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The next week and a half was the most chaotic and stressful week of my life.

Everyone was constantly on edge with pranking eachother, it hadn't gone too far yet which was nice.

Colby and I put Kat and Sam's furniture on the roof which was hilarious, Jake put purple hair dye in my shampoo bottle, but I didn't mind having purple hair for a couple days. I replaced all of Tara's makeup with children's makeup, Sam pretended to cut Colby's hair in his sleep which pissed him off more than it probably should have. Corey and Devyn glued the refrigerator shut for some weird reason, that one was almost impossible to clean up. Kat has been laying low for the most part but we were going to play a prank on the guys today.

"Babe I'm serious, we have a flat tire, come help us." I said into the phone as Kat and I sat on the side of the road. "Okay, where are you?" He asked and I looked around, "I'll send you my location." I said and looked at Kat with a smirk, "okay, just stay in the car baby girl, don't get out for anyone but me and Sam okay?" He asked and I smiled, "I won't. I'll see you soon." I said and looked over at Kat who was stifling a laugh. "Are we being mean?" She asked as she handed me a silly string can, "no, it will be funny!" I said and shared my location with Colby.

He and Sam were off filming a video so I had Jake and Corey watch Mia for me since Kat and I wanted to pull this prank. It was honestly the dumbest prank ever but it was all we could think of.

After about ten minutes of waiting we got out of the car and hid behind the car so they wouldn't see us as they came up. "You can't laugh until they walk up." I whispered to Kat as a car pulled up behind mine. We moved to the front of the car a little more so we would still be hidden by Sam who was walking up, "where are they?" Colby asked with slight panic in his voice as they walked up, "SURPRISE!" Kat and I yelled and sprayed them with silly string, "you just got pranked!" I said with a laugh as I bounced around playfully.

"Oh you're gonna get it!" Colby yelled and lunged for me as Sam did the same to Kat. I squeeled and ran away from him, but he caught me quickly and wrapped his arms around my waist, lifting me up off the ground, "gotcha." He whispered against my neck sending shivers down my spine. "Did you at least think it was funny?" I asked once he put me down, "kinda. We were in the middle of filming so we had to stop for the day because of this but you're always worth stopping for." He said and kissed me, I pulled away laughing, "calm down Romeo, I'm sorry we interrupted your filming." I said as he let go of me, "it's alright like I said, you're with it." He said and opened my car door, "okay I'll see you at home?" I asked as I got in, "see you at home baby girl." He said then closed my door.

"He's so sappy lately." Kat said as she buckled her seatbelt. "Yeah, he really has been but I can't complain. I think it's cute." I said and started the car, "oh it's sickeningly cute." She said with a laugh as we started the drive home.

We blasted music the entire way, which we haven't really done since the car accident. It felt good to know that we were healing from that situation. It's been a long hard journey trying to get passed that point but here we were, jamming to music as I safely  drove us home.

I pulled into the driveway as Colby pulled in behind me. When I got out I skipped to the front door happily so I could tell everyone about our dumb prank.

"Hey! How'd it go?" Jake asked as we all came through the door, "it was the dumbest prank ever but it worked! How was Mia?" I asked and headed for the stairs to go check on her, "she's been really quiet. Hasn't really made a noise." Jake said and shrugged. We were gone for about an hour but she had been asleep for a pretty long time so I was kind of concerned when he said that.

I shook my head and walked up the stairs and went immediately into the nursery. My heart stopped at the sight. The window was wide open and Mia wasn't in her crib. I felt the air leave my lungs as I screamed. I didn't know what else to do as my body shut down.

"What happened?!" Colby yelled as he ran up the stairs and behind me. Jake, Corey, Sam, and Kat followed closely behind.

"Tell me it's a prank.." I whispered as I hyperventilated. My entire chest felt empty as I looked up at Colby, "what?" He asked and I shook my head, not being able to control the gut wrenching sobs that were ripping through my body, "TELL ME ITS A PRANK." I screamed and collapsed into Colby's arms. He held me and rubbed my hair down as he lowered me to the ground, "I'm not pranking you.." he whispered and looked up at the rest of them, "where is she!? God please let this be a prank!" I yelled into his chest as the overwhelming fear filled my body. It felt like the whole world was crumbling around me. I couldn't breathe no matter how hard I tried.

"Cora..." Jake said and knelt down to be at the level Colby and I were at, "its a prank. It's a prank I'm so sorry." He said quietly and nodded to Tara who was bringing Mia up the stairs. I felt my jaw clench as tears continued to pour down my cheeks. "Too far Jake. Too fucking far." Colby said as Tara handed me Mia.

I held her tightly to my chest as I continued to sob. She was okay, and it was just a prank. A really mean prank, but a prank nonetheless.

I got up off the floor and walked into the bedroom without looking at anyone,

"nobody talk to me for a while." I said and slammed the door behind me.

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