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Colby's POV

"Hey." Sam answered as I walked through the halls, "hey, sorry to cut your call short with Cora she-" he chuckled, "don't worry about it dude, I'm glad she's at least awake." I sighed, "me too dude, I really thought I was going to lose her." I heard him sigh, "me too, when Katrina told me what actually happened I couldn't believe either of them survived. We got lucky brother." I nodded, "yeah. I'm not sure when she will be released but will you help me throw her a small welcome home party? Just the immediate friends, maybe a cake or something?" He was silent for just a second, "yeah, I wanted to pull something together for Katrina, but it didn't feel right without you guys." I sighed, "I know, hey, we can throw her something when Cora can come home. How's Kat doing by the way?" I asked and paced the hallway.

"She's doing better. She has been having some bad nightmares but she's been walking around, and hasn't been in too much pain." I nodded, "tha-" I was interrupted by nurses running down the hallway, "CODE BLUE." One of them yelled as she collected more nurses and ran down the hallway. My eyes were wide as I watched them run in the direction of Cora's room, "no no no no no." I mumbled and started to follow them, "are you okay?" Sam said but I couldn't respond I was too busy running down the hall, "NO!" I yelled as they ran into her room, I dropped my phone and ran to the door, they were working on getting her to come back as her dad sobbed and watched in horror.

"Colby." He said as I ran to him, pulling him into a hug as we watched in horror "we have to go to surgery now or she loses that baby." One of them said causing air to catch in my throat, "she's not stable enough! We can't even move her safely!" Another nurse argued. "Get them out of here!!" One of them yelled and pointed to where we were standing.

Before we could get any answers we were being pushed out of the room, "NO. CORA! NO SHE HAS TO BE OKAY!" I sobbed and fought against the nurse who was pushing us out of the room. I watched as Cora's hand flopped off the side of the bed, I struggled harder against the nurse, reaching for her hand, even though I was a few feet away from her. "You have to calm down!!!" The nurse yelled and held both of my shoulders as I sobbed uncontrollably, "s-she has to be okay. I can't lose her!" I yelled as he pulled me into a hug. I've never been this emotional in my life.

I couldn't control myself knowing that the love of my life was technically dead right now, so I continued to fight, "I have to know if she's okay! CORA! Please baby!" I yelled as even Cora's dad was trying to pull me from the room.

"Sir. We are going to do the best we can. I need to get back over there though, the more hands and brains the better. Just go to the waiting room and I'll let you know when we know what's going on." The nurse spoke calmly as I hyperventilated. "Jenny! Can you take these guys to the waiting area please?" He said and the blonde nurse from earlier led us to the waiting room.

I sobbed as I collapsed onto one of the chairs, Cora's dad sat next to me. He was also crying, trying to catch his breath as we sat in silence.

A couple minutes passed and we were both able to calm down just a little bit. "What happened Mr. Williams?" I said quietly and rubbed my eyes. "She got so upset. She was screaming about how she almost killed the baby and about how happy she was and why this had to happen to her. Why she couldn't be happy. Then...then she seized up..before I knew it nurses were ripping me off of her...I...I don't know." I let out a shaky breath, "she's strong...she will make it...and our baby..if she's even half as strong as Cora is she will make it too." I whispered and rubbed my eyes again.

Twenty minutes passed with no news. "Colby!" Sam yelled causing me to look up, when did he get here? "S-sam?" I asked and stood up, hugging him tightly. "What happened?" He asked as I collapsed into him. "She d-died Sam....we don't know anything else...I don't even know if she's alive." I sobbed as he held me up, "it's okay, it's okay..." he said, but his voice was thick. "How did you know to come here?" I asked and sniffled as we sat down, "I heard a lot of screaming after you dropped your phone, I knew something was wrong..I didn't tell anyone though. I didn't want to scare them." I nodded, "she's gonna survive this...she's so strong." He said as I fiddled with my thumbs. This was agonizing. She was fine and awake an hour ago...we just couldn't catch a break. "I know. I just...I can't lose either of them Sam. Losing that baby would crush her...it would crush me too but she already has so much guilt about almost losing her and she's so scared of being a bad mom she would blame herself for this...I don't think I could watch her go through that." I said bringing a hand to my face.

"I know. We don't even know what's happening right now so we have to just take it one step at a time. Whatever happens, we work through okay?" Sam said and hugged me again. I don't know what I would do without him. I didn't even tell him to come here, instead of hanging up he stayed on the line and chose to come back here to make sure everything was okay. "One day at a time." I repeated.

We waited for another couple hours, with no updates. I tried to stay positive that no updates meant she wasn't dead. It meant they were still saving her. It meant that our baby could still be alive. The three of us sat in silence as we waited. I don't know how much longer we waited until one of the nurses finally walked through the door,

"Cora Williams?" He called, causing Mr. Williams and I to stand.

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