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"It's nothing bad is it?" I asked nervously as I looked at Colby warily. "No no, not bad just..different. Is Colby there with you?" He asked, "yeah, and Mia. I'll put you on speaker." I said and put him on speaker, "hey dad." Colby said which made me smile, "hey Colby! How have you been son?" He asked which sent a warmth through my heart, "been..okay.." he said and laughed a little.

If being haunted by a literal demon is okay then yes, we have been okay. "That's good, hey Mia!" He called causing Mia to look around suspiciously. "She says hi," I said with a giggle, "tell me what's going on." I continued and set my phone down so I could start washing Mia's hair. "Oh! Right...so I uh..met someone." He said shyly, "oh??" I asked and looked at Colby with a shocked expression,

"yeah...I met her a while ago and I wanted to tell you about her but I don't have the best track record with women." He said and I smirked, "yeah you could say that, speaking of...aren't you still secretly married to mom?" I asked and tickled Mia. "About that... So I finally divorced her, I didn't like how much it hurt you that we were still technically together." He said causing me to smile slightly, "it's okay dad, you're an adult, you can do what you want. So what's her name?" I asked as Colby splashed the water in front of Mia making her giggle, "Michelle, I think you're really gonna like her squirt." He said and I smiled, "oh yeah? Does this mean you're coming to visit?" I asked and pulled Mia out of the tub, "actually that's why I was calling." He said as Colby held the towel up for me to put Mia in. "What's up?" I asked and grabbed my phone from the floor.

"I was wondering if I could bring her to the wedding?" He asked hopefully as a giant smiled bloomed on my face, "yes! Of course!" I said and looked up to see Colby smile, "we would love for her to come." He said and kissed my head as he grabbed Mia from me, wrapping her in the towel.

"I'm really excited for you guys to meet her, she's really great. I just didn't want to just invite her to your special day without asking, how's the planning going for it by the way?" He asked and I smiled wider, "really great, I'm so excited daddy." I said and giggled happily. "I'm happy for you squirt, for both of you. I can't believe how fast it's gonna come up." He said and I nodded.

It was already August, which meant we only had 6 months until the wedding. That seemed like no time at all considering all the things we still had to do. "Yeah, we are really excited." Colby said and bounced Mia as she started to fuss. "I can only imagine," dad said with a laugh, "well I'm gonna let you go, give Mia hugs and kisses from grandpa okay?" He said as Mia started crying, "Will do! Love you dad." Colby said and walked out of the room to soothe Mia. "Bye daddy, love you." I said, "love you too squirt." Dad said then hung up.

I sighed and walked out into the bedroom, "I can't believe it." I said and sat on the bed as Colby changed Mia, "what? That your dad met someone?" He asked and I nodded, "yeah, he hasn't been interested in anyone since my mom..like he has never even been on a date." I said and laid back so I could stare at the ceiling. "Are you nervous?" Colby asked and laid down next to me, with Mia curled up on his chest.

"Is it bad if I am? I feel bad." I said and brought my hands to my face, then tried to scrub away the frustration. "No, it's not bad at all." He said and reached over to pull my hands away, "you had a very traumatic experience with your mother, and now that your dad has met someone its not uncommon for you to feel a little scared. It's normal." He said and grabbed my hand, bringing it to his lips.

"I just want to support him...he clearly likes her a lot if he wants to bring her to our wedding." I said and turned my head to look at him. "Yeah, I think you should give her a chance..who knows maybe she will be the mother figure you have always wanted." He said and I sighed, "your mom already filled that void." I said and he smiled, "yeah, but there's still room for more love, just give it a shot Cor."

He was right. I wanted to give her a chance, there was no way that she could be anything like my mother. Plus he said I would probably like her. My dad knew me, he knew who I would like by now. "You're right." I whispered and looked back up at the ceiling.

We laid like that for a couple minutes, as Mia slowly fell asleep on Colby's chest. "What do you want to eat for dinner?" I asked and sat up. "I kinda want to cook something." He said and slowly sat up, trying to not disrupt Mia. "Let's make the house some homemade pasta." I said and stretched, "that's a great idea." He said and then left to go put Mia to bed.

I went downstairs to start collecting the ingredients, "what are you making?" Sam asked as he walked into the kitchen, "Colby and I are going to make homemade pasta for the house." I chirped happily and grabbed the mixer. "What's the occasion?" He asked and grabbed a whiteclaw from the fridge, "I don't know, maybe a 'we aren't haunted by a demon anymore' kind of occasion." I said with a laugh as Colby came into the kitchen.

"Hey, did you post the video?" Colby asked Sam as he came next to me and helped me set up the mixer, "yeah, like an hour ago." Sam said then pulled out his laptop, "how are the views?" Colby asked then walked up next to it. "Holy shit..." Sam said with astonishment, "what? What is it?" I asked and jogged over, "it's already at a million views..." Sam said and my eyebrows shot to my hairline, "wait...what?! It's been an hour!" I said and leaned towards the screen, "holy shit...this is amazing!" Colby yelled and hugged Sam.

"Alright, yep...getting haunted was definitely worth it." I said and hugged Sam then Colby, "now I think we should make a dessert too. Make it a real celebration." I said then went to the mixer to start making the pasta.

"What's going on in here?" Kat asked and walked in as I cracked the eggs, "making a celebration dinner." I said and looked up at her, "celebration for what?" She asked and looked into the bowl, where the dough was being tossed around. "Sam and Colby's video already hit a million views." I said and smirked at the guys, "what?! Babe! That's amazing!" She said and tackled Sam with a hug. "I think this is really going to catapult our career. Sam and Colby vs. the world baby!" Sam said and pumped his fist in the air.

It took a really long time but we finally finished dinner and even made a cheesecake for dessert, we then called everyone down and had a family meal.

I looked around as everyone enjoyed the food. I took in this moment and really let myself feel the happiness that was filling my heart.

I loved our little family so much, and I wouldn't trade them for the world.

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