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We stayed at the beach for a while, until it was finally time to go home, "hey dude! Did you want to see the shots I got?" A guy wearing a backwards baseball cap said as he ran over to Colby and I with a camera. "Yeah. Cora, this is Mikey, he took some candids for us." Colby said and put his hand on the small of my back. "Nice to meet you." I said and held my hand out for him to shake. "Nice to meet you, congrats by the way." He said and shook my hand. "Thank you so much." I said quietly and stepped back as Colby wrapped his arm around me.

Mikey showed us some of the pictures, ones of him on one knee, others of us kissing. He captured the moment I saw him. They were all perfect.

"I love them," I breathed out and leaned my head against Colby's shoulder as Mikey showed the girls the pictures, I watched as they gushed at them. Their faces lighting up as he scrolled through the photos. "Those are so cute! Sam take notes." Kat said and scrunched her nose at Sam. He nodded and turned to Colby and I, "you guys always have to raise the bar, huh." He said as I stepped closer to him, "always Sammy, always." I said and leaned my head on his shoulder now. Sam hugged me, "I'm so happy for you both." He said causing me to smile, "thank you, I'm sorry for stealing your best friend." I said and pulled away causing him to laugh, "oh he's still my best friend, you're his lover." I laughed, "oh yeah? I thought you two were lovers?" I asked as Colby laughed, "she doesn't even know about the pictures WE took." He said making me gasp, "I'm sorry?" I said and looked between both of them.

"Hey Mikey, can we see the test shots." Colby said as I raised my eyebrows. Mikey laughed and started showing me the pictures Sam and Colby took, there were pictures just like ones Colby and I had but they were both laughing in all of them. I laughed and slapped their arms, "you guys are ridiculous." I said and walked to Kat. "Come on." I said and walked away from the group, "where are you going?" Colby called as we walked away, "to the car with my lover, come on." I said and kept walking. Looking behind my shoulder and giggling.

When I turned back forwards I felt a sharp pain in my belly, causing me to breath out in pain, stopping in my tracks. "Woah, are you okay??" Kat asked and stopped with me looking at my face, the pain had gone as soon as it came on, "yeah I think she just kicked me too hard." I said and shook my head.

Part of me was really worried about it, but it only hurt for a second so maybe it was normal? Who knows. If it happens again I'll say something.

"Are you sure?" She asked looking at me cautiously. I just nodded, "yeah I'll be okay." I said and unlinked my arm from her, putting both of my hands on my belly. "Okay.." she said as we made it to the car. Colby came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my belly. "Hey baby," he said and kissed my cheek. "Hey." I whispered as he opened the car door for me, "thanks." I said with a yawn. I was really starting to feel the effects of the day weighing me down.

We mixed up who was in each car, me and Colby sat in the front of Colby's car, Sam and Kat sat in the back. The other's rode in Devyn's car. Colby grabbed my hand, rubbing my engagement ring with his thumb. I looked over and smiled at him, but he kept his eyes on the road. "Thank you." I whispered as he brought my hand to his lips, "no. thank you." He said quietly as we pulled into the driveway. I was feeling an overwhelming amount of love for him, I think it finally hit me that were actually going to get married one day, and that we were going to be together forever.

He parked the car and got out, jogging over to my side. When he opened my door I got out, immediately feeling light headed, "hey, woah. Are you okay?" Colby said and held my forearms, keeping me steady. "Yeah, I just got up too fast, do we have any spinach or anything?" I asked as the dizziness subsided, "yeah I think so, come on I'll make you some." He said and helped me get inside. I was already feeling better by the time we got to the kitchen but I could feel a headache coming on. "Here, sit down I'll make the spinach for you, do you want anything else?" He asked and helped me sit in the chair. "Yeah...pickles." I said cautiously causing him to laugh, "anything you want baby girl." He said and grabbed the jar from the fridge and slid it to me. He gagged as I put one in my mouth, "mmmmm I'm sorry that I love these now babe." I said as he turned away, grabbing me some water. "I don't blame you, I blame Mia." He said and winked, "you like the name?? You think we should name her Mia?" I asked and he smiled, "yeah, I was thinking maybe Amelia Katrina Brock."

When he said that tears sprung to my eyes, "I love that a lot...Katrina is gonna lose her mind." I said and dabbed my eyes with my fingers. "Yeah, I think it's only right that she's included in the name since she basically is the reason we are together." I nodded in agreement. "We can't tell her until she's born though." I said as he put the water in front of me. "I won't if you won't," he said and held his pinky up to me, I giggled and linked my pinky in his own before he turned back to the stove.

I was impressed when he put a plate of cooked spinach in front of me, "when did you learn how to cook?" I asked as he stood across from me, "my mom might have given me a few pointers in my Kansas days." He said and brushed his shoulders cockily. I rolled my eyes and ate the spinach.

"Hey, we are gonna have a hot tub night, did you guys want to join?" Sam asked and I shrugged, "I'll sit out there but I don't think I'm allowed to hot tub right now." I said and looked down at my belly, "fair enough, Colby?" He asked and Colby shrugged, "yeah I could go for a hot tub." I smiled at him, "I'll go get changed," he said and turned to go upstairs, "can you grab me a sweatshirt?" I yelled up to him, "yeah!" He yelled back, "how did I get so lucky?" I asked Sam and shoveled the last bit of spinach into my mouth before getting up.

"I think you both got pretty lucky, you two were really meant for eachother." Sam said and took a couple white claws out of the fridge, "maybe you're right." I said with a smile, "come on, the girls are already out there, I'll set up a chair for you by the tub." He said and linked his arm through mine.

When we got outside everyone was already hanging out in the hot tub, "did you grab me a claw??" Jake yelled as Sam pulled one of the lawn chairs over so it was right next to the hot tub, "yeah man, black cherry!" He yelled and tossed one to Jake. "Thanks man." He said and opened it, but it fizzed everywhere since it was just shaken, "Jake!" Tara yelled and shielded her hair from the fizzing liquid. I laughed and laid down in the chair as Sam got into the hot tub.

Colby came out a couple minutes later and handed me one of his hoodies, then bent down and kissed me on the head before getting into the hot tub. I put the sweatshirt on, which barely made it over my bump, and hugged myself, watching my friends splash eachother in the hot tub. I smiled at what my life was, I couldn't imagine life without them.

I sighed with content as I leaned up in the chair a little, repositioning myself. That's when my head started to ache again, this time it was aching worse than it ever has before. My face scrunched in pain as I rubbed my eyes, trying to relieve the pressure. A familiar feeling flooded my body as the realization hit.

I was about to have another seizure.

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