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"All I'm saying is the massage therapist better be a girl." Colby said as I put a cute little robe on Mia, "you're awfully jealous for someone who already has my heart," I said with a laugh as he pouted, "I cant help it." He whined causing me to laugh, "I'm sure the girls requested for them to be female. Relax." I said and walked up holding Mia in my arms, I rested my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me loosely. "What are you guys doing?" I asked quietly, "I have no idea they won't tell me." He said and I shook my head,

"I swear if there are strippers involved I will kill them." I said and he laughed, "you're awfully jealous for someone who already has my heart." He mocked causing me to roll my eyes, "shut up." I mumbled and stepped away from him. "You're cute when you're jealous though." He said with a smirk as I rocked Mia, "whatever." I said and went to leave the room.

"You guys look so cute in your robes!" Devyn said and smiled widely. She had gotten us all matching robes with our names on them so we could look fancy. "Thank you Dev, I love them." I said and looked down at it. "I'm so glad you have something physical to remember today with. You only get one bachelorette party!" She said and jumped up and down happily causing Mia to giggle.

Colby came down the stairs as the other guys came out to the foyer, "alright we are going now." Colby said and came up to kiss me.

Just then the doorbell rang and Kat ran up to answer it. When she opened it there were three women and one man in scrubs, "hey! Are you Katrina?" The brunette girl asked happily, "that's me! Come on I'll show you where you can set up." She said and let them in. I looked over at Colby to see him glaring at the guy, "relaaaax, that's probably Devyn's." I whispered with a laugh and nudged him, "he better be." He mumbled and grabbed Mia from me.

"Goodbye my little princess, I'll see you later, I love you." He cooed and kissed her cheek. She cooed and reached up at him happily. I smiled and hugged myself watching them as the guys went out the front door. 

"Okay I'll see you later baby girl, have fun." He said and handed me Mia, before leaving the house. I sighed and looked at the girls, "do you guys know where they are taking him?" I asked and Kat laughed, "they are just taking him to a bar, then to go to some abandoned building." Kat said and I shook my head, "I swear on my life if they get arrested again I'm gonna lose my mind." I said and Kat laughed again, "relax, Sam asked for permission to explore it, he's got it in writing they won't get arrested." I nodded and let out a breath, silently thanking Sam.

"So I made the face masks already, we will get massages once they are set up." Devyn said and clapped once, "I'm so excited, I NEED a massage." Tara said and did a little dance.

Mia giggled at Tara and I bounced her playfully, "Let's do this!" I yelled and ran to the kitchen making Mia giggle even harder.

The past couple days I had been sulking because of the final fallout with my mom, but I was feeling better than ever now, almost as if a blanket was lifted off of me.

"Earth to Cora!" Kat yelled and waved her arms in front of my face as I stared off in space, "sorry! Did you ask me something?" I asked and she laughed, "yeah are you ready for your massage?" She asked and I nodded, "oh my god more than ready." I said and looked down at Mia, "are you gonna be good so I can get a massage?" I asked her and she just stared up at me. "Good." I said with a goofy nod and handed her over to Kat.

The tall blonde girl came up and shook my hand, "hey Cora! I'm Natalie I'm gonna be giving you a massage." She said and I shook her hand, "I'm glad you're not a guy." I said with a laugh, "yeah I saw the way your fiancée was looking at Brad, I'm glad I'm not a guy also." She said and laughed, "yeeeah...he's usually not the jealous type." I said and took the robe off and got on the table.

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