doing laundry

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"Hey, Camz," Lauren peeked her head into the laundry room, "Can you do me a favor?" Lauren's voice was sweet with an underlying tone of nervousness.

"What do you want, mom?" Camila mumbled, not looking up from her clothes.

"I have to go into work early today, and I was wondering if you could throw some of my clothes in the washer when you're done?" Camila glanced up from her sorting, Lauren looked away as soon as they made eye contact. "I just need a few things washed," Lauren said softly, and after a short pause, "If you don't mind, I mean."

Camila knew that she didn't like to ask for help especially when she thought that it would bother someone else. Camila also knew how hard Lauren had been working, staying at her dead end job til the early morning hours so that she could help pay for her mother's hospital bills while still paying rent. "Yeah," Camila waved her away, "I'll do it."

Camila looked down, and smiled a little while crossing his arms, "Thanks, Canola," Her shit eating grin returning as she walked down the hallway. A few moments later Lauren returned with a small load of laundry. Not much more than three day's worth of outfits, "Here."

Camila looked between Lauren and the small clump of clothes in her arms. "When was the last time you actually washed all of your clothes?" Lauren looked away, not saying anything. "I can do laundry today," Camila said softly, "I'm the only one here today, I really don't mind."

"No, no, no," Lauren said with fake authority, "It's your day off, do something fun. Not to mention you're the only one home today," She winked making Camila's heart flutter, "You could have some, ya know, fun."

Camila having turned a bright shade of red, quickly shoved her head into her hands and groaned, "OK! OK! I get it! Shut up!"

Laueen giggled at the flustered Camila, "I'll leave my door unlocked so you can throw those in my room,' she gestured to the clothes she had dropped on the floor.

"Yeah, yeah," she scooped the clothes up into her lap, "I got it."

"Thanks again, Camz," Lauren said softly again, She quickly look up to the clock on the wall, "Oh shit! I'm so fucking late!" Lauren scrambled down the hallway, snatching her jacket off of her door knob, and screaming a good bye to Camila as she slammed the door.

Camila winced at the sound of the door, then sighed at the new pile in her lap. She hummed a soft tune to herself as she began to sort Lauren's clothes. "Jeans go here, red shirt goes here, black hoodie goes here, pink boxers go-" Camila's breath hitched as she looked down at the fabric in her hand.

She takes a minute to think, Lauren was tall, handsome, funny, caring, and hard working. She's the perfect woman, thoughtful yet so very straight. But she was her mom. Camila's bisexual panic was taking over as she pictured being with Lauren. Her little heart could barely stand it. With these thoughts running rapid in her head, she barely noticed that she had put the boxers in her hoodie pocket.

Camila finished sorting the clothes, and putting the jeans into the washer. She remembered that Lauren only gave her one pair of boxers to wash and thinking that Lauren might find it suspicious if them went missing. So she decided to replace the stolen pair with a different pair, she crept to Lauren's room.

Camila pushed open the door and was hit with the overwhelming scent of Richie. The room was plunged into a deep red hue from the bed side lamp, due to it's dark red shade. The red illuminated a messily made bed with a dark duvet, and a pillow with the case half way off. The many band and movie posters on the wall made the room feel small and inviting, despite being very disorganized and messy. Camila remembered how uncomfortable she felt the first time she was in here, and chuckled because now she never wanted to leave.

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