earning a better grade

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Camila drops her bag by the door. she turns slowly to Lauren , who's sitting behind the desk and regarding her over her glasses.
"Did you check the door?"
Camila swallows. "Yes." And double-checked, actually; it's definitely locked.
"Okay." Lauren smiles at her, reserved, but with something a little predatory about it. Heat twists in Camila 's stomach.
"What should I..."
Lauren waves a hand. "You can decide. Where would you like to be, Camila ? The couch is fine, or the chair. Or maybe you'd prefer it on the floor?"
she raises an eyebrow at that, quirking it at Camila like they're sharing a private joke. Camila can't help the nervous laugh she lets out. Lauren doesn't say anything more, and Camila realizes she 's actually being allowed to choose where she does this. she glances around Lauren 's office again - it's late, and the curtains are drawn tightly closed, but the overhead lights are bright. Camila kind of wishes they could turn them off and do this by lamplight instead, but - I want to see you, Lauren said. You're going to make yourself come, and I'm going to watch.
The couch does look fine, soft and giving. Lauren 's free chair looks comfortable enough too. Camila looks up to see that Lauren 's regarding her carefully. her desk is solid wood, and it looks thick and strong, high enough that if Camila were to sit on it, Lauren 's face would be about level with her chest. her cheeks go pink at just the thought, and she bites her lip, watching a smirk curl onto Lauren 's mouth as she realizes what Camila 's thinking. she picks up the stack of papers in front of her and tucks them into a draw, leaving a sizeable free space on the desk.
"Take off your clothes and come sit over here, Camila ."
"I -" Camila pauses, taken aback by the suddenness of it. "All of them?"
Lauren nods, and she 's still smirking. "Yes, all of them. Why? Were you hoping to hide something from me?" she finally stands up, coming around from behind the desk to stand in front of Camila . Camila always forgets how tall her professor is, how different it is being near to her, rather than sitting in the lecture hall watching Lauren talk.
"No - no," Camila says.
"Good," Lauren says. she brings one hand up to stroke at Camila 's hair. A finger curls around Camila 's ear, right where she 's sensitive. "Because you're not going to hold anything back if you want this grade, Camila . Do you want it?"
Camila nods. Lauren 's fingers are stroking at her nape, now, teasing.
"I want you to say it, Camila ."
"I - I really want it, Ma'am ."
"Mm." Lauren hooks a finger into one of Camila 's belt loops. "You'd do anything for it, wouldn't you Camila ? Even come here and fuck yourself on my desk for it. Want to so bad, don't you?"
"Yes, Ma'am ." Camila swallows again. Lauren 's dragging her closer, but making no motion to kiss her. Camila doesn't even know if that's on the cards. "I really want to."
Lauren smiles again, softer, and she leans in to murmur against Camila 's ear. "I think you should probably start undressing, then."
she releases Camila 's belt loops and stands back a little, but not quite enough to not be in Camila 's space. Camila starts with her shirt, first, tugging it over her head and dropping it on the floor next to them. Lauren 's eyes rake over her torso, and Camila can't hide the flush of pleasure she gets at the way Lauren 's looking at her, intent with want. she looks down at the ground rather than meet Lauren 's eyes. she toes off her shoes, glad she decided to forgo socks, except maybe then it would've given her a little longer stalling time before taking her pants off. As it is she fumbles with the zipper, shaking slightly, before she finally manages to pull them open and tug them down.
"Oh," Lauren says, softly.
she reaches out to run a finger along the waistline of Camila 's panties. Camila feels her stomach quiver at the touch, but she holds still. They're new; she bought them today, in anticipation, the last few words of Lauren 's note in her mind - wear something pretty.
"Look at you," Lauren says. "All dressed up for me." she tucks two fingers under the waistband of the panties and then lets them snap back at Camila 's skin. "You're going to get these so dirty for me tonight, Camila ."
Camila inhales sharply, both from the snap and from Lauren 's words. she doesn't know what to do with her hands.
Lauren seems to take pity on her, then, turning to walk back around the desk and gesturing for Camila to follow. "Are you wet?" she asks, almost conversationally, as she 's sliding into her chair.
Camila almost laughs again. she stumbles forward as Lauren beckons, climbing up onto the desk in front of Lauren , with a foot on either of Lauren 's knees. "I don't..."
Lauren 's knees widen, pulling Camila 's legs along with them until her thighs are splayed, held open in front of Lauren with just the panties to cover her.
"Why don't you check for me?"
Lauren has a hand on each of Camila 's thighs now, stroking softly.
Lauren nods. "Touch your pussy and tell me if you're wet, Camila ."
Camila opens her mouth to speak, but then closes it again. she runs a hand down her stomach, bracing herslef back on the other arm, before brushing her fingers down under the fabric of the panties. she pushes down further, shivering as she brushes her clit, and then - yeah.
"Yeah," Camila breathes, tugging her fingers out again. she feels Lauren 's fingers tighten on her thighs, and adds, "Yes, Ma'am ."
Lauren smiles, almost triumphantly. "Just from taking your clothes off. You're so easy, Camila . I bet that little pussy gets wet all the time."
"No," Camila shakes her head. "No, Ma'am , I'm not like that."
"You're not?" Lauren 's fingers tighten again, tugging Camila 's thighs even further apart. "I think you are, Camila . Look at you."
Camila doesn't know how to reply. she can feel herslef getting wetter by the second, and god, Lauren 's voice is so low, and dangerous, and soon she 's going to see everything. Camila 's clit is already throbbing insistently, and she 's starting to sweat, the blush spreading down her neck.
"Do you want to stroke yourself, Camila ?"
Yes. "I - Ma'am -"
"Just over the panties, for now. I want you to get them nice and wet."
Camila nods, not trusting herslef to speak. she braces herslef again, and lets her free hand run down over her stomach, feeling the muscles jump under her fingers. she pushes lower, lower, until she 's pressing at her clit through the fabric. she exhales with a little uhn sound, and she 's so wet she can feel it through the fabric, so wet that Lauren can probably see.
"That feel good?" Lauren murmurs. she strokes lazily at Camila 's thighs. "You like that, baby?"
"Yes, Ma'am ." Camila rubs harder, giving her clit as much friction as she can through her damp panties.
"Mm." Lauren shifts a little in her seat. "Faster."
Camila obeys unthinkingly, and speeds up her movements over her clit. she can feel her hips start to jerk up into the touch, every part of her reaching for more. she whines as she feels sweat start to bead down her neck, a short, frustrated sound.
"Not enough?" It's Lauren , pressing harder on her thighs again. "You want me to let you do more?"

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