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Colby's POV

"No I think it should be a whole video for sure, but it's not my place to really decide that." Sam said and looked at Mia who was sleeping in Cora's arms. "I agree, she's really important to me and my life, she shouldn't just be an outro thing." I said and wrote in the notes of my phone some of the ideas I was having. Cora whispered something that I couldn't really hear, "what did you say?" I asked putting my phone down. "Take th-" she started but her arms went limp causing Mia to start sliding down her stomach. "shit!" I yelled and grabbed her quickly but carefully, "take her!" I yelled and handed her to Sam as she cried. Cora shook as her eyes rolled back, "time this please, add 10 seconds to whatever number it stops at!" I said and turned her on her side as I hit the call button. "You're okay, you're okay." I said gently as Sam rocked Mia, trying to get her to stop crying.

"What's going on?!" Our nurse said as she ran in, "she's having a seizure, I don't think she's taken her medicine since the morning her water broke, Corey what's the time!?" I asked frantically, "48 seconds." He said as our nurse paged someone. Cora stopped shaking slowly as I held her to me, I took a deep breath and brushed her hair with my fingers, "w-w" she groaned and I tightened my grip on her, "you're okay." I whispered and looked up at Sam who had wide eyes as Mia cried. "Why is she crying?" Cora  whispered and tried to sit up. "Woah, lay down..you had a seizure, she's okay." I said and she nodded. "I knew it would happen today." She whispered and I leaned away slightly to look at her, "what do you mean?" I asked and she chuckled, "my head hurt like a bitch." She mumbled and laid her head down again.

We let her rest for a couple minutes before a neurologist came in to check her out, "since we are here, did you want to go ahead with the head CT?" He asked and she nodded, "if it means I don't have to have another seizure again then yes." She said and drank the water that I handed her, "well I can't promise that you won't have another one ever again, but at least we will know what's going on. I'll send someone in a couple minutes to get you for the scan." The doctor said then left. Cora sighed, but she seemed to be doing okay, "sorry about that guys." She said and brushed her hair behind her ear.

Sam shook his head as he handed Mia to me, "don't worry about it, you can't help it." He said and rubbed her back. She looked at me and Mia with sad eyes, "you're the best you know that?" She said and brought her hand to my cheek. "I just want you to be okay." I said and leaned down to kiss her. She smiled up at me, but her eyes were sad. I could tell she was still hurting mentally from all of this baby stuff. I researched post partum depression after my mom told me to. She said most woman get it and that I needed to be prepared for it. Cora was already showing signs of having it but I had a feeling she would bounce back quickly because of all the love and support we had. At least I hoped she would.

In a weird change of events Meghan was now our nurse. We hadn't seen her since being here but when she heard we were here she begged our other nurse to switch off with her, " okay we will be back in about an hour, don't miss her too much." Meghan said with a wink as Cora handed Mia back to me. "Miss her already." I said with a laugh and waved, "good luck babe." I said and leaned up to kiss her. "I expect chicken nuggets when I get back." She said with a wink as she sat in the wheelchair. It gave me some peace of mind that she was joking and joyful. I feel like having Meghan as her nurse would bring that out a little more. The two of them clicked like puzzle pieces.

"You heard the woman. I can't leave Mia so which one of you is going to chick fil a." I said and pointed to Sam and Corey.

Corey shot his finger to his nose, "HA nose goes." He yelled and Sam rolled his eyes, "god dang it. Okay text me your orders. I'm gonna swing by the house and grab Cora's dad so he can be here for the results on the CT." I nodded in agreement, "I should go with you then, so you can just drop me off at home." Corey said and shrugged, "alright, you gonna be okay alone?" Sam asked and looked at me. "Alone for an hour with my perfect daughter? I think I'll manage." I said and looked down at Mia as she looked up at me. She really was the cutest thing.

"Okay, I'll be back then, love you man." Sam said and waved. "Love you too brother." I said and nodded my head at them.

As soon as they left I looked down at Mia again, she was really beautiful. She had big blue eyes, Cora's button nose and rosy cheeks. She usually wore a hat because it was cold in the hospital but she had some hair on the top of her head. I didn't realize how quickly I would fall in love with her. The second I saw her I knew that she would have me wrapped around her finger. Anything she wanted she would get and I would do anything to protect her. I feared for the boys she would try to bring home when she was older.

I just watched her not realizing how much time went by. She started crying, which meant she was either hungry or she had a full diaper. It turned out to be the full diaper since when I lifted her up she was slightly heavier. "Alright little one, let's get you cleaned up." I said and got to work. I was so concentrated I didn't even hear when the door opened. I didn't know Meghan and Cora we're watching me until I finished cleaning up, "oh." I said in shock as I rocked Mia, "well look at you." Cora said with a soft smile. "Parenting looks good on you." She said and winked which sent a jolt of warmth through my body. "It doesn't look too bad on you either, I think she's gonna need to eat soon, since it's been a couple hours." I said as Meghan helped her get in the bed. "Yeah, maybe I'll pump now so you can bottle feed her." She said and I smiled. I hadn't gotten to really feed her yet.

"Hey Colby?" Meghan asked as she handed Cora the pump, "what's up." I asked and sat down next to the bed, "I hate to remind her but..where are those nuggets." She said with a devilish smirk causing Cora to gasp, "that's right!! Where are they?" Cora asked with a fake glare. "Calm down, Sam is getting them. He's also picking up your dad. Your nuggets should be here soon." I said with a laugh.

Surely enough not even ten minutes later Sam and Mr. Williams were coming through the door. "I brought foooood!" Sam sang and put the food next to Cora on the bed. Cora smiled slightly and started going through the bag, I could tell something was bothering her again, but I couldn't figure out if it was post partum creeping up again or if it was the stress of finding out her results. "Thank you Sam." She said and smiled at him.

"So I heard you had to get a head scan..what's going on?" Mr. Williams said and sat on the other side of her bed. "I have been having seizures since the crash, we were going to get the scan done a couple weeks ago but they didn't want to because I was pregnant. I had a seizure this morning so we just went ahead and did the scan." Cora said and fiddled with her ring. She was nervous. "I'm sure everything will be fine," Cora's dad said and put his hand on top of both of hers.

Just then the doctor walked in causing her head to snap up. "Please tell me it's good news." Cora said quietly. I held Mia a little closer to me with one arm and grabbed Cora's hand with my free one.

"I wouldn't say it's good..but I wouldn't say it's bad either..I just have news." The doctor said causing a ripple of pain to go through my chest. Anxiety riddled my body as Cora squeezed my hand gently.

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