No Exit Pt. 3

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Dean rushed back up the hallway, running headlong into Sam and Katerina.

"Whoa," Kat said

"He's got Jo," Dean said

"What? How'd that happen?" Sam asked

"I wasn't with her; I left her alone. Dammit!"

"Hey, hey, look, we'll find her, all right?"

"We've been inside the walls all night. None of the other girls were there, Jo won't be either,"

Sam lead Dean into their motel room"Look. We've just gotta take a beat and think about this,"

"Maybe we got Holmes' M.O. wrong," Katerina reasoned.

"Yeah, well, we'd better friggin' think fast," Dean's cell phone rang again; he answered it. "Yeah,"

"You lied to me. She's there," Ellen said on the other end.


"No-Ash told me everything. Man's a genius, but he folds like a cheap suit. Now put my damn daughter on the phone,"

"She's gonna have to call you back, she's taking care of, uh, feminine business,"

"Yeah, right. Where is she? Where is she?!"

"Look, we'll get her back,"

"Get her back? Back from what?"

"The spirit we're hunting, it took her,"

"Oh my god,"

"She'll be okay, I promise,"

"You promise. That is not the first time I've heard that from a Winchester,"


"If anything happens to her..."

"It won't. I won't let. Ellen, I'm sorry, I really am,"

"I'm taking the first flight out. I'll be there in a few hours," Ellen hung up

"Damnit!" Dean exclaimed

"Don't beat yourself up, Dean. There's nothing you could have done," Kat reasoned

"Tell me you've got something,"

"Uh, maybe. Look. You look at the layout of the Holmes murder castle, there's all the torture chambers inside the walls, right?" Sam said looking over the blueprints.


"But there's one we haven't considered yet. The one in this basement,"

Kat leaned over Sam and looked at the blueprints "This building doesn't have a basement,"

"You're right, it doesn't. But I just noticed this. Beneath the foundation, it looks like part of an old sewer system that hasn't been used for-"

"Let's go," Dean grabbed his jacket and left.

"You're welcome!" Katerina shouted after him, rolling her eyes.

"You get used to it," Sam said as he got up and handed Kat her jacket and they followed after Dean.


Sam and Dean, with a metal detector and a shovel, respectively, searched the streets of Philadelphia. As I watched the boys, I saw a girl with blonde hair, she looked at me and took off. Curiosity got the best of me as I followed her into an open field until she stopped over one spot, and disappeared. "Sam...Dean!" I called out, the boys quickly coming to my side as I pointed to the spot. "Here,"

Dean didn't even question it, but Sam looked up at me as I only shook my head, not wanting to delve into how I followed a ghost to the spot. Dean dropped his bag and started digging furiously. After some shovel work, they dug with their hands to uncover a metal trap door, which they pulled open. Dean handed me and Sam a shotgun and took one, and a flashlight, then started descending. I followed Dean as Sam followed after me.


We crawled along on elbows and knees through the narrow sewer tunnels. Until I heard the sound of a struggle.

"Hey!" I fired my gun into Holmes' chest, sending him flying backward and out of sight.

"Jo?!" Dean asked

"I'm here!" Jo exclaimed from inside a compartment.

Dean found an iron bar leaning against a wall and started to pry open Jo's prison with it. I investigated the other compartments; one contained gruesome body parts, I looked away, not wanting to think about who they belonged to. I found Teresa.

"We're gonna get you out of here, all right?" I told her

"Kat!" Dean handed the bar to me "Hang on," he opened the compartment to let Jo out. "You all right"

"Been better. Let's get the hell out of here before he comes back," Jo said

"Actually, I don't think you're leaving here just yet,"

"What?" I asked

"Remember when I said you being bait was a bad plan? Now it's kind of the only one we got," Dean turned to Sam, who had an armful of terrified Teresa. Sam shrugged.


Jo was sitting alone, silently, in the middle of the chamber. She had her arms wrapped around her knees and was trembling, but breathing deeply and steadily. Holmes appeared behind her. He walked forward. When he got very close Dean shouted.

"Now!" Dean exclaimed

Jo dove forward as Sam and Katerina fired at something on the walls; several bags unrolled and spilled salt in a perfect circle around Holmes, trapping him. Dean pulled Jo to safety as Holmes circled, gibbering and screaming in terror. "Scream all you want, you dick, but there's no way you're stepping over that salt!"

A grate slammed shut, sealing off the room.


Sam and Katerina were standing at the entrance to the sewers, looking down. "So? You ever going to tell me how you were able to find the entrance without a metal detector?"

Kat was grateful when the loud beeping of the cement truck Dean had ripped off. Katerina waved at Dean to stop the truck. Dean got out of the cab; he and Sam set up the cement mixer right over the entrance.

"He ripped off a cement truck?" Jo asked walking up next to Kat.

"He'll give it back," Katerina said as the two watched the cement pour on down.

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