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Colby's POV

"She's stable but we arent out of the weeds yet. She had a seizure, one that was so powerful it stopped her heart. We are taking her up to the intensive care unit again, so unfortunately I can't have you coming back there again until we get the go ahead." I nodded intently, "and what about the baby?" I asked not really wanting to know the answer.

"I've been a nurse for 12 years, and I have never seen a more resilient baby. She's fine, honestly doing better than the mother at this point. Shes truly a miracle." The doctor said causing my heart to soar. "Well she is Cora's child.." I mumbled in astonishment, "I suggest you two go home for the night, get some rest. I'll get someone to contact you if there are any updates. There's no use in you waiting here when you could wait in the comfort of your home. It might be a couple days before you can visit her again, even if she wakes up. We can't have anything trigger her brain again." I sucked in a breath. The thought of her having to suffer through this without me or her dad caused my heart to clench. I wanted to argue. I wanted to fight until I was sitting beside her again but I couldn't. I had to just listen for her safety. The nurse walked away leaving Cora's dad and I just standing there.

"Did you need a place to stay?" I asked quietly, still trying to wrap my head around the fact that I was going home without her for the time being. "It's okay. My sister Sarah, I think you met her, is coming here soon, we can get a hotel. Go ahead, I'll keep in touch." He said just a quiet. I nodded and hugged him. We held eachother for a minute, both of us trying not to cry.

After a few more minutes we both pulled away. "Okay. No more sadness, she's okay. She's alive. This is Cora we are talking about, she's such a fighter." Mr. Williams said I nodded, "I agree." I said then walked back over to Sam. "You okay?" He asked and hugged me, "I'm okay." I lied, and he shook his head, "no you're not. What's the news. Tell me what's going on." I shook my head. "They are both okay. We have to go home and wait." I said quietly, holding back the tears that were stinging my eyes.

"O-oh..okay." He said as I walked to the door, not even giving him a chance to really react. "woah! Dude. Hold on a minute," he said and pulled my shoulder back, "what?!" I groaned, feeling the emotions swell in my chest. "Calm down, what do you mean we have to go home? You can't leave her!" Sam said causing my chin to quiver and tears to pour down my cheeks. "I have to. They aren't letting us seeing her. They said to go home. I....I can't be here with her. I'm not allowed to." I said as tears fell down my cheeks again. "Dude,  I'm so sorry." Sam breathed out as I wiped my tears, "I just...I feel so helpless Sam..she's in so much pain and now she has to go through it alone. I...I need to be there but they won't let me." I sobbed out and hugged him.

"I know...I know...she's strong though, she's gonna get better, maybe being home with all of us around you will be good for you. We will support you and when Cora gets better you'll be able to support her even more. You need to get some rest, have you even slept since the accident?" He asked as he led me through the halls. "Not even a minute." I admitted.

It was true. I couldn't even think about sleeping. I thought if I fell asleep something would happen to her and I wouldn't know. I was constantly paranoid that I would lose her. "You know she wouldn't like to hear that. She wouldn't want you worrying this much." He said as we walked out to the car. "I can't help it dude, she's the love of my life..I feel like a part of me is dying. I hate that I'm leaving her right now." I said and got in the passengers side of the car. My heart hurt as he pulled out of the spot and started to drive. I didn't think I would be leaving without her.

The drive was silent. I think Sam could tell that I didn't want to talk. I just wanted to turn around and go back.

We pulled into the driveway and made our way into the house. "Sam??" Kat yelled and came out of their bedroom, "oh! Colby? Oh my god! Is Cora here?!" She gasped excitedly causing my heart to sink. "Um...babe I need to talk to you," Sam said as I walked away. I immediately walked to the kitchen to get myself something to drink. Sam and Kat came in a couple minutes later, "hey Colby." Kat said quietly and came up to me, "hey Kat," I whispered and hugged her, "how are you feeling?" I said quietly and pulled away, turning back to the fridge. "I'm okay, how are you holding up?" She asked as Sam left again. "I...I'm struggling." I admitted and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. I took the cap off and chugged the water, not realizing how thirsty I was.

Kat just stared at me with sad eyes as Jake, Corey, Tara, and Devyn came in. "Hey Colby." Devyn said softly and sat at the table in front of us. "Hi guys...I don't need you guys to hover over me...I'm fine." I mumbled and grabbed some almonds from the cupboard, "we aren't hovering dude, we missed having you here." Corey said and clapped his hand on my back. "Yeah brother, we missed you." Jake said and ruffled my hair. I chuckled, but couldn't even feel the happiness that usually goes along with it. "I missed you guys too, but I think I'm gonna head to bed if that's okay.." I whispered and started to walk out of the kitchen, "okay...goodnight Colby..um let us know if you need anything..we love you." Tara said as I headed for the stairs, tears in my eyes. "Love you too." I mumbled and ran up the stairs.

I slammed the door and bee lined to the bed. I cried as I hid under the covers, being in the bed without her was hurting my heart. I didn't even want to think  about how scared she was and how much pain she was in. I wanted to be there for her. I needed to be there for her. I shook my head and closed my eyes, begging myself to sleep. I just needed to sleep. To get my mind off of the nightmare that was life right now.

I laid in bed for hours, wide awake. The pain in my chest was growing to be unbearable. I had to go back, I couldn't be here in our bed without her. I got up and grabbed my keys before I could change my mind.

I rushed down the stairs to see everyone in the living room, they turned to me but I ignored them, opening the front door, "woah dude wait!" Sam yelled as I closed the door. I made my way to the car as the front door slammed open, "hey hey hey! Where are you going?!" Sam asked as everyone crowded in the doorway. "I can't Sam...I can't do this..I have to go back I can't leave her there." I said as my shaky hands tried to sort through my keys, "I know it's scary and I know you're hurting but the doctors are right. There's not going to be a difference if you wait there or if you wait here...just stay here, we can watch a movie or something..please." Sam begged but I shook my head.

"I can't dude....I have to go..please understand." I whispered as tears threatened to fall down my cheeks. "Okay." He whispered back, "let me at least drive you....please brother." He begged.

I paused for a second, then held my keys out to him. He grabbed them, then turned to everyone. Everyone looked so sad as I got in the car. "I'm sorry." I whispered before I closed the door.

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