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We finished up our meal and were on our way out of the restaurant where Jen was standing, "goodbye! Have a great rest of your day!" She said with the fakest smile I had ever seen. I just smiled back and followed the girls out to the car. "I hate that bitch." Kat said as we got into the car, "me too." I said with a laugh as we started to make our way to the house.

I was just looking out the window when Kat gasped slightly next to me, "what? Are you okay?" I asked and turned my head to see her staring at her phone. When I started to lean over to see what she was looking at she shielded her phone from me. "Kat. What?" I asked when she looked at me, "um...it's nothing." She said and I shook my head, "no it's obviously not. Show me." I said and she shook her head, "I don't think it's my place to show you." She said and I shook my head, "show me!" I groaned and reached for her phone. It went flying out of her hand and landed face up next to us. On the screen was Colby kissing a girl...they looked like they were in a bar and his hair was dark blue meaning it was recent.

I felt my chest cave in.

Who was that girl? Did this happen when he was in New Orleans? There was no way! They were there for work, they didn't have time to go out to a club. He wouldn't do that to Mia and I. Who was that girl.

"Cora...." Kat said as I snapped my gaze to the outside world again, feeling the tears fall down my cheeks, "there's no way he would do that to you. This has to be an old picture." Kat said and I shook my head, "look at the hair..it was recent." I said quietly as my voice cracked.

He cheated on me.

Kat grabbed my hand and just held it as my mind raced, Jen had to have something to do with this. Maybe it wasn't real. Maybe it was an old picture that was photoshopped. Or maybe he really didn't love me. Maybe it was all an act.

Don't be dumb. He loves you.

My heart raced as we pulled into the driveway. "Kat send me that picture." I said and wiped my face, "Cora..." she said quietly but I just shook my head, "please."

She sent me the picture and I almost threw up from the nerves in my body. I had to try and stay calm but I could feel the anger and hurt boiling in my chest. When we got inside I heard the guys in the living room as they greeted us but I ignored it and went upstairs. I didn't even go into Mia's room, instead I grabbed my bag and started to pack some stuff.

"Hey baby girl how wa-what are you doing?" Colby asked as he walked into the room. "Were you going to tell me?" I asked blankly as I continued to pack, not even looking him in the eye. "What are you talking about?" He asked and closed the door as tears filled my eyes, "were you going to tell me about what you did?" I asked, hurt evident in my voice.

"Baby what are you talking about?" He asked and came over, grabbing my hands to stop me from packing, "you weren't gonna tell me about how you cheated on me?" I asked, trying to keep my voice level. His eyes narrowed as he looked at me with confusion, "what are you talking about?" He asked again calmly and grabbed my face. I took a step back, "I saw the picture Colby! I saw it! I know what you did." I said as tears were now falling down my cheeks freely.

"Cora. What picture?" He asked and stepped towards me again. "Of you kissing another girl Colby!! We have a daughter together! I can't believe you would do this to us!" I yelled and backed up again. My heart was shattered as he just stared at me, "Cora baby, I never kissed another girl. Why would I do that to you! I love you!" He yelled and ran up to me, cupping my face gently, "no!! I saw it!" I yelled and yanked his hands away from my face.

"I saw it." I repeated and burst into tears. I was crying before but now I was losing it, "show me. Show me the picture you saw." He said calmly, keeping his hands up in a surrender.

I pulled my phone out and threw it at him, then turned to start packing again. "Cora baby girl. This isn't what it looks like." He said and I snapped my head up angrily. "What do you mean?! Because it sure as hell looks like your lips are on another girls, Cole!" I yelled and stormed into the closet. I could feel my heart cracking with each step I took,

"Cora! You have to listen to me!" He yelled and chased after me. "Okay!! Explain it. Explain why this picture is circulating the internet! Explain to me why you would do this to us. YOUR FAMILY." I yelled, turning on my heal to look at him.

"I DIDN'T CHEAT ON YOU!" He yelled back causing me to flinch. We have never argued like this, "then explain it! Or I'm leaving and I'm taking Mia with me!" I yelled and crossed my arms in front of me. "You can't do that." He said and I shook my head, "I can and I will if you don't start talking." I said and wiped my tears,

"Do you remember when your dad was in the hospital?" He asked and took a small step towards me, "yes." I said with confusion laced in my voice, "you remember when Sam and I got our hot topic deal?" I nodded, "yes, get to the point." He took a deep breath, "I told you we went out and Jen ambushed me. Her friend took a picture of me kissing her...you remember?" He asked and I nodded, "oh my god...but your hair! It wasn't blue when that happened." I said and he stepped closer, "it was blue baby. It was blue, then red, then purple, now blue again." I shook my head, "I'm so sorry." I whispered and collapsed into his arms.

"It's okay baby, it's okay. That was so long ago I can't believe she just posted it now. I would never do that to you baby girl. I would never cheat on you." He said and rubbed my hair down.

"I saw her at brunch." I said into his chest, "what?" He asked and pulled himself away from me to see my face, "she was our waitress and she said that she was okay with me because we broke up and when Kat showed her my engagement ring saying we weren't broken up she switched with someone." I said and wiped my face again, "I should have known she would do something like this." I said and burried my face into his chest.

"It's okay baby girl, you didn't know. You're okay." He said and let me cry into his chest.

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