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This is a sequel to heartless so if you haven't read that one yet, go read it or you'll be verrry confused.

Colby's POV

"Wait hold on, Cora's calling," I said as we stood outside of LAX, waiting for an Uber. The guys and I were supposed to come back tomorrow but we decided we wanted to suprise the girls and come back early, "hey babe!" I yelled, trying to hear her over Jake and Corey fucking around. "Hey where are you?" She said causing me to chuckle. "I'm outside waiting for an Uber, the guys are being super loud, sorry." I said quickly then changed the subject, "How did the appointment go?" I didn't want her asking too many questions because I didn't want to lie to her. "everything went well, she's so cute already Colby. I wish you could have seen her." She said with a thick voice, "I know, I wish I could have too, listen I have to run, but I love you so much." I said as the Uber pulled up, "oh...uh okay I love you too." She said and I hung up.

"Let's go boys!" I said happily and walked to the car. We drove down the highway for what felt like forever, I couldn't stop thinking about the look that would be on Cora's face when I surprised her. The traffic was bad but as we got closer to home it got ten times worse, "hm sorry boys my maps is saying there's a nasty crash up ahead." The Uber driver said causing me to inwardly groan, I just wanted to have her on my arms already.

It felt like forever but we finally got close enough to see the crash that had held us back so long. It was gruesome, a black car was turned over smashed against the barricade on the side of the highway, a big red car had plowed into it, seemingly not long ago based on the fact that people were still trying get others out of each car. "Holy shit." Corey breathed next to me as he looked at the horror in front of us. That's when I saw what he could see, familiar blue hair blowing in the wind causing my eyes to widen.

Kat was standing off to the side being held back by a random guy as she hysterically sobbed, reaching for the car. "Pull over." I whispered as Sam grabbed at the door handle. "What? I can't ju-" the Uber driver started, "PULL OVER." I roared and reached for my own handle. The guy pulled off onto the shoulder, Sam tumbled out barely letting the car stop. "KATRINA!" He yelled and she froze, looking at Sam. She was cut up and bruised, her head pouring out blood as tears coated her cheeks. "S-Sam." She said as he ran up to her, She wrapped her arms around him and clung to him.

I was frozen. If Katrina was out of the car, then who was in the car? I knew somewhere in my mind that it was Cora, but I desperately didn't want to believe it. I couldn't comprehend anything as the fire department sawed open the car right in front of my eyes. "Dude..DUDE." Jake said and shook my shoulder. "What?" I mumbled and stared at the car in shock. "Snap out of it brother. Come on!" Corey yelled and ran towards Sam and Kat.

Paramedics were trying to pull Katrina off of Sam so they could check her injuries but she was just screaming in agony, words I couldn't even understand. My eyes stayed glued on the car though, my heart racing as they pulled the lifeless body out of the car. Cora's arms flopped down from where they were laying on her stomach as the fire fighters carefully put her on the gurney. I finally came to my senses and booked it over there, "woah, son! Back up." One of the fire fighters said and pulled me back, "NO! CORA! Baby please wake up! Please be okay!" I yelled completely breaking down, fighting against the guy holding me back, "calm down, they are going to take her to the hospital, you have to calm down though okay?" He hugged me tightly against him trying to get me to relax, "Shes pregnant! She...she has to be okay!!" I yelled and squirmed against him. "They are going to do what they can." He said again and just let me cry.

"Colby!" I heard someone yell as I watched them wheel Cora into the ambulance. They put Kat in there too, since she was now coughing blood. Sam ran to me and took me into his arms, both of us breaking down completely. Jake and Corey stepped up, and wrapped their arms around us. "Come on, we have to follow them to the hospital." Corey said calmly and pulled us apart gently.

We ran back to the Uber and got in, "I will give you a $1,000 tip if you follow that ambulance." I said and buckled up. I struggled because my hands were shaking so badly, "hey, it's gonna be okay." Corey said and took the buckle from my hands, clicking it into place. "Thanks." I mumbled and pulled out my phone, I had to call Cora's dad. I didn't want to because my heart was aching, the image of her lifeless body being pulled out of the car was replaying in my head on repeat.

"Hello? Colby?" Cora's dad said answering the phone. "Mr. Williams..." I whispered as tears continued to fall. "What's going on? Is Cora okay? Is the baby okay?" He said, his voice full of concern. "She was in a car accident. It was really bad. I....I don't know how she is..I'm on the way to the hospital right now..." I sobbed out as Corey rubbed my back. "I'm booking a flight right now. Please keep me updated Colby." His thick voice sounded through the phone. "I will. As soon as I know something, you'll know too." I wiped my face and hung up.

We weaved through the traffic, following the ambulance as everyone called the friends, I felt like I couldn't breathe.

I felt like I lost the love of my life.

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