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Claire reached over to take her away from us after a couple minutes to check her out. She was really small but she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. "Hey dad, wanna come cut the chord?" Claire asked and Colby smiled. "I'd love to." He said then went over to where Claire was after kissing my head.

He did that as I delivered the placenta, it was easier than delivering the baby that's for sure. I felt my body start to shut down a little bit as my eyes drooped, I wanted to sleep more than anything but I couldn't keep my eyes off of Mia, I watched as Colby held her tiny hand as Claire checked her out. He looked over at me with the sweetest and brightest smile, which caused me to smile weakly. He frowned and came over to me, letting the nurses work on Mia.

"You okay?" He asked and I nodded, feeling my eyelids droop even further. "Go to sleep sweetheart, she will be here when you wake up." Colby said but I shook my head, "I have to know she's okay." I whispered and he combed through my hair with his fingers. "Okay." He said and held my hand as he sat next to me.

"You did so good baby." Colby whispered as we watched the nurses work. "You did good too." I teased and smiled at him. "I didn't do anything." He laughed out, "you didn't pass out or freak out. I appreciate you." I said and looked up at him and pulled his shirt so his lips would meet mine. "Don't you worry, I was freaking out plenty." He winked and looked back over to where Mia was. They were cleaning her off and weighing her.

"I can't believe we really did it. We had a baby." I said quietly and smiled at our daughter. "We did it baby...we are parents." He said as Claire lifted her up, "she's healthy but small, at only 17 inches and 5 lbs but she will grow. Congratulations." She said and laid her in my arms. She was sleeping silently with a pink hat on her head. Her cheeks were pink and a small smile was on her face as Colby and I admired her. "Hey sweet Mia, we love you so much, we always will." I whispered and looked up at Colby, "we will." He whispered and rubbed his finger along Mia's cheek.

Colby held Mia as the nurses talked to me about breast feeding and all of the technical things of having a newborn. I tried to pay attention as best as I could but I was just exhausted. "Okay sweetie, we will let you sleep now." I nodded but kept my eyes open, looking at Colby who was shirtless sitting in the chair next to me, Mia was laid on his chest as he held her head against his shoulder. He smiled softly at me as I teared up. I could watch them all day. But I simply couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.

I woke up to crying, causing my heart to drop. "Shhh let's let mommy sleep." Colby cooed quietly as he kissed Mia's head. I groaned in pain but smiled at the sight of them, "it's okay." I whispered, "she's probably hungry." I said and clicked the nurse call button so someone could help me feed her. "You're probably right, how are you feeling?" He asked and stood up with Mia still in his arms. "Everything hurts" I admitted and he bent down, lowering Mia into my arms. She was still crying but not as badly as before, "hi sweet girl." I whispered and kissed her head, patting her back gently.

"You rang?" Our nurse asked as she came in, "I think she's hungry..but I don't really know how to feed her yet." I admitted and she smiled sympathetically, "okay, well let's start our lesson. She may not latch on the first time so if she doesn't then we have formula which should work for her." I nodded as she starting teaching me the ropes of feeding her.

To our surprise she latched on with no problem. It was a weird but liberating feeling to be feeding her. It felt good to have purpose in her life. I caught Colby's eye as he watched intently, "god, you're amazing." He breathed out causing me to smile.

We begged the hospital to let us have my dad and the Brock's visit at the same time. They allowed it since we weren't really asking for much.

"She's beautiful." Dad said and held her, she looked so small in his large arms, I couldn't help but tear up at the sight of my dad holding my baby. "Thank you." I whispered as Colby grabbed my hand. There was so much love in the room my heart was exploding, "what's her name?" Mrs. Brock asked as my dad passed her along to her, "Amelia, Mia for short." Colby said as my dad came up to hug me, "Lesa I think we are going to have to take her home with us." Mr. Brock said causing me to giggle, "nope, I worked too damn hard for you to take her." He smiled and shrugged at me, "it was worth a try." He said as he looked at Mia who was sleeping soundly in his wife's arms.

"I'm telling Sam to get us some food, what do you want?" Colby asked and kissed my head. With all the excitement I completely forgot I haven't eaten in so long, my whole body was sore so I couldn't even tell what was hunger pain and what was after birth pain. "Chinese food...lots of Chinese food." I said and rubbed my belly. "Okay, anything you want." He said and handed me his phone so I could text Sam my order.

We visited with our parents for a while before they switched places with Sam and Kat. Sam came in first holding up the bag of food, "special delivery!" He yelled happily and I laughed. Colby was holding Mia as he looked down at her, "special delivery." He said back and looked up at them. "Oh, she's so precious." Kat said and walked up to Colby as Sam dug out my food for me. The smell of it alone was driving me crazy, I really didn't realize how hungry I actually was until right now.

"You wanna hold her Kat?" Colby asked causing Kat to squeel happily, "yes!" She said and Colby got up so she could sit down. Sam smiled and sat on the edge of my bed as I ate my food quickly. Colby laughed at me as he placed Mia in Katrina's arms, "slow down babe, you're gonna choke." He said and grabbed his food from Sam, "Fuck off. I lived off of ice chips while you ate vending machine snacks." I said and he held his hands up in surrender.

Kat was just looking at Mia with so much love, as Colby and I bickered. "Whats her name?" She asked quietly and looked up at me. I couldn't help the smile that bloomed on my face.

"Kat, meet Amelia Katrina Brock."

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