Chapter 34

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A/N: For any guest readers, please try to make an account if you leave any reviews or questions regarding updates. I can't answer your questions or respond to guests.

I read reviews on all platforms and I'm taking all advice into account. I want to be a better writer and hope to continue to provide good stories to you all.

Thank you for your support and thank you for your constructive criticism when it comes to certain issues in my stories or if there are anything that may confuse you guys with the plot.

Sorry for this useless chapter, it was actually a lot longer but the next chapter will have Adrienette NSFW and I needed the chapters to balance with more plot so it's not considered solely a "lemon" story.

If you are uncomfortable with any of these elements, please don't read. There will be warnings between breaks, you can skip it to continue the plot if you feel more comfortable with doing so.

Even so, I think this chapter is pretty long.

It is possible that I might update this story more often than just once a week, just because it's such a super long story and because I'm finishing my other story, I can solely focus on this one. If you guys prefer just the weekly updates, please let me know.

Please enjoy.



"Alya, what the fuck?!" Adrien exclaimed, his chest heaving as he could still recall the back of Marinette's head in his mind.
He was just so close, but then he ended up being so far.

"You had to pick tonight of all nights to fuck with Nino?!"

Alya furrowed her brow, the lines under her eyes deepening with frustration.
"You told me that you'd be around if I needed your help!"

"Yes, but now wasn't the appropriate time to do something like that! I was in the middle of trying to tell Marinette something really important!"

Alya furrowed her brow, her lips pressing together as she glared at him. The young woman crossed her arms. She knew she had made a big deal to Nino that making a fuss about how their relationship ended at their best friends' wedding wasn't appropriate, but Alya was meticulous.

She genuinely wasn't sure when she would see him next, by the way they were going she was almost certain they were going to hate each other.

"Telling Marinette something?" Alya mused, perking her brow. She had recalled that she attempted to drop subtle hints about Marinette's feelings for him, but he didn't seem to pick up those pieces.

As far as Alya was concerned, Adrien was way too preoccupied with Kagami, that he was more than willing to divorce Marinette so that he could be with her.

Now, how early was Adrien planning on speaking about it? Alya wasn't totally sure, but it didn't seem right for him to want to talk about it on their wedding night.

Marinette was having such a good time, Alya wasn't prepared to witness her broken heart.

"Adrien, you're not going to tell Marinette anything. Especially not tonight-" Alya replied sharply, a feeling of protectiveness washing over her. "I know you want to divorce her, but you really need to think about this."

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