There was a twinge in her stomach, and Marinette pressed her lips together, her anxiety bubbling overwhelmingly within her stomach.

She was sure she was about to vomit.
  Marinette reached up, running a finger through her bangs with a nervous glance.
  "I think I had bad coffee..." she breathed, drawing the attention of both Nino and Alya who glanced away from their baby to offer Marinette an expression of concern.

  "Are you alright? Do you need me to grab you some water?" Nino offered, carefully leveraging himself off the bed.

  Marinette politely declined, her cheeks warming up as her stomach began to turn. She was feeling warmer than usual, and Marinette was worried she'd succumb to syncope by the way the walls seemed to close in on her. 

  "I-I'm gonna go outside and grab some fresh air. I'll be right back," Marinette sputtered, moving her eyes to Alya who examined Marinette with the utmost concern.

"O-Oh. Okay," Alya breathed, shifting her baby from one arm to the other. "If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call Nino or myself. We are incredibly worried about you."

  Marinette felt her heart sink, guilt completely enveloping her as she didn't want her friends to worry about her. She had caused enough problems in her lifetime.

"Don't you guys worry about me," Marinette assured, awkwardly picking up her purse and walking towards the door. "I'm just...a little thirsty is all. Some water and fresh air will do fine. I promise I'll be right back. You know I'd text you guys if anything was wrong..."

  Marinette turned, her heart thumping in her ears as she tried her very best not to cry. 

She simply hated her brain.


  Marinette stepped out into the cold open air. She could barely hear the slider doors from the hospital opening and closing rapidly from guests and employees.
  She finally had an open space and Marinette didn't feel so trapped.

She was truly happy for Alya and she finally had the niece she's always wanted. There was a small bundle of joy waiting just a few floors up to receive love and complete suffocation of smooches from Marinette, yet here she was again, wallowing in her own self-pity. 

  She hated the way her brain was wired, and despite everything she should have been grateful for, Marinette couldn't stop thinking.

All she needed was silence.
  The young woman closed her eyes, parting her lips as she drew in a deep breath. The air around her became still and for a brief moment, Marinette was sure she was able to finally calm herself down. 

  Perhaps her initial thoughts of fresh air and some water would be proved right after all. At least then, she'd be able to return upstairs and properly get to know Alya and Nino's new daughter.

  Marinette exhaled, her shoulders slumping forward as the cool breeze brushed against her cheeks and blew through her hair in one swift motion. 

  It actually felt nice. Marinette wasn't sure when the last time she felt this good was, and it was perhaps sometime in the summer when her and Adrien would stand out in the garden and watch the sunset.

  Marinette pressed her lips together, quickly willing away those thoughts between her and Adrien knowing full well that she'd throw herself right back where she started if she did something like that.
Marinette exhaled, silence enveloping her once more. At least she was able to stop thinking for once in a few years.

  "Do you really see the worst in me? Or were you looking for an excuse to push me away?"

Marinette froze, her heart catching into her throat at the sound of his voice. It had been so long since she had last heard from him, and even the mere sound of his voice almost made her fall to the ground like a container of silly putty. 

The Convenient Marriage (MLB Fanfiction) COMPLETE✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora