"I'll give myself up, no problem, get him back. I can figure it out from there,"

"You're still recovering." Skye argued "We can't just you over to them like that, can we?"

"Fitz-Simmons have a non-electronic method of tracking him," Coulson reasoned.

"Simmons has fabricated an odorless scent." Fitz explained "I have an instrument which can detect it. Works like a bloodhound can track someone from over 50 kilometers,"

"After we make the trade we'll be able to follow Mr. Peterson. Buy him some time to get his strength back. We'll find him,"

"I don't care what happens to me. As long as my boy is..." Mike started.

"I promise you, we're gonna get your son back,"


The SHIELD SUV and van were driving onto a bridge. They parked side by side at the barricade.

Coulson was driving and Katerina was in the passenger seat. "This is the part of the plan that I didn't like," he sighed.

"Mike requested me." Kat argued "I'm comfortable with that, and if things go south, I'll be able to mentally contact you. Is Ward in position?"

"Yes. But I don't like any of this,"

"And you think I want the roles reversed...we'd be having the same argument if you were escorting Mike,"

"So you do still care about me?"

"We're having this conversation now?!" Kat sighed "Of course I still care about you...even though you hid the truth about my mom...you still raised me. And I think I'm starting to understand why...it's all been leading up to this,"

Coulson looked at her confused "What did you say?"

"Nothing...I just have a phone call to make when this is all over..and a long ass road trip,"

Before Coulson could question her more, Katerina took her seatbelt off and exited the SUV and walked over to the van where Simmons was brushing the odorless chemical onto the back of Mike's hand.

"Once the swap happens, I'll fire up my equipment." Fitz explained to Mike "We'll be able to track you wherever they take you,"

"Just don't do anything that'll endanger my son," Mike said.

"We won't," Skye assured "but we want to make sure Ace has his dad at the end of the day, too,"

Katerina walked around the van speaking directly to Mike "Time to go,"

They started off as Fitz closed up the van.

"Coulson and his team won't let you down,"

"It wasn't supposed to go down like this." Mike admitted "I'm gonna make this right, I swear,"

"Hello, Mike. It's been a while." Raina gave Mike a smile and he and Kat remained stone-faced. "Your son is adorable, and he looks just like you," she looked over to Katerina "I don't believe I've had the pleasure,"

"Lucky for you,"

Raina looked at Mike again "I have to thank you, Mike. For holding up your end of the deal,"

Kat rolled her eyes "Let's just make the trade. Give us Ace and you can have him,"

"Oh, that wasn't the deal," Raina laughed and Mike glanced over at Katerina.

"I'm so sorry," Mike said.

"What's happening here, Mike?" Katerina questioned as she got defensive.

"Well, in exchange for his son we asked Mike to deliver you," Raina admitted.

Mike flashed with anger and before the Centipede soldier could do anything Mike had Raina by the throat. "I'm not at full-strength but I can still crush your throat." He threatened "New deal! My son for your life,"

"Sadly, my employer cares no more for my life than your son's. If I die, so does he. And his death will be so much worse,"

Kat bit her tongue as she touched Mike on his shoulder "You need to let her go,"

"I told them they could have me." Mike turned and looked at Katerina "But they want you. Why do they want you?"

"Because I'm not human. Now let her go or you'll never see your son again,"

"But how will I look him in the eye?" Mike began to cry "How will I explain what I did?"

"Because you're a hero,"

"I am so sorry," Mike sighed and let go of Raina's neck, Raina took a deep relieved breath then looked over at Katerina.

"Let's finish this," Kat growled.

Raina turned to the car and waved a few of her fingers, the last Centipede soldier opened the back door and Ace ran out.

"Dad!" Ace exclaimed.

Mike hurried past Raina and picked Ace up hugging him tightly. He held Ace close and walked past Katerina with him in his arms, he turned and looked back at Kat "If there had been any other way..."

Katerina nodded in understanding "You made the only choice you had. Poughkeepsie,"

Mike quirked an eyebrow but hurried away with Ace.

Raina walked up behind Kat and Katerina gasped when Raina shot her with some sort of drug in her back.

Kat fell unconscious and one of the Centipede soldiers caught her.


Back at the van May saw what was happening, Mike running at them holding Ace and Katerina being dragged away.


Ward had also been tracking what had happened through his scope.


"What happened?" May demanded.

"They took Kat," Ward reported.

"All right, call it in, we need backup,"

"I have a shot,"

"Do not engage." Coulson ordered "They'll kill Katerina. Stand down,"

"I'll contact HQ," May said, Coulson, giving her a brief nod to show that he had heard.

Mike looked down at Ace "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, dad," Ace replied.

"SHIELD HQ this is SHIELD RG422 we need immediate satellite support," May radioed.

Mike handed Ace to Skye then knelt to look into the boy's eyes. "Ace, I've got to make something right. Daddy loves you so much, okay? Stay with Skye. You remember Skye, right?" He looked up at Skye "Keep him safe. Take care of my boy!" Mike ran down the bridge toward the car Katerina was dragged to.

When Mike passed by the cement mixers both of them exploded on either side of him.

Skye jumped and hugged Ace tight to her watching with horror.


Ward even gasped when he saw the explosion.


"No!" Skye exclaimed "Mike!"

Everyone looked at the bridge shell shocked.


Ward lifted the sight back to his eye scanning for Katerina.


"Where's Katerina?!" Coulson demanded "Where's my daughter?!" he focused on the car Raina drove in and it exploded as well.

"Oh, my God," Skye stood up hugging Ace to her waist "KC,"

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