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Mia and I hung out for a while until she fell asleep, in all honesty I wanted to sleep too. I was exhausted, but I was going to wait for Colby, just so I could know he was safe and okay.

My phone started ringing after I finished my second movie, "hey Sam, what's up?" I asked and turned the tv down, "hey, can you come pick Colby up?" He asked and I furrowed my brow. "He's supposed to take an uber.." I said and my heart stopped, "oh my god is he okay?" I asked as my hand flew to my chest. "He's fine, I caught him trying to drive. He's way too drunk for that and honestly I am too, otherwise I would take him to you." I sucked in a breath at the idea of Colby wanting to drive drunk.

I was going to kill him.

"Yeah, I'll be there soon, give him some water please." I said and hung up so I could get Mia up. She started crying as soon as I lifted her up, "I'm sorry sweetie, daddy almost did something very dumb so we have to go get him." I said and bounced her, trying to get her to stop crying.

My mind was racing. What if Sam didn't see him get in the car. What if he actually tried to drive drunk? What would cause him to even do that? He knew better. He knew he needed to call an uber. I was seriously going to kill this man.

Once Mia stopped crying I grabbed my keys and raced down to my car. I couldn't even think straight as I drove through the city, keeping my focus on getting to him. He might have been a dead man walking but I still needed to know if he was okay.

I pulled into the driveway and saw him and Sam sitting outside. "What the FUCK Colby." I yelled and stormed up to him. I didn't even bother taking Mia out of her car seat, since she was sleeping now and we were just going to get back in the car in a minute.
"I'm so sorry Cora." He said and let his head hang low.

"You fucking better be! What were you thinking?!" I yelled and clenched my jaw, trying to keep it together. People were starting to stare at us, "I wasn't going to drive. I was going to put on some music and sober up, then drive." He said and I shook my head, "bullshit!!" I yelled and he flinched back slightly, "you shouldn't have even gotten in the car with the keys, Cole!" I said and crossed my arms, feeling the hysterics boil within me.

"I know...I know. I'll explain everything please just believe me. I wasn't thinking straight." He said and took a step towards me but I stepped back, "which one is it?! You got in the car but you weren't going to drive? Or that you weren't thinking straight?!" I yelled as Sam stepped up and put his hand on my arm, "Let him explain. He told me everything, just let him explain." Sam said and I let out a breath. My hands were shaking really bad right now, which wasn't good.

"Baby please relax, I'll explain it all to you, I was dumb. I'll admit it. But baby girl please calm down." Colby said and took a step towards me again, this time reaching for my shaking hands. "You can't do that Colby..you can't scare me like that." I said quietly feeling the anger die down a little.

"I'm so sorry....baby girl I'm sorry." He said and pulled me into him. I couldn't help but let my body collapse into his, no matter how mad I was at him. I was more scared of losing him than anything. Being in his arms was the biggest blessing right now.

"I only planned on drinking a couple drinks but things escalated. A bunch of girls kept coming up and tried to flirt with me." He said and I stiffened, "I was so drunk that I would catch myself starting to flirt back but before I could say anything I thought about you and Mia." He said and I closed my eyes, keeping the tears in.

"Even wasted I only wanted you." He said and pulled me closer. "I needed to get out of here, I needed to get back to you guys. I went to call an uber but some girl stopped me and tried to make out with me, I wasn't thinking straight I thought I didn't have time to call an Uber. I just had to get back to my girls." He said and I pulled away from him, "so you didn't lay a hand on anyone else? Or kiss anyone?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No. I couldn't do that. I didn't want to do that. You're the only one I want." He said and I shook my head,

"You can't scare me like that! You can't do that. Do you know how scared I was, Colby? You should have called me." I said and stepped away from him, wiping the fresh tears from my cheeks. "I know. I seriously wasn't going to drive right away. I was going to just hide out in my car until I was sober enough. All Sam saw was me getting in the car and starting it. It looked really bad." He said and I shook my head. "It is really bad Colby. Like...really bad." I admitted, shaking my head at him with anger flooding my eyes again.

I had the thought to leave him here to sleep in our room while I went back to the hotel. I thought about picking an even bigger fight, and yelling and screaming. I thought about doing a lot of things but instead I just turned around and walked to the car without saying another word and got in the drivers seat. "Cora..." Colby said and started going after me but Sam held him back as I closed the door to the car.

I felt the hysterics finally boil over as I sobbed. I tried to keep it quiet so I wouldn't wake Mia up but I was losing it.

Even the thought of losing Colby tonight had me losing my mind. I pulled my legs up to my chest and rested my knees on the steering wheel as I just sobbed into them.

Colby eventually opened the door and pulled me out of the car, holding me against him as he sat us down on the concrete. "I'm so sorry." He whispered and kissed my head as I just smacked his chest.

"I can't lose you." I wimpered as all the anger finally boiled away. I let myself break down. "I won't do anything like that again. I promise with my whole heart." He said quietly as I continued to smack his chest, gasping for air. "Breathe for me baby girl, I'm right here. I didn't go anywhere. I'm here." He whispered and kissed my head repeatedly. I couldn't even respond as I clung to him, I was just glad he was okay.

I'm not sure how long it took for me to calm down, but I was exhausted. I felt like my soul had left my body. I just felt like an empty mold as I stood up.

"Are you okay to drive?" Colby asked me and I just nodded, "you're not driving." I said quietly and he nodded, opening the car door for me. I wasn't angry or upset anymore. I was just grateful.

I was grateful he was alive. I was grateful he had Sam watching out for him. I was grateful Sam called me instead of leaving me in the dark.

I was just grateful.

And I was still happy.

Just tired now.

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