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"I'm worried." I said as Colby helped me up off the floor, it took a while for me to calm down after our fight. I felt really bad but Colby truly understood where I was coming from, which I was really grateful for. "Why are you worried?" He asked softly and went over to my bag and started unpacking the things I put in it, which I thought was cute. "That's two skeletons in our closet who have come back to haunt us...who's next and are those two even done ruining our lives?" I asked and shivered pulled my cardigan over my body.

"I don't think they will do anything, and if they do then we can take em." He said and winked at me. I shook my head, "what if they try to do something to Mia..I don't want to think like that but they are insane." I breathed out and watched him.

His jaw clenched as he looked up at me, "they won't touch her." He said lowly sending a shiver down my spine. "I think I want to file a restraining order." I whispered looking down, "I would support you in that. I don't think Jason will step anywhere near you since I beat him up." He said and came up to me, grabbing my hands, "I'm not worried about me." I said biting my lip, "I'm worried about Mia." I said and closed my eyes, ashamed of the thoughts I was having, "Cora, look at me." He said softly causing me to open my eyes to meet his, "they won't touch her or you." I nodded at the intensity of his words.

We eventually went downstairs after grabbing Mia. Kat looked at us cautiously as we made our way into the living room, "it was a false alarm...that picture was from September" I said and she let out a breath, "oh is it that picture her friend took when she ambushed you?" Sam asked and Colby nodded, "yeah the girls saw her at lunch and she must have thought posting it would be a good idea." Colby said as we made our way to the couch to sit next to them. Mia cooed in my arms as I kissed her head, "she's a bitch." Jake said and Tara laughed, "yeah she is!" She agreed.

Everything was going well downstairs as we watched a movie. I was cuddled up to Colby with Mia in my arms when I started to feel sick. I couldn't pin exactly what was wrong but my whole body ached and I was shivering but I was sweating at the same time. Maybe it was the flu.

"You okay babe?" Colby asked as I sat up. I shook my head and handed him Mia, the feeling of throwing up was coming on, and it was coming on fast.

I got up and sprinted to the bathroom, barely making it as the contents of my stomach came up.

It was only a matter of minutes before Colby was beside me, rubbing my back. "You're not pregnant again are you?" He asked causing me to chuckle, "I don't think so, I think I'm just sick." I said weakly and tried to lean my head up but I was honestly so weak all the sudden. "Alright, let's get you to bed then." He said and lifted me up, my legs were basically jelly so he had to carry me up the stairs, I was shivering the whole time, "do you think I'm dying?" I mumbled almost incoherently, "no baby girl, I think Mia passed her bug onto you though." He said as he laid me in the bed, then tucked the blankets around me. He put a small trash can next to the bed, in case I got sick again.

"Get some rest, I'll be back up here in a little bit with some tea and soup." He said and kissed my head before turning the lights off.

As soon as he left the room I curled up in a ball and tried to go to sleep.

My dream was restless. I was trapped in a house, and everywhere I turned there was a ghost from my past there to haunt me. Jason was first as I walked down the hall. He grabbed me out of nowhere and slammed me into a wall, "miss me princess?" He asked with a sinister grin. When I opened my mouth to talk he was gone. I sniffled and made my way through the house, not sure what I would see next. When I turned the corner my mom was standing in the hallway, she just smirked at me, "you're a disappointment. I wish I never even had you. You disgust me." She spat and glared at me. The familiar feeling of sadness filled my chest as I kept walking. When I passed her she pinned me against the wall aggressively, "you ruined my life." She said through gritted teeth then disappeared. When I turned down the next hallway my heart shattered into a million pieces. Jen stood there holding Mia, Colby was behind her kissing her neck. She smiled at me evilly, "hope you enjoyed your salad." She said and winked as I bolted awake.

As soon as I woke up I was throwing up again, this time I was sobbing. My chest felt empty as I desperately tried to pull my hair back, but I just couldn't.

"Woah woah!" Colby yelled as I just dangled off of the bed weakly. He helped me sit up straight but gave me concerned eyes. I must have looked as bad as I felt. "I'm gonna run you a bath okay?" He asked and brushed my hair from my sticky face. I mumbled in response and laid my head back, he disappeared into the bathroom. He came back a couple minutes later and helped me get out of bed. My legs were shaking so bad that he had to lift me up again. I felt absolutely disgusting, "I'm sorry." I mumbled and he just shook his head, "in sickness and in health." He said and set me on my feet, keeping me steady against the bathroom counter, "we aren't married yet." I whispered as he pulled my shirt off of me, "no, not technically, but we basically are." He said and helped me get undressed.

He lifted me up and lowered me into the cold water of the tub, it felt so good against my burning skin. I didn't think you could get so sick so fast.

The image of Jen popped into my head, "hope you enjoyed your salad" bounced through my thoughts.

Was that just my subconscious? Or did Jen really poison me?

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