No! God no, you're breathtaking." I said and walked up to her putting my hands on her waist, "you're too nice to me." She whispered as I rested my forehead on hers. "I mean everything I say." I whispered back then leaned down to kiss her.

No matter how many times we kissed it always felt like the first time, the feeling of fireworks around us. I could kiss her forever but we were going to be late for dinner.

"Okay you get changed, I should probably pump a bottle or two in case Mia gets hungry, unless you want me to whip my tit out at dinner." She said as I laughed, "you know I always want you to whip those out but maybe not at dinner with all of our friends." I said and she laughed, "maybe you're right, okay I'm gonna pump, you get changed. We are already running late." She said then skipped out of the room.

I threw on some black jeans and a black button up then made my way to the nursery. Cora was in the rocking chair pumping away as Mia kicked happily in her crib. "Can you get her dressed in that outfit?" Cora asked and nodded her head to the black and white dress that was set out next to a white headband with a bow on it. "You got it." I said and grabbed it. "You ready to celebrate mommy's birthday?" I asked Mia as she giggled, "I'll take that as a yes." I said and started to change her diaper, then her outfit. Once she was all changed I pulled her into my arms.

"Look at my gorgeous girls." I mumbled as Cora stood up, after cleaning everything up. "She really is the cutest little thing...aren't you sweet girl??" Cora cooed and pinched Mia's cheek.

It always amazed me how quickly Cora took to being a mom, especially with the fact that she didn't really grow up with one. Her and Mia had a special bond unlike any other, and it was truly heartwarming to see.

"Earth to Brock! We are late, come on!" Cora said and clapped in front of my face as she grabbed the diaper bag. "Sorry, let's go get some sushi." I said and led the way to the car.

Once Mia was strapped in I got in the drivers seat and laced my fingers with Cora's. "So I was thinking we could just trick or treat around the neighborhood for a little bit once we get back, then I'll take Mia to the hotel. Would you be willing to take an Uber to the hotel once you're done partying?" She asked as I drove, "I don't plan on drinking too much but yeah I can take an Uber." I said and she nodded, "okay, sounds like a plan." She said and squeezed my hand.

When we got to the sushi place we were led to the table that everyone was at, including the krac house, "happy birthday Cora!" Kevin said and hugged her, "thanks kev." She said and smiled as tears formed in her eyes, I could tell she was so happy in this moment. I just loved seeing her so happy.

We spent the whole dinner laughing and talking about memories we all had of eachother and it was honestly the most fun dinner ever.

When we got back to the car Cora started crying, "what's wrong baby girl?" I asked and pulled her into my arms after I strapped Mia in, "I'm just so lucky. So so lucky." She blubbered out and held onto me, "aw love, you deserve all of this and more. Believe me." I said and kissed her head. "Thank you for bringing me all of this happiness. I never thought I would get to experience it." She said as I opened her car door. "I promise the happiness isn't going away any time soon, I love you." I said and kissed her before closing her door and jogging to my side.

The drive was silent but peaceful, I loved that about our relationship. We didn't always have to be talking to be happy. As long as we were together we were content.

When we got home, I took Mia up to the nursery to get her changed as Cora got changed in the bedroom. Mia cooed and giggled as I held her up in her pumpkin costume, "you are so cute." I mumbled and brought her to my chest causing her to nuzzle her face in my neck. God, I loved her.

I walked her to the bedroom to see Cora standing in the middle of the room in her cute little pumpkin costume. "You look adorable." I said and she laughed, "I look like an Oompa Loompa." She said and scrunched my nose, "the cutest Oompa Loompa out there." I said and handed Mia off to her so I could get changed.

Cora and I looked sort of ridiculous in our pumpkin outfits but Mia giggled at us anyways, which made it worth it. We took a couple pictures for Instagram and then started our trick or treating journey, while the others stayed back and started setting up for the party.

We were about 3 houses in when Mia fell asleep on us. "well. That was short lived." Cora said and hiked Mia up, pulling her closer as she slept. "It was cute while it lasted." I said with a laugh and grabbed her hand, then walked us back to the house.

People were already showing up at the house which meant Mia and Cora had to get out of here, "be safe okay?" Cora said and put her hand on my cheek causing me to smile, "I will if you will." I responded causing her to smirk. "I'll see you later, I love you." I said and she waved, "love you too."

The party filled up fast, with some people I knew but most people were unrecognizable.

I only planned on having once drink, but when my friends kept handing me them I would keep drinking them. It was okay though because I was having fun with the guys.

I almost forgot that I needed to be sober enough to get back to Cora and Mia, so after a while I put my drink down and went to go get some water. While I was in the kitchen these two blonde girls came up and wrapped their arms around me, "hey handsome, I can't believe you're here alone!" One of them giggled and tightened her grip around me,

I went to go open my mouth but the drinks all hit me at the same time, leaving me speechless. I just grabbed their arms and unwrapped them from me, then turned to the fridge and grabbed a bottle.

More girls would come up and flirt with me, and sometimes I would catch myself almost drunkenly flirting back which caused my stomach to ache. I needed to get back to my girls. I didn't want to be here anymore.

I stumbled, trying to pull my phone out when this girl stopped me, "hey you're really hot..let's make out." She said and pulled my head to hers but I stopped her before our lips would connect.

I didn't have time to call an Uber, so I grabbed my keys and stumbled to my car.

I could barely open the door as I fell into the drivers seat, I had to get to my girls though.

I didn't care about anything else.

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