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I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face in his chest, "Colby," I whispered and took a deep breath in,

"I'm so sorry, baby." He mumbled and kissed my head, "what happened?" I asked and pulled away, placing my hand on his cheek, right under where the bruise was. He shook his head, "let me just hold you for a minute." He said and pulled me into him again. I didn't argue and just melted into him. He took a shaky breath in and just held me against him until Mia started to cry.

"Shit I was supposed to be starting a bath for her." I whispered and turned my head towards the nursery, "you go, I'll go get her." Colby said and kissed my head before unwrapping his arms from around me. I looked at his face for a second and frowned at the big bruise. My heart ached as he looked at me, "it's okay baby girl, it doesn't hurt that bad." He said as I bit my lip before turning and walking to the bathroom.

I pushed down the hysterics as I turned the faucet for the bath on. Why did this have to happen now? It was just the universe slapping us in the face again.

I quickly wiped the tears from my cheeks as Colby came in holding Mia, "ready for bath time bub?" I asked and cleared my throat, trying to stay strong for them. Mia smiled at me as I fastened her in to her bath floaty. Colby smiled at me then put her in the bath, "what happened?" I asked him but kept my eyes on Mia as I started to wash her hair. Colby put his hand on my arm causing me to turn to him, "Let's talk about it when Mia is put to bed." He said and I nodded. He looked sad as he leaned down and kissed my shoulder. I could tell he was still shaken up about the whole thing so I didn't want to pry but my heart was racing at the thought of what could have happened.

We gave her the fastest bath possible while trying to tucker her out with splashes and singing. Her eyes were starting to close as I towel dried her and got her redressed. "I'll put her to bed, you get comfortable, then we can talk." Colby said and grabbed Mia from me, then left the room.

I sat there for a second, looking down at my shaking hands. "You can do this," I whispered to myself and stood up.

I went to the couch in the main part of the bedroom and sat down, closing my eyes against the tears that were threatening to fill my eyes. I was nervous to know what happened, because if it wasn't a big deal then Colby would have told me already.

I felt Colby sit next to me on the couch as he rubbed little circles onto my thigh with his thumb. "Colby, Please tell me what happened." I whispered and opened my eyes to meet his. He brought his hand to my cheek and just looked into my eyes for a second,

"Okay, Sam and I went to go meet with the investigators we were interviewing at the haunted church." He said and rubbed my face with his thumb, "well, when they got there we realized they weren't who they said they were. They were drug dealers." He said and I sucked in a breath, "they forced us to put their drugs into our bags and take them to the person they were dealing to." He took his hand from my face and messed his hair up with it, "They ended up calling the police on us so we would get caught and not them." He said as  I nodded slowly,

"How did that happen to your eye?" I asked shakily and lifted my hand to his face, "they came after us when we refused to do it at first." He said and I gasped, bringing my free hand to my mouth, "I stopped fighting them when I thought of you...I had to come home to my girls." He said softly as I started thinking about how wrong this could have went. I thought about how far they would go, I'm sure they would have no problem killing the boys. I looked down, feeling my chest starting to heave as my hands shook.

"Hey, relax baby girl, I'm here. I'm alive. I'm right here." He said and held my face in his hands. I nodded and leaned down to nuzzle my face into his chest. I was grateful that things turned out the way that they did. "How's Sam doing? Did he get hurt?" I asked and felt him shake his head no, "no, he's okay, he's a better fighter than I am I guess." He said with a laugh. "Okay.." I sighed and leaned into his chest a little more.

"You took it a lot better than I thought you would." He said and kissed my head, "well the night is still young." I said and got up. "Can we get McFlurrys?" I asked and went to the closet, trying to hide the fact that I was shaking so bad still. "You're really okay?" He asked as I pulled one of his sweatshirts down from the hanger. "Trying to be." I said and went back out to the bedroom. "Are you okay?" I asked and slipped the sweatshirt on. "Y-yeah." He said and I smiled softly, "great. So McFlurrys?" I asked and grabbed my keys. "Yeah sure..whatever you want." He said cautiously and stood up.

I peeked my head into the nursery to make sure Mia was still okay, "okay, let's be bad and sneak out." I said and grabbed his hand. "Anyone want anything from McDonald's??" I asked and walked into the living room. They all looked at me with confusion in their eyes, "yeah can I get a large fry?" Sam asked and I smiled at him, "anything for you Sammy! Glad you're okay by the way." I said and he smiled, "glad to be okay."

Everyone gave me their orders and I gave instructions to Kat about what to do if Mia wakes up, then we got to the car. "You're seriously okay?" Colby asked as soon as we were both in the car, "are you seriously okay?" I asked and he just looked at me, "I'm hanging in there...I'm a little worried about you though?" He said with confusion, "why on earth would you be worried about me? I'm worried about you!" I said and grabbed his hand, "I don't know Cor, I know what this kind of thing can do to you." He said softly causing me to sigh, "don't worry about me, I'm okay." I said but I didn't really know if I believed it.

I was scared. Scared for him. Scared for Sam. Scared for myself and Kat. I was scared that I would snap again, since I was feeling the tension in my chest building up. I was worried Colby would shut down because of this. I was afraid he would try to be strong for me and hide his pain. I didn't know if he was okay.

I didn't know if I was okay.

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