the hand that feeds: two

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Lucy had made it clear since day one she was discontent with Camila living here. If it were up to Camila she would completely avoid Lucy. Camila wanted nothing to do with a girl who was spiteful and clearly in love with Lauren.

"It's too tight." Camila complained, as Lucy made the knot in her apron

Lucy let out a huff as she untied the knot and retied it for a second time. The grip around her waist wasn't much less snug, but a comfortable breathing space. Camila walked away when she was done, not intending on fixing the knot for a second time.

Camila looked herself over in the full length mirror. The choice of clothing had been unusual. It was formal attire, but lacked the luxury appeal of designer gowns. That didn't mean the uniform lacked style or an appeal. Camila was given a black vest with a low v-neck design that would have given the guest large amounts of cleavage if she didn't wear a formal white button-up dress shirt underneath. The sleeves had been folded up to her elbows and the first three buttons of the shirt were left open exposing her collar bones.

Paired with the top was a black circle skirt that made Camila feel completely uncomfortable due to the lack of leggings underneath. Her legs were left exposed, except for her thighs, and a pair of black and white oxford heels. Camila could do without the shoes, but she knew it was wise to wear what she was given.

Camila had put part of her hair up into a fishtail braid and tied it together with a black hair tie. She chose to skip makeup as she had no knowledge of how to apply any of it. And she wasn't going to ask for Lucy's help anymore as tying her apron had been too much of a hassle for her.

Lucy had been nice enough to give Camila a brief run through as a server; basic rules such as not speaking unless spoken to, avoid eye contact and react quickly to any call of the guest should they need anything like refills or new utensils.

The food would be made in a specific order so all Camila would have to do is take the trays and distribute them to the guests without dropping it on them.

"Camila, the guests has arrived." Lucy announced.

She took one deep breath, smoothed her apron and nodded. Camila wouldn't have been nervous if Michael wasn't there. This would be the first time she's seen him and if he was in any way as bad as people said Camila had to be on his good side as much as possible.

Camila followed Lucy out of her bedroom and into the foyer. They were to enter the kitchen as it was common practice to not appear unless called. The sweet smell of pastries and savory steak filled Camila's nose and it caused her stomach to grumble.

The clatter of pans and pots echoed through the kitchen and the deeper Camila traveled the hotter the kitchen became as she got closer to the stoves. The slaves were running around gathering ingredients and cooking as quickly as possible to not keep their master waiting.

"Camila load this cart with the first course." Lucy instructed. "It's on the counter behind you."

Lucy gathered wine glasses and carefully selected the suitable wine for today's meal from the fridge. When the cart was loaded Camila was directed to step out, but kept in mind to not trip over the cart as she moved. Lucy was behind her with the wine bottle in a bucket and three wine glasses in her left hand.

Stepping into the kitchen Camila nearly froze at the sight of Michael Jauregui. A truly beastly and frightening man as he barely classified as human. He was tall with plenty of muscle as it showed in the way he carried himself. As he inhaled it caused his chest to sharply rise through his sweater vest.

She made sure to keep her eyes at the cart in front of her as she came closer to the table. She could hear the sound of Michael's voice bellowing through the dining room.

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