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The rest of the day was rough, Kat got her hair pulled, a glass fell and shattered right in front of Jake, Tara's shoes went missing. Corey has been seeing shadows, and Devyn said she heard someone screaming when she was in the shower.

I don't know what kind of demon Sam summoned but it was relentless. The guys were filming the whole thing, which would make a great video but all of us were struggling. I wouldn't let Mia go at all, she was either in my arms or Colby's at any given point.

It was finally getting dark and we all were hanging out by the pool, "do you think we should just stay at a hotel or something?" Kat asked and hugged herself, she has been pretty shaken up since getting her hair pulled.

She was just getting ready when we heard her screaming bloody murder in her bedroom. She hasn't left Sam's side since,

"I think we can wait it out..I know it would be hard to bring Mia to a hotel." Sam said and gestured to me, as I held Mia in my arms. "What was the last thing to happen?" Colby asked and took Mia's hand as she reached it out to him.

"The glass I think..." Jake said casually as typed on his phone, with one arm slung around Tara's shoulders, "can you at least pretend to be scared that we are literally being haunted right now?" Tara scoffed and knocked his phone out of his hand. "Sorry, ahhhhh scary ghost dropped a glass." He said sarcastically and picked up his phone again,

"You're exhausting. Jake. I say if one more thing happens we go to a hotel." Sam said and everyone agreed.

I looked over and studied Colby's face carefully as he focused his attention on Mia, he looked exhausted. "Hey." I whispered catching his attention, "you wanna try to sleep?" I asked and reached for his hand. "Yeah." He said and stood up, "we are going to try and sleep." I said and stood up with Mia, "okay, be safe." Kat said and waved at us as we walked into the house.

"I'm so sorry this is happening.."Colby said quietly as we walked through the house. The air was thick and it felt like someone was watching us. I hated it so much, "I can't believe this is happening...but I guess it's good content." I said with a smirk and nudged him with my shoulder, "heh, I guess you're right." He said as we made it up the stairs.

"Go ahead to bed, I'm gonna pull the crib into our room." I said and started walking to the nursery, "don't be silly Cor, I'll help you." He said with a laugh and followed me to the nursery.

When I walked in all of her drawers were open causing me to gasp and hide in Colby's shoulder as he pulled me into him, "this is ridiculous." He mumbled, "it is, let's just get the crib and get the hell out of here." I said and positioned Mia so I could grab one end of the crib with my free arm.

We quickly shuffled to our room with the crib then closed and locked the door. I laid Mia down then stretched my arms out. They felt stiff from holding her all day, "your arms stiff?" Colby asked with a laugh as I stretched them up as far as they could go, "yeah, she's light but my arms needed a break." I said and rubbed my face with my hands, then slid into bed. Colby's arms wrapped around me, "Goodnight baby." He said quietly and kissed the back of my head, "goodnight." I whispered and folded my arms over his.

I waited until he was fully asleep before I let myself drift off.

Mia was screaming off in the distance somewhere where I couldn't see her, Colby and I were running around trying to find her but neither of us could, "Colby! Find her please!" I screamed as I ran around crying. Colby didn't respond, "Colby!! Oh god Colby!" I yelled when I saw him lying on the ground in the distance, Mia's cries stopped as this monster like thing took her. It was the scariest creature I had ever seen in my life. "GET AWAY FROM HER!" I yelled and started running, but no matter how much I ran I never got closer. I could never get to Mia.

I bolted up, trying to catch my breath as my hand flew to my mouth. Colby was luckily still asleep, I needed him to rest. I checked the time and shivered

It was 3:33am.

Mia fussed a little as I slid out of bed, I needed some water and maybe some tea to try and calm down.

Was that the same nightmare Colby had? Was he terrified of the creature that was in our dreams? I know I was.

I scooped Mia up into my arms so she wouldn't start crying and wake up Colby, then headed out to the hallway. "Let's get some water pretty girl." I said quietly and started to make my way to the stairs.

The eerie feeling I felt before was back, it felt like someone was staring at me as I tightened my grip on Mia.

As soon as I got to the stairs I felt the most intense chills I have ever felt before the sensation of someone pushing my upper back appeared. It pushed me so hard that I lost my balance and screamed, before starting my tumble down the stairs. I cradled Mia's head and tucked her into my body as tightly as possible as I slammed into the stairs a couple times and then hit the wall at the end of them. Mia started crying in my arms as I groaned. I wasn't seriously hurt but I would definitely be sore later.

"Cora?!" Sam called out with a sleepy tone as I just laid on the ground, Mia screaming in my arms. "Oh my god!" He yelled and ran up as Colby slammed the bedroom door open upstairs, "what happened?!" Colby yelled, running down the stairs. Sam helped sit me up as I bounced Mia. I was trying to assess her to see if she had any injuries, but I think she was just scared and not hurt.

"Something pushed me." I said quietly and rubbed Mia's back as she sobbed into my shoulder. "It's okay sweet girl." I murmured as Colby crouched down to be at our level. He looked so scared and stressed out, so I just brought my hand to his face, "we are okay Colby, it's not the first time I have fallen down the stairs." I said and brought his face to mine so I could kiss him.

"We are going to a hotel, Sam can you start waking people up?" He asked as he grabbed Mia. I stood up slowly and stretched and flexed my limbs to make sure I was okay.

I nodded and reached my hand down to help Colby up, "let's go pack." I said quietly and made my way back upstairs as Colby just breathed out, "you're incredible." He said softly which made me smile, "I'm trying to be." I said and got up to the nursery where I started packing a bag of stuff for Mia.

"Why were you going downstairs?" He asked and rocked Mia back to sleep, "I had a nightmare. Mia was fussing and I didn't want to wake you so we were going to get some water, and maybe some tea." He nodded at me slowly, "next time wake me up, we are in this together." He said and I nodded, "I didn't expect to be thrown down the stairs, otherwise I would have." I said with a chuckle.

We packed a bag for Mia and ourselves and met everyone downstairs. "You owe all of us mass amounts of food Samuel." I teased as he rubbed the back of his neck, "I am so sorry guys...I didn't mean to do this. I'm gonna fix it though, as soon as humanly possible." He said as Kat wrapped her arms around him.

"We all forgive you Sam, but that video better give you hella views or I'm gonna be PISSED." Jake said and clapped his hand on his back as we all agreed.

I couldn't believe that this was our lives right now. It  felt like a horror movie as we made our way out of the house and to a hotel that was close by.

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