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"Oh my god!! What happened?!" I yelled as Colby ran to his side. "I don't know! I went to go get some water and I came back to him on the floor like this! I think he fell..oh my god. Is he breathing?!" She yelled frantically as I ran up to hug her, she was shaking so bad as she cried hysterically.

"Sam! SAM!" Colby yelled and shook him but he didn't respond, "call 911!" He yelled up at me. I nodded and pulled my phone out but Kat grabbed it from me and dialed the number.

"Colby is he breathing?!" I yelled and knelt down next to him, putting my hand under his nose to check, "he's breathing..." I said quietly as Kat yelled on the phone.

Sam started groaning and moving around trying to sit up, "woah, brother lay down. You hit your head pretty hard." Colby said and pressed on his shoulders to have him lay down. Sam laid back down for a second as Colby patted his chest, "you're gonna be alright." Colby said as he breathed out. Sam then started trying to get up again but Colby held him down, "dude! Just stay still!" Colby yelled as Sam mumbled stuff, "I have to tell them.." he said closing his eyes, "what?" I asked and helped Colby try to calm him down, "I have to tell them...that this is all a prank and that they should sleep with one eye open." Sam mumbled as he opened his eyes and smiled at us. I felt both relief and anger flood through my body, "dude.." Colby breathed out and brought his hand to his forehead.

"WELCOME TO THE PRANK WARS BROTHERRRRRSSS!" He yelled as Kat let out a loud laugh. Deep down I thought it was funny, but in this moment I was angry at them for scaring me so bad.

I already wanted revenge.

"That's fucked up." I said quietly and stood up, storming out of the room. "Cora wait!" Sam and Kat both yelled as they rushed after me, "No! Fuck you guys!! You really thought it would be funny to pretend to hurt yourself when we have been through so much!?" I yelled and gestured between Colby and I as I forced tears to fill my eyes.

"Cora...we didn't mean to hurt you." Kat said and took a step forwards, but I took a step back, "no! That's fucked up. Do me a favor and don't talk to me for a while. I've been through enough. I don't need fake injuries added to the mix." I hissed out, my voice full of venom.

Colby leaned against the door frame and just watched me intently as I turned on my heel and started for the stairs. "Cora! No! I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry that was really inconsiderate." Sam said and grabbed my wrist, stopping me from going any further. "Fuck off Sam! I'm not even mad! I'm just trying to prank you back!" I yelled and cracked a smile as Colby chuckled, "I knew it." He said with a nod, almost proud of himself.

"W-what?" Sam asked in shock as I laughed, "I'm mad but I'm not like that mad..just sleep with one eye open, yeah?" I asked and crossed my arms as Kat
laughed, "you're such a bitch!" She yelled and hugged me. "I'm not the one who pulled a prank on their very fragile friend who has PTSD." I said and winked. "So you don't want to be in the prank war?" Sam asked and I laughed, "no I do, I'm prepared for it now." I said and looked over at Colby. He smiled and walked over to me as I held my hand out for him to grab.

"Just remember this moment when I absolutely destroy all of you." I said and led Colby back up the stairs. I heard Colby chuckle as Sam and Kat stayed silent, I glanced back to see them just staring at me with dumbfounded expressions. I chuckled to myself and turned back around.

Once we got to the bedroom Colby picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, "what are you doing!?" I yelled and giggled, "you're so HOT!" He yelled and smacked my ass, "STOP. Put me down, Brock." I said and slapped his back a couple times until loosened his grip, letting my body slide down his front. Once I was back on my feet he kissed me, pulling my hips against his as a small groan left his lips.

I pulled away and scrunched my nose at him, "how did you know?" I asked causing him to furrow his brow, "know what?" He asked and brushed my hair behind my ear. "That I wasn't really mad at them or wasn't really freaking out." I said and stepped away from him to go get changed, "oh, when you're really mad you use peoples real names. And when you're fake mad you use their last names or their nicknames." He said causing me to smirk as I pulled the shirt I was wearing off, "very smart Brock, very smart." I said and turned around to wink at him. He was admiring me causing me to laugh, "eyes up here babe." I said with a wink as he laughed.

"How are we going to prank them back?" Colby asked as I pulled one of his hoodies on. "Don't know yet, but it's gonna be better than what they just did that's for sure." I said and jumped onto the bed. "Let's plot." He said and plopped down next to me.

We decided we were going to take all the furniture out of their room and put it on the roof. They were going to be out of the house tomorrow so it was the perfect opportunity

As soon as we were done plotting I got up and went out to the balcony to sit and get some fresh air as Colby went downstairs to tell Corey and Jake our plan for the prank since we would definitely need their help.

I pulled my knees to my chest and just took in my surroundings, everything was so quiet. Nobody was swimming and it was even a little bit cold out since the sun had gone down.

I started to think about Mia's first Thanksgiving and Christmas. I never really put a lot of thought into the holidays but this year it was going to be different, everything changes when you have a kid. Some things for better and other things for worse.

"Want me to join you?" Colby's soft voice sounded from the doorway, "I'd love that." I said as he walked out and sat next to me. He pulled my legs up so they would sit in his lap as he settled in, "what were you thinking of?" He asked and I smiled, "Mia's first Thanksgiving..it's coming up." I said quietly and bundled my sleeves into my hands.

"Yeah, I think I want to fly our parents out for it. Maybe your dad could bring Michelle and we could meet her then." He suggested and I nodded, "That sounds like a great idea. She might not come though because she has a daughter." I said and he nodded, "we can still ask though." He said and grabbed my hand.

"I can't believe how grown up we have become...it's only been over a year and we have grown so much. I'm proud of us." I said and squeezed his hand, looking up at the stars. "I think we bring out the best in eachother. We also had to grow up pretty fast once you found out you were pregnant but I wouldn't change anything for the world. I love you and I love our little family. I'm glad we grew up." He said and massaged my legs, "I am too, but like...we are still the coolest parents like Mia's friends are always gonna want to come to our house. That's a fact." I said with a laugh. "You're right babe, you're so right." He said and leaned over to kiss my head.

We spent the rest of the night watching the stars and talking.

We eventually had to go in when Mia started crying but I loved lowkey nights like tonight where we just got to talk and relax.

Those were my favorite kind of nights.

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