pt. 9 / quarterback

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"Laur," the brunette whispered, shaking the girl who was sleeping next to her. "Lauren, wake up." She huffed when the girl still didn't wake up. Camila smirked before shoving the girl, effectively pushing her out of the bed and onto the floor. The girl fell back on to the bed and pretended to be asleep as she heard her girlfriend wake up. "Oh, you're up." She feigned sleepiness in her voice. "Yeah I fell out of bed which is weird because I wasn't having a dream. I was sleeping quite peacefully."

The quarterback rubbed her head where it had hit the floor. "Well whilst you're up baby, I have this really bad craving." Lauren stood up, leaning over the bed to kiss her girlfriend. "And what can I get you baby?" the brunette smiled against Camila's lips. "I really want a strawberry milkshake from McDonalds." The ex HBIC wrapped her arms around the girl's neck, pulling the quarterback down on top of her. "Oh! And a chicken burger with barbecue sauce and extra gherkins."

"That, my love, is disgusting." The girl placed one more kiss on Camila's lips before she pulled on a shirt and left, calling back "I love you." Lauren smiled to herself all the way to McDonalds. She liked doing little things like this for her girlfriend. They weren't always appreciated, because of Camila's mood swings, but the majority of the time she made the girls pregnancy more bearable. She pulled up at the fast food restaurant and decided to go in, rather than go through the drive through.

It was past one in the morning but the place was still open. "That is the weirdest order I think I have ever heard." The spotty teen remarked innocently. It was quiet and the boy obviously just wanted to make conversation. "I know, it's for my girlfriend. She's pregnant." Lauren grinned. "Oh, fair enough then. Did her ex or something knock her up?" he asked, getting more interested. Lima was a small town so everyone knew each others business, except for this guy obviously. "Uh, no." she laughed. "I did." The look on the teen's face was priceless. It went from confused, to turned on and back to confused in the space of five seconds.

The quarterback threw the guy a bone and explained. "I have a penis." "So you're transgender? Male to female? Miss, you make a very pretty girl." He tried to compliment. "No dear," she laughed, watching as the boy got a milkshake prepared. "I was born as neither a boy or a girl. I have breasts of a woman but genitals of a man. I think the social and medical term for this is intersex." "Oh! That's kind of weird." He shrugged, putting the drink on the counter. "I have all I need. Loving parents and a smoking hot girlfriend. You probably know her actually; she was the captain of the Cheerios at Miami High." The quarterback smiled. "No way! Well get in there." The boy smirked, retrieving Lauren's order. "Here you go miss, hope she enjoys it."

"She probably won't want it by the time I get home." The brunette laughed, thanking the boy and leaving to return to her girl.


The brunette sighed as she turned the lights off in the kitchen. Her hands, back and feet were sore from the amount that she had been working. She hated this. Lauren wanted to drop out of school so that she could do more hours so that she wasn't stressed all the time.

Camila needed new clothes almost every week and they couldn't just go ahead and buy the biggest sizes because they didn't know how big the brunette would get. It was all so frustrating. Lauren needed something to take her anger out upon but she couldn't find it. She was going crazy. "What's up dude?" Zayn greeted enthusiastically, meeting the girl at her car. "Oh you know," she sighed, "I just want to go home and sleep." "You need to go easier on yourself bro." his eyes were full of sympathy as he patted her shoulder, getting in to the passengers side. The quarterback had asked him to meet her after work. "How? There's no way that I can keep doing all of this Zayn. I need to drop out of school but Camila will kill me. Add the stress of keeping her in clothes that hide her baby bump well because of Shawn and then add her waking me up in the middle of the night, almost every night to get her whatever the hell she is craving. Don't get me wrong Zayn, I love looking after her and making sure she's okay but it's so hard." Lauren clutched on to the steering wheel.

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