opening the sky

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Camila's attunement towards the shifts of feeling and emotion regarding her girlfriend was highly probable due to her mild psychic powers and how well she knew Lauren. Her mannerisms, her expressions, even from the way she walked spoke volumes for Camila. Usually, Lauren bounced on the balls of her feet, raven locks bobbing like midnight flax in a field of weeds. Her chin tipped upwards, a hint of a smirk on her lips.

Today, Lauren was different. She looked uncomfortable. Books held tight against her hip. She took smaller steps, kept her head down. At first, Camila chalked it up to Lauren having an off-day. After all, even queens who have ruled the school for the past three years even have those days.

Approaching her girlfriend as she walked past her, Camila slipped her hand into Lauren's free, swinging hand. Her palm was sweaty, Camila noted, and it was warmer than usual. "Lauren, you seem different. Like you're uncomfortable somehow." Camila whispered as they walked down the hall, Lauren matching the gait of Camila's paradoxical short-for-her-height-but-goes-on-for-miles legs.

"Remember my condition I told you about?"

"Which one?" Camila teased, her fingers interlocking with the taller girl's. "The penis or the wolf thing?" Despite Camila's teasing, she made it a point to remind Lauren every chance she had that these conditions of hers had no way of affecting the way love blossomed inside Camila's chest whenever she thought of Lauren.

"Both, I think? But mostly the wolf thing." Lauren wiped a bead of perspiration off her brow. "I'm in heat, Camz. It came early this month." She ceased walking and tugged Camila by the hand into an empty ladies' bathroom. "So you know I'm super horny and being around you, smelling you, is driving me insane." Lauren pressed Camila against the door and burrowed into her neck. Smelled deeply, a rumble bubbling up in her throat.

Camila's palms slid along Lauren's shoulders, then to grasp the back of her neck. Her thumbs grazed her girlfriend's jaw-line, quietly asking her to look her in the eye. "I want to help you and take care of it for you." Camila murmured. "But I'd hate to do it in school."

This was not the first instance that Lauren had been in heat in the duration of her relationship with Camila. Though the first time she was told of both Lauren's anatomy and her folkloric ability, Camila had no idea what to do. Of course, she continued to be Lauren's girlfriend, and she was in no way disgusted by her, but the fact remained that these turn of events were surprising and wholly unexpected.

Still, Camila took pride in the fact that she could adapt to any given situation rapidly. Within the week, she had her small, dainty hands wrapped around Lauren's thick cock, her mouth sucking on patches of her pale skin until she was bruised and marked all over.

Lauren then came with a shuddering gasp, her cum spurting out in thick ropes to coat her belly. Camila smirked at this display, enjoying the power of a shivering, panting Lauren beneath her, cum coating her upper body in its sticky warmth.

Presently, Lauren kissed Camila's forehead and nodded. "I know. I was already in school when it kicked in. And it feels like such a waste ditching class just because I can't keep it in my pants."

"But your first days are always the most intense." Camila replied, kissing Lauren's heated cheeks. Behind her, someone attempted to enter the bathroom. Upon feeling the weight of Camila against it, they heard the squeak-probably of a freshman's-before the door stilled completely. "Anyway, what are you going to do? Avoid me all day?"

"It might come to that, yes." Lauren had a forlorn grimace. Her hips, pressed firm against Camila, started to move in subtle movements. It was because of Lauren's estrous cycle, she knew. "I don't want to do that though, Camila."

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