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"CORA!" Colby yelled and banged on the door. "Shit!!! Please Cora please be okay!" Sam yelled as I just stared at the shadow in front of me. I was frozen with fear.

The thing just stared at me for a minute, as everyone continued to bang on the door.

David was screaming his prayer, trying to fill the room with his words. I don't know how long I was in the room before the shadow disappeared but as soon as it was gone I unfroze. I leaned my head against the wall and heaved in a sigh of relief as my whole body shook with fear. What the fuck did Sam summon?

I was still filled with fear as the door was ripped open. "Cora!" Colby yelled and crouched in front of me, bringing both of his hands to my face, "are you okay?! Please god be okay." He said frantically and looked me up and down. I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck, hiding my face into his shoulder. "I'm okay." I whispered as David came in, chanting his prayer louder than before.

"What happened?" Colby asked and just held me to him, "I'll tell you later." I said and pulled away. "Guys we have to keep moving." Sam reminded us as David walked around the room, cleansing every corner. Colby helped me up but kept his arms tightly around me,

"I'm worried about Mia." I mumbled as he led me out of the room, "she's okay, she's safe. She's not here." He said and rubbed my arm with his hand, "I....I'm worried." I said quietly again as we walked into our bedroom, "it's okay baby girl, we are all okay." He said as we followed everyone through the room.

Once all of the rooms were cleansed we walked around the house again spraying holy water everywhere.

This is where it got intense.

Growls and screams were heard from all around us as things flew across the house. Colby tightened his grip on me and held my head against his chest as I screamed. It felt like we were in a movie, because once David was done with the final prayer everything stopped and went silent.

The air was no longer thick. It felt like when the sun shines after a long day of rain.

"Woah." Kat breathed out and looked around. Everyone just stared at David, "it's gone." He said quietly and nodded, "thank god." Colby breathed out and loosened his grip on me. "Sam?" I asked and looked over at him, "you're never doing a 3am challenge again." I said and stepped away towards him. "Deal." He said and gave me a hug.

"Okay, now that the house is blessed let's just cleanse all of you, then we will be good to go." David said with a smile and gestured for all of us to go into the living room.

I laced my fingers through Colby's as the image of the shadow plagued my mind, causing my hands to shake. "You're okay." Colby cooed and led the way as he caressed his thumb along the back of my hand.

We took turns getting blessed until it was my turn, "what did you see in there?" David asked once I was pulled aside from everyone. "I saw it." I said and looked down, "it was this shadow. With big red eyes." A chill ran down my spine as I remembered the feeling. "Did it touch you at all?" He asked and smudged me with the sage, "no. Just stared at me." I mumbled as he sprayed holy water on me, "that's good, it didn't attach. You're gonna be okay." He said then finished up by saying a prayer. "You're good to go." He said with a smile and I walked out of the room and back to where everyone was.

"You okay?" Colby asked as I walked right to him, "I'm okay." I whispered and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Alright guys. You're all set. Is there anything else I can do for you?" David asked and packed his stuff up. "Nope, thank you for everything you have done. It really means a lot." Sam said and got up to shake his hand, "I'm glad everything worked out, call me if you have any problems." He said then left.

"Can we go get Mia?" I asked anxiously and bit my lip. "Reggie is bringing her back as we speak." Colby said and rubbed my arms, "I want her...now." I whispered, feeling the anxiety bubble up again, "shhh shes coming." He said and walked me to the front porch where we waited.

"What happened when you were in that room Cora?" Colby asked as we sat on the ground, waiting. "I saw it. The thing from our nightmares. I saw it." I whispered and played with my nails anxiously. "What?" Colby asked and put his hand over both of mine, "it was in there...it just stared at me. I'm so scared it did something to Mia. Why was it in the nursery....what was it?" I asked starting to get worked up. "Shhhh it's okay baby breathe." Colby said and ran his hand through my hair. "It's over now, whatever it was isn't coming near you or Mia, it's gone." He said as a car pulled into the driveway.

I snapped my head up and ran over to the car and threw open the back door. Mia looked at me from her car seat and giggled, " hi sweet girl." I whispered and unbuckled her quickly so I could hold her.

"How was she?" Colby asked Reggie as she cooed in my arms, "once she stopped crying she was an angel, but that girl has a set of lungs." Reggie said and I laughed, "you have NO idea." I said and held her tightly to my chest.

Colby came over and wrapped his arms around us, bringing me an instant sense of comfort. We were safe. Our little family was safe.

Things eventually calmed down that night, we cleaned up all the glass and things that had fallen, then ordered a pizza and hung out by the pool.

Colby took Mia for a swim as I laid out with Kat, where we discussed wedding plans again.

It felt so good for things to be back to normal but I still can't believe how crazy our lives were sometimes.

"Babe I think our daughter is a fish, she already wants to kick in the water." Colby called as he held Mia. She was happily kicking and smiling at me. "She's a genius I swear!" I said and got up to sit at the edge of the pool where they were, "how are you feeling?" He asked me as soon as I sat down. "I'm feeling good. I'm just so glad everything is over. It felt like a horror movie honestly." I said and stuck my legs into the water. "Yeah, Sam is editing the video right now, I think it's gonna be a hit." He said causing me to laugh, "it better be a fucking hit or I'll riot." I said causing him to laugh.

We hung by the pool for a while, before we had to take Mia in for a bath. That's when my phone rang, "my dads calling." I said and turned the faucet off so I could hear him. "Hey dad, what's up?" I asked and held the phone on my shoulder, so I could strap Mia into her bath floaty. Colby watched me cautiously.

"Hey squirt. I need to talk to you."

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