pt. 7 / quarterback

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Lauren stayed by the cheerleader's bed side as much as the doctors would let her. Any free moment she had, she was with Camila. She was thankful that it was still the Christmas break and that school wasn't going to start again for another week. It had been three days since Shawn had knocked the girl out. They hadn't yet gone to the police because they just didn't have the energy to deal with that as well as worrying about Camila.

The brunette was led on the bed with her lover, holding the girl in her arms. She was drifting in and out of sleep but she was happy just being close to the girl even though it was such a strange feeling.

The girl's body was warm and it smelt like Camila, but she wasn't holding on to Lauren like she usually did. She wasn't gripping the girl's shirt as if she were holding on for dear life.

Sinu walked into the room and Lauren too one look at the woman who had quickly become a mother figure to her, and started crying.

"Hey, come here." Sinu offered, holding her arms open. The quarterback slowly got off of the bed and accepted the hug.

"I miss the sound of her voice and that sparkle in her eye." The brunette cried into the shorter woman's shoulder.

"I know you do honey, but the doctor said she was going to be okay. She'll be awake again in a couple of days." Sinu comforted, rubbing Lauren's back.

The girl just kept crying. She had tried staying strong for the last few days but she just couldn't take it anymore. "I love her so much Sinu. She is everything that's good in my life and I hate that I provoked that stupid ape. I should have taken the hit but I dodged it. I'm a coward."

"No you aren't. It's not your fault Lauren. Alejandro and I don't blame you and I'm sure Camila doesn't so please, don't blame yourself." The older woman said firmly.

The doctor came in to the room and addressed Lauren. "We have the results of your sperm count back Miss Jauregui. You have a very, very low sperm count but the ones that we saw were very healthy and very much capable of getting someone pregnant. The low count means that the chance of you actually getting someone pregnant is significantly reduced, but there is still a chance there however because of how healthy they are."

"So the baby is mine?" she sniffled, wiping her eyes.

"Unless Miss Cabello has had intercourse with someone else in the last month or so, the baby is yours." The man said with a smile. "Now, as for your daughter Mrs Cabello, we are going to take her for some tests today to see how the swelling in her brain is doing. If it is going to fix itself then it should have reduced dramatically by today."

The two women took a moment to let the news that they had just been given sink in. Lauren smiled to herself. She was pretty confident that Camila hadn't been with anyone since she asked her not to sleep with Shawn. She wouldn't blame the girl if she had however; he was her boyfriend after all. She made a note to ask the brunette when she woke up.

The doctor left. Lauren took her place on the cheerleader's bed once more, careful not to disturb any of the wires or tubes that were coming from the girl, while Sinu took the large arm chair next to the bed.

"So you and my daughter have been having premarital sex?" she asked.

"I'm so sorry Sinu." Was all Lauren could say.

"I hope you intend on marrying my daughter." The air got caught in the girl's throat making her cough and splutter. "You both have a child on the way now as a consequence of your relations."

"I can assure you Sinu, I'm going to marry your daughter and not just through obligation. I'm going to marry her because I cant imagine my life without her." the quarterback said softly, kissing Camila's head. "Please wake up soon." She whispered against her hair.

𝘪 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘣𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora