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"Are you sure you're okay with us having a party tonight?" Sam asked as he took our pizza out of the oven, I took a sip of water and nodded, "yeah I don't see why it would be a problem." I shrugged, "well...you're pregnant and there's gonna be a bunch of drunk idiots running around not to mention the amount of alcohol that's gonna be around, and I know you don't really like parties since th-" Kat started but I sighed, interrupting her, "I'm sure it will be fine guys. If it gets to be too much I'll just go up to my room, it's not a big deal. really." I said and smiled at both of them. "Ooookay." Sam said and put a piece of pizza in front of me.

"Hey guys, Jake wants to show you guys something." Colby said and kissed my head before grabbing a slice of pizza, "shit! That's hot." He yelled and dropped it on the counter, "sorry brother it just came out of the oven." Sam laughed out as Jake ran in, "dude! Did you tell them to come!?" Colby rolled his eyes, "brother relax I told them like 2 seconds ago." He said with a laugh.

"You guys are so SLOW. Come on." Jake groaned and pulled Kat and I out of our chairs, "ouch! Jake let go!" I yelped and pulled my arm back. "Well then hurry up" he said and power walked outside.

"This better be the best thing I have ever seen." Kat mumbled as Sam and Colby followed us. "It is. I swear." Jake said and gestured to the pool which was now filled with bubbles, there were lights surrounding the bar and a giant inflatable bouncy house was in the yard, "this is what you pulled us out here for?" I asked and he had a goofy grin, "yes! Isn't it great!" He yelled and I smiled sympathetically, "yes Jake, it's really really cool, can I go back to my pizza now?" I said and scrunched my face at the bubbles in the pool,

"Jake did you put soap in the pool?" Sam asked and Jake sheepishly looked away, "maybe." He said as Colby groaned, "dude you're gonna ruin the pool." He said and rubbed his eyes. "No! It's like pool safe soap!" He yelled and ran to get the bottle.

He came back and showed us and it in fact was safe for pools, "well I'll be damned, Jake actually read the bottle." Sam said and grabbed it to examine the label.

"Great, I'm gonna go back to my pizza." Kat said and turned to walk away, "it looks great, Jake. I think everyone's gonna have fun." I said and turned to follow her. Colby followed closely behind, "when are people showing up?" I asked as we sat back in our seats. "I think we told everyone 8 but word travels around LA in weird ways so people could show up at any time." He shrugged, "okay, so I should get ready?" I asked and he smiled, "whatever you want to do, I think you look good already." He said and kissed my temple. I was literally just in sweats with my hair messily piled on my head, "you're such a liar." I laughed out and took a bite of pizza as someone knocked on the door. I looked at the clock and it only read 6.

"HEYYOOOOOO" Kevin bellowed as he came through the door, "hey kev." Colby said as he came into the kitchen, "how are my favorite people doing!" He yelled and put a case of white claws on the counter. "I think we have been doing pretty good." I said and smiled up at Colby.

We hadn't told anyone else about our engagement because we wanted people to find out in person. Aryia, Reggie, and Cassie came in a couple minutes later all with smiles on their face, we all greeted eachother before I looked at Colby, "Wanna tell them or should I?" I said quietly as the four of them just stared at me, "go ahead." Colby said with a small smile, I just smiled and held my left hand up, "oh my GOD!" Kevin yelled and squeezed me, "congratulations!" Cassie yelled and hugged me, her and Reggie just moved here recently so I haven't really gotten to know them all that well but they seemed so excited for us.

"I can't believe Colby is really ready to settle down." Aryia said with amazement as Colby slapped his arm. "What?! I just never thought you would be the first." He said and shrugged.

We all sat around talking for a little bit before I decided I really needed to get ready and look a little more presentable. It made me feel a little uncomfortable because I was pregnant and usually you wouldn't see a pregnant girl at these kinds of parties but I couldn't really help it now could I?

"Hey baby girl," Colby said and came into our room as I finished curling my hair, "hey," I said and turned my head to kiss him, "are you sure you're going to be okay tonight? We can jus-" I shook my head, "I don't know why everyone is freaking out, I'll be okay." I said and held my hands out so he could help me up. "It's just not the most comfortable scene for you to be in, I don't know.. we just worry because we care about you a lot." He said and I nodded, "I know. And I'm really grateful, I'll let you know if I can't handle it anymore." I said quietly and put my hand on his cheek. "Okay, you have to promise though," he said and I nodded holding my pinky out to him. He smiled and linked his through my own.

The house filled up quickly with people and I would be lying if I said it wasn't a little overwhelming. Was I really ready for this? I saw a lot of LA girls with judgey faces, eyeing me up and down, even when my arm was linked around Colby's. I could feel people judging and staring at me. I made sure I never even held a red cup, not taking a single drink from anything out of fear that someone would say or do something to make me or Colby look bad.

I broke off from him for a little while, and found myself outside talking to Kat and Tara, "okay but hear me out, you name the baby Taratrina, it's like the perfect name." Tara said causing me to giggle, "that's the worst name I have ever heard." I said and rubbed my forehead, they were both extremely drunk and were acting goofy which was entertaining but I wanted to go up to my room at this point, the music was making my head start to hurt.

"I'm gonna go to bed now, you guys have fun okay?!" I yelled over the music and they both frowned, "okay!! Goodnight I looooove you!" Katrina yelled sloppily and hugged me, "promise me you'll think about it! Taratrina!" Tara yelled and hugged me. "I'll think about it." I said then went off to find Colby,

"Hey beautiful girl!" He yelled drunkinly as he swayed to the music, "I'm going to bed!" I yelled and he just nodded, "okay! Bye!" He yelled then turned around, basically ignoring me. I frowned and stood there, "what?" He asked when Sam pointed to me, "nothing. Forget about it." I sighed out and turned to walk away. He didn't stop me as I made my way through the crowd. I tried not to let it bother me because he was drunk and having fun, but it hurt a little that he didn't even kiss me or really even acknowledge me. I walked up the stairs and wiped my cheeks of the fresh tears that had seeped from my eyes.

When I got upstairs it was sufficiently quieter causing me to breathe a sigh of relief as the pressure in my head let up slightly. I decided to not bring up how he made me feel since he was just trying to have fun, he didn't mean anything by it and I was just being dramatic.

As I washed my face I heard someone open the bedroom door, "Colby, if you came up here to talk to me about what happened, I'm not mad." I said as the door closed again,

"It's not Colby." A familiar voice said that sent chills down my spine.

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