uncanny likeness

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Lauren Cabello-Jauregui was in no way bored with her married life with Camila.

She scrolled through her email while her wife made the best coffee blend she recently received as a gift from friend. And as the machine hissed and puffed, the dark, life-giving liquid pattering against the bottom of the kettle, an email subject line caught Lauren's eye. A newsletter from sexstuds.com which, from the title alone, already made her roll her eyes. It was probably spam, but if it wasn't, she didn't remember signing up for this. Dinah and Normani's idea of a joke, probably.

Still, she read it. What was the harm, after all? The newsletter was informative, though. Coupon codes for sex shops around the NYC, discounts for certain porn films. Lauren didn't bother with the How to Make Her Orgasm More Than Once articles, since she already knew how to do that for Camila.

But one particular article caught her eye. It was about being a sexually adventurous person beyond public sex and being tied up. Lauren raised her brow. She liked to think that she and Camila were adventurous, and so, she clicked through the link in the newsletter, and it took her to a web page about a hotel that was built a year or so ago.

The hotel was called The Love Hotel. Not entirely original, Lauren mused, but as she clicked around the site, Camila began to hum and sing while she stirred two mugs of coffee, one for her and one for Lauren.

"What are you looking at?" Camila appeared beside her, kissing the top of Lauren's head. She rested her cheek against Lauren's head and peered into her monitor. But Lauren already switched tabs. Her screen now showed the New York Times. "Oh, they're making another Harry Potter movie."

Lauren pulled Camila to sit on her lap and inhaled the morning scent of her. "They are. You'd make a sexy Hogwarts professor." She murmured, tongue licking the crevasse of her wife's neck. "With those robes that billow while you walk, and your wand..."

"I prefer your wand better." Camila snickered at her horrible joke. She kissed Lauren's nose and hopped off her lap. "I have a break from rehearsals next weekend, by the way. The director has some business meeting he needs to attend. I would go with him if he asked, but he didn't. Besides, I think I have better things to do." She eyed Lauren from where she stood, by the stove, flipping pancakes. "Right, Lauren?

The black haired woman flipped back to The Love Hotel's website. She looked up at Camila, thoughts and fantasies already brewing in her brain. "Yeah, definitely. Do you want to go away next weekend then? For some rest and relaxation?"

Camila glanced over at her wife and slid the platter of steaming pancakes on the dining table. "Sure, why not? Do you have somewhere in mind, Lauren?"

Lauren typed a few things and scrolled even further down the website. "There's a new hotel just outside the city and they have a pool and a spa. Amongst other things. I thought we could give it a try, since I have a coupon for it."

The smaller woman smiled as she ate a forkful of pancake dripping with maple syrup. "Okay! I guess I'll start packing?"

Shaking her head, Lauren closed her laptop and ate from Camila's plate. "Whatever you want, Camila."


Tossing their weekend bags into the trunk of the car, Lauren opened the car door for Camila to let her in. She fixed the mirrors and mounted the GPS against the dashboard. "All set? We didn't forget anything?"

"It's not like we're going that far." Camila said, clipping on her seatbelt. "If we did forget something, we can find a Wal-Mart."

Lauren pulled out of the narrow garage of their apartment and drove on to the highway. It took her a few hours, with singing, playing twenty questions, and hanging out with the love of her life. She smiled when Camila began to doze off, her head bumping against the window.

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