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Colby's POV

"So how does it feel to be a dad?" Jake asked as we ate dinner in the hotel room, "it's really weird but I love it. If you would have told me a year ago I would be a dad I wouldn't have believed you." I said and sighed, thinking about Mia and Cora. I couldn't wrap my head around how I had gotten so lucky with them. "You do a great job dude, like I don't know how you guys do it." I shook my head, "Cora does a lot of the work, she's so strong and she doesn't even realize it. She thinks she's like her mom." I said with a sigh, "she's nothing like her!" Sam said and I nodded, "I know dude..she's amazing. By the way, thanks for dating Kat bro. I don't know where I would be without Cora." I said and smirked, "no problem man." Sam said and punched my arm.

We were in the middle of filming when we all got the notification that the silent alarm went off at the house. We got that alarm in case something happened, it would send a notification to our phones but wouldn't tip off the intruders that an alarm was set off so the police could catch them. It was usually set off by sounds, like a lot of glass being broken or doors breaking.

"Shit.." I breathed out grasping my chest feeling my heart pounding with the idea of someone breaking in and none of us guys being home. Our girls were strong but I don't know how they would handle something like that.

"They probably just dropped a glass or something, I'll call Kat." Sam said and pulled his phone out. He put it on speaker phone to ease our minds. It rang twice before Kat answered, "Sam oh my god Sam baby someone's here!!" Her voice shook over the phone. My heart sped up as my wide eyes met Jake's, "okay stay calm, where are you guys?" Sam asked calmly, "in the movie room..me devyn and Tara but.." she started as my hands shook.

"Mia was upstairs..so Cora went to get her." She said as she started to sob, "WHAT?!" I yelled as my heart shattered. "We tried to stop her...s-she wouldn't listen to us." She said as they all cried. Tara was on the phone with the police, I could hear her giving them information. I felt myself losing it slowly, she was risking her life to get to the baby. What if they both got hurt? What if my world was ripped away from me again?

"Colby brother, you have to keep it together." Jake said and patted my back bringing me back to reality. "Oh my god they are coming in here." Kat whispered shakily into the phone, "calm down baby, is the door locked?" He asked and played with his hair anxiously, "no! Cora told us to but we couldn't lock her out!" She whisper yelled as she sobbed. We could hear footsteps approaching the door as we all hovered closer to the phone. They got really close to the door then they quickly ran away almost as if something distracted them...or someone distracted them.

"Oh god baby girl please be safe." I whispered and out my hands over my face.

"The cops are on their way.." Tara said as Kat sobbed. "I'm calling Kevin." Corey said and got up. "Lock the door Katrina. Cora is smart enough to not carry Mia into danger." Sam said and looked at me, he was right. She would risk her life a hundred times if it meant Mia was safe.

After a few minutes we heard loud bangs causing the girls to scream and cry. "What happened?!" Sam yelled and stood up, bringing his hands to his head, "they have a gun!" Kat sobbed out as the emptiness in my chest grew, the only way they could know they had a gun is if someone was being shot at. I prayed to God it was the police shooting at the intruders.

"Are the police there yet?" Jake asked, probably thinking the same thing as me. "No they're like 5 minutes away." Tara said making my heart sink.

Kat was sobbing so uncontrollably that Devyn had to take over, "I locked the door, I'm sorry for letting her go upstairs alone Colby..I'm so sorry." She said as she cried, "it's okay Dev, she's stubborn, you guys didn't have a chance in convincing her. I just need everyone to pray right now." I said and wiped my cheeks.

"The baby monitor!" Kat gasped as Cora's voice came through, "it's okay sweet girl, mommy's here." Her voice was like music to my ears. She wasn't killed. She was with Mia now.

I heard her rustling around as all of us stayed silent so we could hear her. The intruders were pounding on the door, "open up bitch!! We know you saw us!" A man's voice growled. I wanted to reach my arms through the phone and kill him for talking to her like that. There was silence for a second and then there was rustling again. I heard her whisper something then close a door. What was she doing?

Just then there was a sound of the door breaking open. "We just want to talk..." a deep voice said, he didn't sound nearly as angry as the other guy but I still wanted to kill him. "I don't mean any trouble." Cora said quietly, she sounded scared but was hiding it well.

"We know you don't but I don't trust people, especially bitches like you." The first guy growled again, causing my jaw to clench. Jake put his hand on my back as we all listened intently.

After a couple seconds of silence we heard more muffled noises then the first guy yelled, "you fucking BITCH." I was losing my mind not knowing what she was doing.

That was until I heard her speak again.

"I am a new mother and I have had maybe 6 hours of sleep THIS WEEK. I will not hesitate to FUCKING SHOOT YOU BOTH. Don't fuck with me or my family." Her voice was so menacing I didn't even recognize it.

"Okay...calm down....we will leave and never come back." The nicer sounding guy said causing Cora to chuckle, "you see you put my kids life at risk and that's not gonna fly with me. Now either sit down and shut the fuck up or I'll make you."

Holy shit.

My eyebrows shot up to my hairline listening to her. Sam, Jake, and Corey each had the same expression as me.

There was a lot of silence before I heard the police officers arresting the intruders. I heard Cora's sobs as Katrina finally spoke, "do you think it's safe?" She asked, "thanks to Cora, yeah." Tara said in disbelief.

We all were stunned into silence after hearing what went down.

Fearlessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें