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When we got home Katrina and Devyn were standing in the living room filming some tik toks, "hey-can you guys do ANYTHING without making a mess?" Kat asked as Colby and I just smiled at them. I reached my hand up and wiped off some of the frosting that was still in Colby's hair and laughed, "no, we really can't but we have fun at least." I said and stuck my tongue out. "Well go shower and then come back down here we have things to discuss." Kat said and shooed us away before turning back to her phone. "Yes ma'am." I said and turned to the stairs. Colby followed me upstairs with Mia in his arms, "I'm gonna shower." I said and kissed Colby's cheek, "okay see you in a minute." He said then went into the nursery.

When I got into the shower I felt happy. I felt like I was on the top of the world, and I was lucky for that. The raincloud above my head was still there, I don't think it would ever go away, but it hasn't caused me to spiral recently. I was truly happy for the first time in a long time, and I never wanted it to end. I didn't want anyone to come and fuck it up.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone putting their hands on my hips causing me to shriek and turn around, "sh, it's just me." Colby said lowly and pulled me to him by my hips, "what are you doing in here?" I whispered but wrapped my arms around his neck, tangling my fingers through his hair. "Needed to shower." He said and pressed me against the wall before kissing me. I moaned against his lips and grabbed a handful of his hair. "We can't." I whispered as he kissed my neck, "we can't what?" He asked in between kissed, "do this." I gasped out as he pressed me into the wall more. "Why not?" He mumbled against my skin, "the girls are waiting for us." I wimpered and held onto his hair, "they can wait." He growled.

30 glorious minutes later we were getting out of the shower, "I'm gonna get teased." I whined as he handed me a towel, "let them tease, that was fun." He said and kissed my cheek before turning to go into the bedroom. I sighed and brushed my hair out looking at myself in the mirror. I smiled at the reflection. I looked actually happy, which was something I rarely saw. I slipped on the clothes I brought into the bathroom and went into the bedroom. "I'll meet you downstairs babe." I said and left the room, stopping by the nursery and checking on Mia before I went.

As soon as I got down there Kat was laughing at me, "took you long enough!!" She yelled and I blushed, covering my face. "I had to shower, I told you!" I said and picked up one of the cookies Devyn was making, "I thought you said you would only eat salads until the wedding?" Devyn asked and squinted at me, "yeah that was until I ate a salad with raw chicken juice on it." I said coyly and went to grab a bottle of water. "What did you guys need to discuss?" I asked and Kat perked up, "oh!! TARA." She yelled then jumped up to sit on the counter as Tara jogged in, "are the rabbits done?" She asked and looked at me as I rolled my eyes, "you guys are horrible." I said and sat down.

"We need to plan your bachelorette party, and also we have to shop for our dresses, and we have to pick out flowers and oh! do the menu for th-" Kat started but I stopped her, "One thing at a time Kat, you're giving me a stress headache." I said and pinched the bridge of my nose. She giggled, "sorry, okay so..." she said and pulled out her notebook, "you have an alteration in a week for your dress, so we can go shopping for our dresses that day if you want." I smiled at how organized she was being with all of this, "that sounds good to me, okay what's next?" I asked and took a sip of my water,

"bachelorette party. We can stay here and do something or we can go somewhere, it doesn't matter to me." She said and twirled the pen in her hand, "I don't really wanna leave Mia so maybe something here would be good." I said and she wrote that down, "like what?" She asked and I looked at Devyn and Tara for suggestions, "we can do an at home spa or something..like hire massage therapists and do at home face masks?" Devyn suggested, "OR we can get strippers.." Tara said and I shook my head, "Okay I like the spa idea, but hate the stripper idea." I said and smirked at Tara, "damn it I tried." She said and sat down, taking a bite out of a cookie.

"You tried what?" Jake asked as he came into the kitchen with Colby, "she tried to get Cora strippers." Kat said with a laugh, "nope. Not allowing that one." Colby said and pulled me into him, "I already vetoed it, don't worry," I said and leaned my head back into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Okay what's next?" I asked and looked at Kat, "ummmm, flowers and decorations, when can we do that?" She asked and I thought for a second, "did you want to be a part of that?" I asked and looked up at Colby, "I feel like that's more your speed, I won't be looking at the flowers anyways, especially when you're in the room." He said causing Jake and Tara to start fake gagging and coughing.

"You guys are so annoying." Colby said and leaned forwards to grab the roll of paper towels to throw at Jake. "Hey! At least we aren't a walking hallmark movie!" Jake yelled and threw his full water bottle at Colby, except he missed Colby and hit me square in the face with it.

"Ow!" I hissed and glared at Jake playfully, "whoops sorry Cora!" He yelled as Colby picked the water bottle up and chucked it at him, effectively hitting his head with it. "I would say revenge has been served, you're forgiven." I said and looked up at Colby giving him a smile. He leaned down and kissed my nose, right where Jake hit it.

"Alright, yeah I'm team Jake and Tara on this one, you guys are too cute it's actually gross." Kat said with a laugh, "whatever! Let's do flower arrangements in like 3 weeks, I'm not that pressed about them. We do however need to rent the venue out." I said and folded my arms around Colby's as he rested his chin on my head.

We had chosen a venue in the mountains, which had 2 cabins for us to stay for the weekend, one would be for Colby Mia and I, and the other would be for the Taphouse and the krac house. There were other cabins on the mountain that guests could rent if they wanted to. We would be getting married in the most beautiful stop imaginable, and I couldn't wait.

"Did you talk to Shelby about taking our wedding pictures?" I asked Colby and he nodded, "yeah she already agreed." He said and I smiled.

The wedding was coming together so well that I was almost in shock. I just couldn't wait for the best day of my life to come.

I still couldn't believe I was marrying my best friend.

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