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We eventually got out of the pool and decided to dry off by laying in the grass and watching the stars. My mind drifted off as we silently laid next to eachother, I remember the first time I talked about Colby to my dad, and he told me to be careful who I gave my heart to. I thought about how close they were now, and how my dad had given his blessing to Colby after meeting him a few months prior. I was so lucky. Not many people got the kind of love Colby and I have, I would do anything for him and he would do anything for me.

"What are you thinking about love?" Colby asked and reached over to lace my fingers through his, "you." I said quietly and looked over at him. "I hope good things." He said and squeezed my hand, "you know they were good things." I said and rolled my eyes playfully.

We sat and talked for a while before the back door swung open loudly, causing me to jump. Mia was screaming the loudest she had ever screamed before in Kat's arms. "What's going on?!" I yelled and got up rushing over, "I think somethings wrong!" She yelled tearfully as Colby grabbed Mia from her.

Colby could almost always calm her down, even when I couldn't but she screamed just as loud in his arms, "shhh it's okay princess." He murmured and rocked her giving me worried eyes. I watched in horror, not really knowing how to help. "Kat what happened?" I asked and kept my eyes on Mia as she sobbed and screamed, looking at me. It was almost like she was begging for help which caused my heart to break in two. "She was doing great! Then all the sudden she started to scream so I checked her diaper, it was fine. I had fed and burped her only an hour ago, so she wasn't hungry, and nothing I was doing was working, not even the lullaby.." she said quickly.

There was something wrong. I felt it in my gut. Something was wrong. "We have to go to the hospital." I breathed out and grabbed Mia's hand, trying to give her some comfort, "should we try to just wait it out?" Colby asked as he rocked and bounced her, "no. Something's wrong." I said and turned to run inside. I could feel the fear boiling up inside me as I ran up the stairs. I grabbed the baby thermometer and ran back down.

Colby was holding her close to his chest as I ran over with the thermometer, she was sobbing uncontrollably making my heart twist in my chest, "it okay sweet girl, it's okay." I whispered and brought the thermometer to her head. "Shit." I hissed when it read 103.4 "she's got a really high fever...like-" I was interrupted by Mia suddenly going silent. Her body went limp as she started to twitch "OH SHIT!" I yelled as Colby looked at me with wide eyes, "I'll call an ambulance!" Kat yelled but I shook my head, "we don't have time!! GET IN THE CAR NOW." I yelled and snatched my keys up from the table.

Colby bolted to the car with Mia in his arms and started buckling her into her seat, "WE DON'T HAVE TIME!" I yelled and pushed him so that he would just get in the passengers seat, holding her.

It wasn't the safest but she needed to be seen as soon as humanly possible. I slammed the back door closed and ran to the drivers seat. Mia started to cry loudly again as Colby tried to comfort her, "it's okay princess, we are going to help you. You're okay." He whispered and held her closely as I zoomed through the streets of LA. I probably wasn't in the best mind set to be driving, especially with our baby not being in a car seat at the moment but I was laser focused, with only one thought on my mind. Getting her help.

As we pulled up to the ER I pulled the car up to the curb not even caring about it being legal or not, I got out of the car as Colby did. "Ma'am you can't-" the security guard started but I shook my head, "I don't give a FUCK IF I CAN OR CANT PARK HERE, IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM MOVE IT." I yelled and pushed them out of the way, throwing my keys behind me. I didn't care about anything as I jogged to Colby who was racing to the front desk. Mia was still screaming.

"There's something wrong with my daughter I need her to be seen NOW." Colby demanded to the nurse at the desk, "what's the problem?" She asked calmly, "high fever. She lost consciousness. I think she had a seizure, please help her." I begged and she nodded, "fill out this pap-" I shook my head feeling the anger boil up, "FUCK THE PAPERWORK. Help my daughter!" I yelled and she nodded sympathetically.

A nurse came and collected her from us but turned when we went to follow her, "you guys have to wait here, I'll keep you updated." When she said that I felt my heart break, "please..." I whispered as Colby wrapped his arms around me, "I'm sorry." She said and turned to bring her to the back.

"It's okay baby girl...its okay." Colby said as he hugged me. I could feel him shaking as he held me, he was scared too.

We waited silently for about 45 minutes. Colby kept his arms wrapped around me the entire time, "she's gonna be okay baby girl." He murmured against my hair as the nurse came into the waiting room, holding Mia. I bolted up and ran to her, "woah! She's okay! She got a pretty bad fever which spiked so fast it sent her tiny body into shock, we already got the fever down though. This is pretty normal with babies, but I understand your fear. She's gonna be okay though." The nurse said which sent relief flooding through my body.

"You scared me little girl." I said and pulled her into my arms. She cooed at Colby and I again, sending a wave of warmth through my heart. "Her fever might come back and she will be pretty upset again, but just try giving her a cold bath, and stay calm, she's gonna be okay. Any questions?" She asked and I shook my head, "thank you for helping her so quickly." Colby said and held Mia's hand in his fingers, "it's not a problem. Just give us a call if you need to." She said then walked away. "You feeling a little better love?" I asked Mia and bounced her. Her eyes were barely open as she cooed, meaning she was probably going to sleep well tonight.

When we got outside I found the security guard that I had yelled at, "hi...I'm so sorry for yelling at you..I'm not usually like that.." I said shyly as he laughed, "it's okay, your baby was in trouble. I understand." He said and handed me my keys, "I parked it over there in that parking lot." He said and and pointed, "thank you." I murmured then felt Colby press his hand on my lower back.

The drive home was much more calm that the drive to the hospital. "I can't believe that happened." I breathed out and turned into our driveway, "I can't believe how quickly she was treated," Colby said. "I'm sorry our date was kind of ruined..." he smiled at me, "it wasn't ruined. It just showed me once again how amazing of a mom you are and honestly how sexy it is when you yell at people." He said and I blushed as we made our way inside.

Sam and Kat ran up to us with concern flooding their faces, "she's okay, she got a fever, it spiked so bad her body went into shock, it might come back later tonight but she's fine." Colby said as I smiled at them. They were really like her second set of parents sometimes, "I'm glad she's okay, that was scary." Kat said and Colby chuckled, "not as scary as Cora yelling at everyone." He said making me smack his arm, "you just said it was sexy..." I said and he smirked, "well yeah, but not to these guys." He said and Sam nodded, "nope, not sexy just horrifying, I never want to be on your bad side." He said and laughed. "Oh whatever I'm gonna take Mia up to bed." I said and started for the stairs.

Once she was settled in I heard Colby join me in the nursery, "I really meant it." He said quietly, causing me to look at him with confusion, "what?" I asked, "I meant it when I said that you are the best mom. Like I don't even know if my own mom is as good as you, and I'm a momma's boy." He said and I laughed, "shut up, you're mom is wayyyy better than I'll ever be." I said and he shook his head, "I don't think my mom ever yelled at a security guard over me." He said lowly and I smirked, "I'm the definition of a mama bear I think." I said and opened the door so we could let Mia sleep peacefully.

"God, I'm so in love with you." Colby said quietly as I closed the door to the bedroom, "and I'm in love with you. Thank you for the amazing dinner, and for throwing me into the pool, and for dancing with me, and for being the best dad ever." I said lowly as he wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my neck. I smirked knowing what was going to happen next.

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