sex ed

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Sex ed class, Lauren found out, wasn't at all the best way to hide her big secret.

She had been quite optimistic before. What could happen to her in Sex ed class with her creepy, old teacher Mrs. Elizabeth? She had hoped that the class would be like the Sex ed classes on TV where the teacher only whipped out a banana and showed them how to correctly apply a condom. Not that Lauren needed any help with that, she had already practiced plenty on her own. After all she didn't want to get some poor girl pregnant.

That's right, Lauren Jauregui had been born with a penis.

But Sex ed, as it turned out, was more about charts with naked people on them than bananas. And apparently Mrs. Elizabeth, who had initially been set out to take over the class, had broken her hip last summer on a camping trip with her equally creepy husband.

So now it was the new trainee teacher Ms. Watson who was in charge of the class. It would have been fine, Lauren had learned how to control her urges and how to prevent a boner while in school, but it was an extremely hot day and sweat was pooling all around, especially between Ms. Watson's breasts, Lauren had discovered. Her low-cut blouse didn't help matters either.

Lauren tried to focus on the matter at hand, the Sex ed charts, but the pictures of a naked woman and Ms. Watson pointing at different areas while explaining their growth in puberty wasn't making it any easier. Lauren felt sweat building on the back of her neck as she desperately tried to keep herself in check and not make a scene, slowly closing her eyes and turning her head to the side.

Think of something else, think of something else... Her eyes snapped open and to her great relief her eyes landed on one Camila Cabello. Camila Cabello in her argyle sweaters and her big nose and her admittedly not so manly hands neatly folded in her lap. A lap only covered with a very flimsy material. Lauren swallowed. She knew that Camila liked short skirts. But normally they reached at least mid-thigh and normally Lauren didn't get turned by looking at Camila Cabello.

Lauren's eyes traveled over the exposed skin of Camila's crossed legs, the angle making Camila's sweaty skin glisten in the light streaming through the windows. Four chairs away from her Camila listened intently to what Ms. Watson had to say about the common use of the female genitalia with her brows furrowed and her lips pursed.

Lauren could feel her cock get slightly hard in her jeans as Camila uncrossed her legs and let one hand travel over the tanned thigh to swipe away some of the sweat that had gathered there before raising the hand that had calmly resided over her ridiculously short skirt just a second ago.

"Ms. Watson? I need to use the restroom, please.", Camila's raised hand let her argyle sweater rise as well, exposing a sliver of toned stomach and Lauren's hand reflexively went to the ever growing bulge in her pants. She gulped as her index finger traced over her jeans-clad member and she watched Camila get out of her chair. The skirt fluttered a little bit and Lauren could have sworn she had seen a flash of... of something naked and round. But Camila was wearing underwear, right?

The thought of Camila not wearing underwear only heightened her desire. She had to take care of her dick before it got too big and she wouldn't be able to hide it anymore. Besides, Camila just went to the bathroom... Lauren had to take her chance.

A few minutes after Camila had left the room Lauren raised her hand as well and before Ms. Watson could deny her the permission slip for the bathroom she was out of her seat and out of the room, her hand still firmly placed against her crotch and semi-hard member.

Lauren almost ran to the bathroom and by the time she arrived Camila was already washing her hands, humming a tune which Lauren identified to be their newest harmony number.

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