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"You-you're...it's...oh my god" Colby said in a panic as I stood there staring at him, he started to hyperventilate as his hands shot to his head, "HEY. You calm down right now because if you panic or pass out then I'M going to panic or pass out! Get it together." I said and clapped in his face once. He nodded and grabbed my hands, "you're right, you pack the bag I'm gonna go wake everyone up, I'll come back up here to get you. You gonna be okay?" He asked and I nodded, "we need to time the contractions." I said and slowly made my way to the bedroom.

There's a common misconception when it comes to child birth. Everyone thinks that once the water is broken, the baby is coming immediately. Thats not the case. I could be in labor for hours, or possibly days, it all depends. "Okay, let me get my phone." He said as he led me to the bed. I felt another contraction coming on and scrunched my face at the pain, it wasn't too bad but I tried to count in my head to time it. My guess was about 30 seconds long. "You good?" Colby asked and crouched in front of me, I nodded, "I'm good, go wake everyone so we can go to the hospital." I said as he nodded, "we're gonna meet her today." He whispered and kissed my forehead before getting up and running down the stairs. I could hear him yelling as I stood up, "EVERYONE GET UP!! CORA WENT INTO LABOR!!" He yelled and pounded on doors as I laughed to myself.

I carried Colby's phone around as I started packing a bag for the hospital. Usually this stuff is done before you go but Mia decided to make an early appearance, not really giving us an option to pack. "CORA!!!" Kat yelled as she ran into the room, "hey." I breathed out feeling another contraction coming on.

Okay ten minutes apart, 30 seconds long.

"Ooo" I breathed out as she came up to me, "breathe it out girl." She said and grabbed my hand. "Okayyy." I said sighing with relief when it was over. "What can I do?" She asked and grabbed the bag that was in my hand, "um...an overnight bag. Stuff for Colby and I, and a blanket. I want my good blanket, and...oh shit...um..toothpaste, oh my god pads!" I breathed out and sat on the bed. "Overnight bag. Got it, don't stress, DEVYN. TARA." She yelled and I heard footsteps come up the stairs. "Oh my gooood!" Tara yelled as she looked at me. "Hi." I said quietly and waved as I rubbed my belly with my hand. "What can we do?" Devyn said and I giggled, "can one of you help me get changed and can the other...clean that up maybe? You don't have to. I just don't want the floors to be ruined." I said and pointed to the bathroom, where my water had broken.

"Dibs on helping her get changed!" Tara said and Devyn gasped, "fine, I'll clean up her fluids because I love her more than you." She said and stuck her tongue out, before leaving the room. She almost ran into a frantic Colby who was running into the room, "hey." I said casually and looked at him, "you're incredible." He said as Tara helped me up, "hold on." I said and felt another contraction. They weren't growing in intensity yet which meant I still had a while to go. I felt Colby grab my hand as I closed my eyes, "okay, did you call the hospital?" I asked Colby as he and Tara led me to the closet to get changed out of my wet pants. "Sam is doing that right now, your dad is pulling the car up closer to the door, my parents are crying from excitement. I have no idea what Jake and Corey are doing but I'm sure it's not helpful." He said with a laugh as Tara giggled, "I would love to argue with you about that but they are probably still in bed." She said and grabbed two pairs of pants, "which ones?" She asked and I frowned, "neither, I want Colby's black sweatpants..they are over there." I said and pointed to where they were.

"Hold on, she needs this!" Kat said and passed Tara a pad, "thank you, I totally forgot about that." I said as Tara grabbed me some new underwear.

Everything was so hectic but also calm. Kat ran around collecting things as Colby and Tara helped me get changed, Devyn cleaned up the mess in the bathroom. Sam came through the door and smiled at me, "how you holding up kiddo?" He asked and rubbed my back as I sat on the bed again. "Oh ya know, just having a baby." I said with a giggle. "I'm surprised you're acting so calm, I expected this one to be on the floor." He said and pointed to Colby. "I yelled at him." I said and smirked, "and I'm calm on the outside but I'm nervous on the inside..she's so early. Did you tell the hospital that? Is Claire gonna be there, oh god she better be there." I said getting slightly worked up, "okay miss calm on the outside, I told them you're a month early, and she said your OBGYN should be there. Don't worry about a thing." I nodded and grabbed his hand giving it a squeeze, "thank you." He nodded, "you're welcome, let's get you to the hospital, yeah?" I nodded.

Sam and Colby helped me down the stairs where Colby's parents and my dad were anxiously waiting, "hi guys." I said and smiled as another contraction hit. I stalled on the stairs causing both of the boys to stop with me. Colby rubbed my back and I breathed out. "You're so strong baby." He whispered and I nodded, "I'm good, hi guys." I tried again as Mrs. Brock reached out to hug me. "Hey sweetie, how are you feeling? Have you been timing the contractions?" She asked and I nodded, "ten minutes apart, about 30 seconds long." She nodded, "okay, you still got a long ways to go, are you excited?" She asked and I nodded, "more nervous right now, but yes." I said and looked at my dad, he had tears in his eyes as he watched me.

"When did you get so grown up?" He asked and took me into his arms, I giggled and shook my head, "no idea, you ready for this though grandpa?" I asked and looked up at him. "More ready than I ever have been." He said and kissed my head, "okay, time for you to go, I'll see you at the hospital later." He then passed me back to Sam and Colby who helped me get to the car.

"WAIT!" Jake yelled as he and Corey ran in with a bunch of plastic bags. "What is this?" Colby asked with a laugh, "we made you some labor snacks, because we know you love snacking." He said and handed Colby the bags, "oh..thanks guys." I said and smiled, "can you even eat while in labor?" Sam asked and I bit my lip, "if I want an epidural then no, but I'll surely be hungry after she's born...so thank you." I said and hugged each of them, getting a little teary eyed. "Okay...I'll see you guys later I guess." I said quietly as Colby wrapped his arm around me. "We love you!!!" Everyone yelled and waved as Sam and Colby got me to the car.

"I'll meet you guys at the hospital later, good luck!" Sam said and put our bag in the back seat. "Thank you, love you." I said and held onto the handle of the car as another contraction came, "fuck." I hissed as Colby grabbed my hand. "You're doing great." He cooed and rubbed my hand as the contraction passed, "you ready?" I looked over at him and he smiled.

"Let's do this."

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