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I walked to the couch in our room as I held Mia to me tightly. I couldn't stop the tears that were flowing from my eyes, I knew it was a joke and I knew they meant no harm but that was the scariest moment of my life. The idea of someone taking Mia from me brought the biggest pain in my chest that made me feel like I was having a heart attack.

"Cor.." Colby's soft voice said as he opened the door. "Baby girl." He whispered and sat next to me. "They are really sorry Cora...they didn't mean to hurt you." He said as I leaned into him. "I know." I said and kissed Mia's head. She looked up at me with glassy eyes as she sucked on her pacifier. "I didn't expect to have this kind of reaction I...I'm not really that mad at anyone, I just...I don't know I'm freaked out." I said and wiped my tears, "I feel like I'm having a heart attack." I said with a dry chuckle as I rubbed at my chest.

"Relax, just breathe, she's right here in your arms." He cooed and positioned me so I would be laying with my head in his lap and with Mia laying on top of me.

He smoothed my hair down gently as I tried to calm down completely. It took a couple minutes but when I was finally calm I looked up at Colby, "feeling better?" He asked as he continued to play with my hair. "Yeah. I think so." I said and smirked, "wanna get them back?" I asked and he raised his brows, "how so?" He asked and I stood up with Mia still in my arms. "Follow my lead." I said and took a deep breath.

"It's honestly DISGUSTING that you're siding with them Cole!" I yelled and winked at him. "I'm not siding with anyone! I think you're overreacting though" He yelled but danced around the room goofily as he did it.

"Oh fuck you." I said then stormed out of the room and went to Mia's room. Everyone was still standing in the hallway, "holy shit.." Jake mumbled as I went into the nursery and put Mia in her crib then started viciously packing her things.

"Where the fuck are you going?!" Colby yelled and stormed into the room, "stop it Cor! We can talk this out." He said and reached for my hands to stop me from packing. "NO! I'm done. This was it. Last straw." I said and yanked my hands back as everyone gathered by the door, watching in horror. "What?" He asked with pain in his voice, which sent pain through me. It still hurt, even though we were pretending.

"I can't keep doing this." I said quietly and reached for my ring, keeping my eyes on him. "Don't do this." He whispered as I slid it off. I shook my head and set it on the dresser before continuing to pack. "Cora please...Baby girl stop." Colby begged and ran up to me. "This is over. I can't marry you, and I can't raise my daughter with you." I said coldly and turned away. The pain in my chest came back as I reminded myself of my mother.

I scooped Mia up and pushed passed everyone to get back to the bedroom, Kat stopped me though. "Cora, you need to relax. This is our fault..Colby didn't have anything to do with it." Jake said and I shook my head. "It doesn't matter. There's no fixing this." I said and snatched my arm away from Kat and went back into the bedroom. "Cora wait!" Colby yelled and followed me into the bedroom before I could close the door.

As soon as he closed the door and ran up and kissed him quickly, "you're doing great." I whispered and then went to grab my bag to fake pack. "I'm leaving Colby! I'm taking Mia and you can't fucking stop me!" I yelled and slammed the drawers closed for dramatic effect. "Don't do this." He said lowly and then looked at me, mouthing the words 'I'm sorry'.

"Don't be like your mother." He hissed causing a pain to shoot through my chest. I knew he wasn't being serious but wow that hurt.

"That's it!!" Kat yelled and slammed the door open, "you don't get to talk to her like that!! I thought you loved her! What THE FUCK is wrong with you?!" She yelled and got in Colby's face. He just stood there dumbfounded as Mia started crying, "it's okay sweetheart..it's okay. We are leaving." I said and glared at Colby as I slung my bag onto my shoulder. "Cora stop!" Sam yelled and walked up, "you know you don't want to do this." He said and I shook my head, "I have to." I said and stormed out of the room.

"I'm so sorry bro...this is my fault." Jake said to Colby as I ran down the stairs with Mia. I forced myself to cry as I pulled the front door open.

I heard footsteps following me as I walked quickly to my car. "Cora, please stop! This wasn't his fault!" Jake yelled after me as I strapped Mia into the car seat. "It was mine! I shouldn't have done it I'm sorry!" He yelled desperately as I turned. "I'm leaving Jake. It's done." I said and got into my car.

Everyone watched in horror as Colby broke down, who knew he was such an actor? I started the car and started to pull out of the driveway but before I could get to the end of it I stopped and got out.

"I forgot something." I said and looked at Colby as he wiped his fake tears away. I smirked when we made eye contact and jumped into his arms, kissing him passionately. "What the fuck?" Sam asked as Kat gasped.

"You got PRANNNKED." I said as Colby put me down on my feet. "W-what?" Jake asked as Tara's jaw dropped. "Don't fuck with me or my daughter." I said and wrapped my arms around Colby's waist. "That was so convincing!" Tara yelled and smacked my arm. "Sorry! We didn't even really plan it." I said and shrugged as Colby kissed my head.

"I'm so annoyed with you! You scared me!" Kat yelled and hit my arm, I laughed and went to the car to grab Mia, "you mess with Mia you get the wrath of  Cora." Colby said and pulled my ring out of his pocket.

Mia cooed at me as I pulled her out of her car seat, "that's true." I said and held out my left hand for him to put my ring back on. I felt naked without it to be honest.

"I knew we shouldn't have fucked with her, I don't think she's done with us yet." Tara said and smacked Jake's arm.

I just smirked and looked up at Colby, who was looking at Mia. "She's not even close." He said and Jake groaned.

"Dude Cora fucking scares me." He said making everyone laugh, "good. You should be scared." I said with a wink and went back inside.

"You're incredibly hot." Colby said as we walked into the house.

I just chuckled and grabbed his hand, "trust me. I know." I said with a smirk as we made our way into the kitchen.

Everyone was still cautiously watching me as I put Mia into her high chair,

"So! Who wants pancakes?" I asked as Colby stifled a laugh.

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