is this jealousy

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From where anyone else was sitting, it would seem as if Camila was just being her usual self when it came to being around Ariana. They've been best friends their entire life after all, so it was perfectly dignified for Camila to have her arm slung around Ariana's neck as they giggled over some inane thing together, right? Right.

For Lauren, it was more than that. She knew about their past. She knew about how Ariana broke Camila's heart because of her indecisiveness and her refusal to leave Jai. Lauren didn't hate Ariana, in fact she respected her for not cheating, but at the expense of Camila's heart? No way.

It's not that Lauren was jealous - wait, she was. There was still something unnerving about how Camila touched Ariana's arm with delicate fingertips. Truth be told, they looked good together. Ariana and Camila as a couple was the expected outcome, after all, not Lauren and Camila. And that kind of hurt for Lauren. She hated how no one believed them to be good for each other.

After the grueling practice, Lauren snuck out of the choir room to head to her locker without Camila's hand in hers. Her hand felt lonely and so did she, but she didn't want to coddle Camila. She didn't want to be that possessive girlfriend that wants Camila for herself but it just didn't help that she was with Ariana. The girl she used to have feelings for - Ariana.

With a sigh, Lauren took out her textbooks for the weekend while trying not to be too sensitive over the fact that her girlfriend was with another girl that she used to have all these intense feelings for. Maybe she couldn't really compete. After all, Ariana was the better dancer, she was a brilliant kisser, she was still a cheerleader and Camila loved her first...

"Where did you go, baby?" Lauren jerked around and saw Camila smiling at her. "You snuck away when I wasn't looking."

"Yeah..." Lauren gripped her physics textbook and took calming breaths. She didn't want to lose her temper while still in the school building. The last time it happened, she had to pay to have her locker door replaced. "Are you still spending the night or are you hanging out with Ariana this weekend?"

"Mmm, I'm still staying over tonight but I'm hanging with Ari on Sunday, why?" Camila checked her appearance in front of the mirror and took Lauren's hand in hers. "Let's go? C'mon, I'm starving and I want some food. Ari was talking about-"

At that point, Lauren drowned out the sound of Camila's voice, as beautiful as it was. She was getting annoyed about every single thing that Ariana did and how funny it was that when she parked her car on the driveway, she got out of the vehicle without another word to Camila. She went up the stairs, dumped her books and her bag by her desk and slumped down on her bed face first into the soft pillow. Lauren was fucking exhausted.

"Lauren, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Camila stormed into Lauren's bedroom, slamming the door behind her. "Why would you walk out on me like that? Rude much?"

Lauren turned her head, half of her face still hidden by the pillow, which was good because it was that eye that was tearing up. "Rude is talking about a girl you used to have feelings for while your girlfriend is right in front of you."

"What?" Camila walked closer to Lauren and sat on the bed in front of her. "What are you on about? I was talking about Ariana-" At this, Lauren scoffed and rolled away from her girlfriend. She would rather remain silent and have her anger consume her than to have a violent fight that involved screaming and tears for either one of them.

"Lauren, are you jealous of Ariana?"

"No." Lauren tried her hardest not to sound petulant but Camila knew her well enough for her question to be rhetorical.

"Oh baby..." Camila smirked and crawled over to spoon Lauren from behind. She rested her chin on the black haired girls's shoulder and kissed her ear.

"You have nothing to be jealous of. Ariana and I are best friends, just like how you and I are."

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