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TW/ this chapter mentions sensitive topics please read with caution (it's not a lot/it's not graphic don't worry)

"I never want to see another hospital again. I don't care if I have salmonella." I mumbled as we made our way back to the car after getting the medical attention I needed. I still felt like pure garbage but Colby insisted I go to get checked out. "I know baby, but we had to do it this time." Colby said and opened the door for me, "I know I know." I said and collapsed into the seat, then leaned against the window after Colby closed the door.

The drive was silent as I tried to concentrate on not throwing up everywhere.

Once the car stopped I opened my eyes, "you okay?" Colby asked and grabbed my hand, "yeah." I whispered and opened the door, then attempted to get out of the car by myself. My legs were extremely weak and I toppled over almost immediately, "shit." I hissed as I hit the ground, "sorry!" Colby said and leaned down to help me up, "not your fault." I said and reached for his hands. He turned around and looked at me, "hop on." He said causing me to giggle. When I jumped on his back he held onto my legs tightly so I wouldn't slide off and I rested my head on his. "Our room or the living room?" He asked as we went inside, "living room." I said and he started to make his way there.

"Cor! We made you some soup, you up for it?!" Sam yelled from the kitchen, I looked at Colby and nodded as he set me on the couch. "Yeah! She wants some!" He yelled and grabbed me a blanket.

I was honestly feeling a little better than before and was willing to try and eat but I was still really weak, and my stomach was killing me.

I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that Jen would do something like that to me. Like I knew she hated me but to literally make me sick because I was engaged to her ex boyfriend? It was a little much.

"Hey, easy baby." Colby said breaking my thoughts. I didn't even realize I was hyperventilating to the point of gagging until his voice broke through. "I hate her." I whispered and leaned my head against his shoulder as I shivered, "I know I do too." He said and kissed my head as Tara came in holding Mia, "there's my sweet girl." I whispered as Tara passed her off to Colby. She reached for me as Colby held her, "I can't little girl." I whispered and put my hand on her belly, tickling it causing her to coo at me.

I wanted to hold her and love on her but I really couldn't with how uncomfortable and weak I was.

"Okay I hope you like it, I have never made it before." Kat said and handed me the bowl of soup, "it looks good." I said quietly and let the heat of the bowl warm up my cold hands. "So I talked to our lawyer and they want to take your case, but we can talk more about it when you start to feel better." Sam said as he sat down next to Kat.

How did I get so lucky? Not only did I have the most amazing fiancée, but I had the absolute best friends in the world. Through thick and thin they stuck with me, and showed me how strong I could be. I didn't deserve them at all.

I thought about the days I would spend alone when I lived with my dad. He would always encourage me to try and go out, and hang out with people my age but I couldn't. I completely lost myself. I didn't think I had any worth since even my mom left me. I thought about the nights I would cry myself to sleep because I hadn't even talked the whole day. I thought about how hard it was for me before I decided to take a leap and chase my dreams. I wouldn't be alive if I didn't.

I thought everything was perfect when I met Colby but everything just went downhill. My relationship with him was perfect but everyone seemed to be against us. Or I guess I could say the universe was against me. I was constantly involved in drama. Bad things followed me. Maybe I'm not meant to be alive.

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