such great heights 2

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Since that first unforgettable night, Camila hadn't been able to get Lauren out of her mind. She had broken up with Austin, for good, and ignored any attempt of reconciliation because it was finally time to move on. But how? With Lauren? She had no feelings for her. She just felt a strong attraction for someone who not only knew how to talk to her body, but saw through her mind too. The brain - as Lauren told her - craved for the black haired girl's touch, the sounds she couldn't help but make and the scent that charmed her like a drug.

That's why she stood in front of the fine wooden door, pondering whether to ring the doorbell or just turn around on her heels and walk away from "that" office. A golden plate with the names "Jauregui & Malik" shone proudly on the door, luring the clients into taking the last step and join the "dark" side of pleasure. Taking a deep breath, she pressed on the doorbell and waited. Loud voices could be heard, along with steps getting closer until the door was swung open and a very attractive brunette man stood on the threshold.

"May I help you, Miss?" The handsome man smiled charmingly at the Broadway starlet, who gulped down and nodded shyly without uttering a word. "Do you have an appointment?"

"I was looking for Lauren. Lauren Jauregui" The singer stepped inside the luxury office and looked around, taking in every small detail about the furniture or the pictures on the walls. Two wide windows allowed to have a great view of the 5th Avenue and the sight was so breathtaking; for a brief moment, she wondered how these two young adults could afford all of this, but then she remembered that they were not "street workers". Their clients were probably loaded with money and that explained the hotel rooms, high quality services and this spacious loft.

"Lauren is currently with a client, Miss. May I provide my own help or pass a message?" The man poured her a glass of some amber liquid and smiled charmingly at her, although it didn't affect her in any way. Lauren's smile had made her weak in the knees and sent jolts of pleasure in places she had forgotten about. He was handsome, but not for her.

"I would like to schedule another appointment. Same place and same hour, if possible." Camila took a sip from the glass and cringed at the taste. Scotch never was her kind of drink. She placed her own business card on the table and stood up from the comfortable leather chair. "My contacts are all here, if anything happens and she can't make it." Smiling at him, she walked out of the door not to pay too much attention to the weird discomfort she had felt, when she had known Lauren was with a client. Someone who wasn't her.


When Lauren opened the door, dressed in a more casual attire - un-tucked white blouse, black pants and black heels - Camila felt her pulse race more and a slow drop of sweat trickling down her spine, dying on the hem of her thong that she had purchased for the occasion. The first time, she was too nervous to even think about a sexier outfit, but this time she couldn't miss the opportunity to make an impression.

"You look stunning tonight, Camila." Lauren locked the hotel door and led the silent brunette inside the familiar hotel room. Same bed. Same lingering smell of vanilla filling the air. Same dim lights. The black haired girl surely knew how to create the right "ambient" for her client and even if the satisfaction primarily came from her sexual skills, the atmosphere surely added value to the whole ensemble. "Do you prefer red or white wine?" She smiled at the distracted singer, who snapped back to reality at the sound of her smooth and husky voice.

"I broke up with Austin..." Camila blurted out, puzzling the black haired girl escort who raised a perfect eyebrow in confusion. "My boyfriend. Well, my ex-boyfriend given the recent events. I...after our night together, I couldn't stay with him because it felt wrong and odd, you know? I am young and I shouldn't limit my options, because I cannot let go of my past who turned into a burden too heavy to carry along.. I had never slept with anyone else but him and I realized how much I was missing out and I don't want to do that anymore, you get what I mean? Oh my god, I am rambling and you probably think I am some naive small town girl who can't think outside the box." The singer looked away in embarrassment, until soft fingers lifted her chin and Lauren's hazelnut eyes met hers.

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