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The drive was painfully silent. "Are you still mad?" He asked and I shook my head, keeping my eyes on the road. "No" I said and he sighed, "I know you are. I know you're pissed. It's okay, I deserve it." He said as I took a breath in, "why did you do that? You could have just called me." I said and bit my cheek feeling the fear of losing him come back.

"I wasn't thinking. I seriously only had one thought on my mind, and it was to get back to you. I'm so sorry." He said with a thick voice. "I forgive you. I'm not mad, Colby. I'm just glad you're okay." I said and reached my hand over, holding it open for him to grab. He laced his fingers through mine and I let out a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry I ruined your birthday." He said and I just laughed, "you didn't ruin my birthday, but you really could have. I can't lose you." I said and pulled my hand from his so I could pull into the parking lot of the hotel.

"I can't lose you either, that's why I wanted to sober up." He said and I just turned to him,

"the point was it shouldn't have even been an option. You should have called me." I said and he nodded, "I know." He said and I nodded then got out of the car. I carefully pulled Mia out of her car seat and looked at Colby, "for the record this is the second time I have told Mia you were dumb so you better shape up or she's gonna think you're an idiot." I said and smiled at him as he chuckled, "I am an idiot so she wouldn't be wrong." He said as we made our way up to the room.

I immediately put Mia to bed then turned around to look at Colby. He looked at me cautiously, meaning he thought I was still mad at him, I shook my head and walked up to him, then pulled him in for a kiss.

He instinctively put his hands on my hips and pulled me to him as his lips worked at mine. Once we pulled away he pressed his forehead to mine, "you're really not mad?" He whispered and I rolled my eyes, "I'm about to be mad again if you keep asking me!" I said pecked his lips once more before turning to get back in bed, "alright alright." He said then pulled his shirt off, "so birthday sex is still on the table?" He asked with a smirk and I rolled my eyes, "really? In front of our daughter? It is absolutely not on the table!" I scolded but laughed as he cracked a smile.

"I was kidding." He said and slid into the bed next to me, "no you weren't." I grumbled but scooted closer to him as he opened his arms, "Maybe. Maybe not. Doesn't matter, get some rest baby girl." He said as I rested my head on his chest. "Goodnight." I whispered and closed my eyes as he brushed through my hair with his fingers.

I woke up a few hours later to Mia's crying. "I got her." Colby said but I shook my head, "she's hungry." I whispered and leaned up to get out of bed. When I got to Mia she looked around as she sobbed, "I know it's unfamiliar, I know." I whispered and rocked her. I went back over the bed and sat next to Colby. He took her from me so I could get set up to feed her, I was so tired that I kept stumbling mad I grabbed the supplies needed.

"I'm sorry I can't do this part." Colby whispered and I just smiled at him, "it's okay, I don't mind it." I said and grabbed Mia so I could feed her. I rested my head on Colby's shoulder as I held Mia in my arms. Once she was fed I handed her over to Colby again so he could burp her while I cleaned up. "We make a pretty good team." He said as he patted Mia's back.

"Yeah, we don't do too bad." I said with a smile and slid back into the bed letting my head hit the pillow. "Go back to sleep baby girl, I'll handle the rest of this." Colby said and leaned over to kiss my head, I just nodded and closed my eyes, letting sleep overtake me again.

The next time I woke up it was light out, Colby was sleeping with Mia sleeping on his chest next to me. I smiled at them and pulled my phone out to take a picture. It was little moments like this that I wanted to document.

I checked the time and got up when I realized it was only 9:30 so I could still go grab some breakfast for us. I slipped my shoes on and carefully left the room. When I got downstairs there were a few people grabbing food so I grabbed a couple plates and started piling food on them.

"Oh my god..are you Cora?" A girls voice rang from behind me, "I am, I take it you're a fan of Colby's?" I asked and she laughed, "yeah I am. Wait...what are you doing in a hotel? Did you guys break up? Or did Sam haunt the house again? Oh! By the way happy birthday." I smiled, "thank you! No Colby and I didn't break up, the traphouse had a party last night so we came here to avoid Mia crying all night." I said and she smiled, "thats probably a good idea." She said as an older woman came up, "Kelsey, who is this?" she asked and gestured to me as I smiled awkwardly, "this is Colby Brock's fiancé. You know that YouTuber I'm obsessed with?" She said and her mom smiled sympathetically at me, "how could I forget? You only talk about those boys constantly." She said and rolled her eyes playfully.

"Mooom." She hissed clearly getting embarrassed, "hey don't worry about it, I'm obsessed with them too." I said and winked,

"Okay Kelsey we have bothered this poor girl enough, we have to head out anyways, it was lovely to meet you." The girls mom said and smiled at me, "you didn't bother me at all, but I should go too, Colby is gonna wake up any minute and I don't want him to freak out. I'll let him know that I saw you, and I'll tell him you say hi." I said and winked at her again, "can I get a picture with you?" She asked and I nodded, even though I knew I looked like shit.

"Thank you!" She said then hugged me and ran off. Once she was gone I finished getting our food and went back upstairs.

"There you are." Colby said when I came back into the room, "sorry it took so long I ran into a fan." I said and set the plates of food on the table, "oh no..did it go okay?" He asked and I giggled, "yeah, she was super nice her name was Kelsey and she says hi." I said and nodded once before taking Mia, "hi Kelsey." He said as Mia giggled, grabbing my hair immediately, "okay okay, banana?" I asked her as she smiled up at me.

We just spent the morning together, enjoying each others company before we would have to go back home.

I knew I would end up having to help them clean up after the party because they always did such a horrible job at it, so I was really taking this time to relax.

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