pt. 2 / quarterback

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Lauren sighed as she walked off of the football field. She took her helmet off and finally let her hair out of its tie. The quarterback was in a world of her own as she ran her hand through her wet hair, trying to recover from the game she just played. She needed a shower. After pacing a little, the brunette joined her team who were celebrating their win with the cheerleaders.

A Latina bounded up to her, kissing her cheek and saying something to her in Spanish that she didn't understand. Out of the corner of her eye, Lauren saw Camila with her arms around Shawn, smiling and listening to every boring word he had to say. Lauren wrapped her arms around the Latina who was throwing herself at her. "You were amazing out there Jauregui." Normani gushed. "Amazing players get amazing rewards. Dinah and I would be more than happy to reward you." She said in a low tone, her lips moving closer to Lauren's ear. "Hey Dinah, come here!" The bubbly brunette cheerleader left the guy she was fawning over to join Kiana on the other side of the star quarterback.

The brunette looked away from the two cheerleaders for a moment to Camila who was shooting daggers at her. She chuckled to herself and turned away from the girl, slowly making her way to the locker room. Lauren and Camila weren't official so why shouldn't she have some fun with Normani and Dinah?

The brunette could only see red. She wanted so badly to go after Lauren and stop her but she couldn't without it looking suspicious. Everyone on the team and the cheerio's knew what Normani and Dinah were like and everyone would kill to get some of both of them. Camila sighed. "Babe? You listening to me?" Shawn said, squeezing the girl tighter in his arms. "Sorry, I don't feel well."

True, she felt sick to her stomach at the thought of anyone else with Lauren. "Oh, well the guys were going to go back to Jack's and celebrate. Do you want to come or do you want me to take you home first?" he asked. "No, you go. I think I would rather walk home anyway." She sighed, trying her best to smile reassuringly up at the boy. There was a time when she did love him. It was genuine at the beginning but she just couldn't deny her feelings anymore. Camila wanted Lauren and Lauren only.

The brunette had done as Lauren asked. She hadn't slept with the boy since she had started sleeping with the quarterback. This only frustrated Shawn and made the couple fight a lot. Camila didn't like fighting with Shawn because he was always right. Their relationship pretty much turned sour overnight but he had no idea why. Neither of them left the relationship however. The couple had an unspoken understanding that they both needed each other for their images.


The Quarterback walked out of the changing room with a smile on her face, laughing with the two cheerleaders as she said goodbye. As soon as they were out of sight she leaned against the wall in the hallway and sighed. "Congratulations on your win." The soft airy voice of a goddess drifted in to Lauren's ears as she rubbed her face in frustration. "Thanks." She replied, looking up at the cheerleader. "Did you have fun?" Camila asked as she motioned towards the locker room, trying not to sound bitter but she couldn't help it. "Yeah. Watching them fuck each other and try to hide a raging boner is always fun." The brunette sighed, pulling her jacket on. "They didn't let you join in?" the cheerleader asked in a hopeful voice. Lauren smiled, holding her hand out for the brunette to take. Camila took the hand that was offered, only for Lauren to pull their bodies together. "They were begging me to join in. But I couldn't. I'm yours Camz." the quarterback ran her fingers through the girls long blonde hair as her other hand lay on the girls hip.

"Then why did you go with them?" she asked, trying to hide her smile. "To keep up appearances. I can't be the biggest stud in school and not sleep around. They wont tell anyone that I didn't join in because how would that look for them? That I didn't want to have anything to do with them." The girl shrugged. "I'm jealous." Camila admitted quietly, her hands finding their way into the front pockets of Lauren's jeans and refusing to make eye contact. "Of what?" the football star cooed softly, running her thumb across the girls cheek. "Its stupid," she started,

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