No Exit Pt. 2

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Dean was twisted up in a very awkward sleep-position on a leather sofa. Sirens sounded nearby and he woke up, groaning. Jo was sitting at the table, twirling her knife and studying notes and blueprints.

"Morning, princess," Jo greeted

"Where's Kat and Sam?" Dean asked

"Went to get coffee,"

Dean got up slowly, grimacing. "Ugh. My back. How'd you sleep on that big soft bed?"

"I didn't. Just been going over everything,"

Dean looked down at her, considering. He placed a bag on to the table and pulled out a Bowie knife, unsnapping it from the sheath and handing it to Jo, hilt-first. "Here,"

"What's this for?"

"Whole a hell of a lot better than that little pig-sticker you're twirling around,"

Jo took the knife, then handed him hers. He studied it, and saw engraved on the blade: W.A.H. He looked up at Jo, getting it. "William Anthony Harvelle,"

"I'm sorry. My mistake," Dean took his knife back, sheathing it.

"What do you...what do you remember about your dad? I mean, what's the first thing that pops into your head?" Jo asked. Dean shook his head "Come on, tell me,"

Dean sat down "I was six or seven, and uh, he took me shooting for the first time. You know, balls on a fence, that kind of thing. I bulls-eyed every one of 'em. He gave me this smile, like...I don't know,"

"He must have been proud,"

"What about your dad?"

"I was still in pigtails when my dad died, but I remember him coming home from a hunt. He'd burst through that door like, like Steve McQueen or something. And he'd sweep me up in his arms, and I'd breathe in that old leather jacket of his. And my mom, who was sour and pissed from the minute he left, she started smiling again. And we were...we were a family. You wanna know why I want to do the job? For him. It's my way of being close to him. Now tell me what's wrong with that,"


Sam burst through the door.

"Where's the coffee and Kat?" Dean asked

"There are cops outside. Another girl disappeared," Sam explained as Katerina entered the room.

"Teresa Ellis, Apartment 2F. Boyfriend reported her missing around dawn," Kat explained.

"And her apartment?" Jo asked

"Cracks all over the plaster, walls, ceiling. There was ectoplasm, too,"

"Well, between that and that tuft of hair I'd say this sucker's coming from the walls," Dean explained

"But who is it?" Sam asked "Building's history is totally clean,"

Jo picked up a photograph "Well, maybe we're looking in the wrong place,"

"What do you mean?" Dean asked

"Check this out,"

Sam looked at the photo "An empty field?"

"It's where this building was built. Take a look at the one next door. The windows," Jo explained

"Bars," I said looking over Sam's shoulder at the photo.

"We're next door to a prison?" Dean asked


Jo was on the phone "Thanks, Ash. And if you breathe a word of this to my mom...That's right. I will. With pliers." she hung up "Okay. Moyamensing prison. Built in 1835, torn down in 1963. And get this. They used to execute people by hanging them in the empty field next door,"

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