my first, my last, my everything.

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Alejandro Cabello is tightening his tie one more time: it wouldn't hurt try to look perfect for his wife; romantic dinners were not made just for special occasions, she deserves the best - his family does - and she will have it, just like he promised so many years ago when marrying Sinu Hernandez. This dashing, loving man, owner of Miami's Hospital and one of the most brilliant and respected doctors on country, is also parent of two girls: Ally and Camila.

Ally Hernandez Cabello, his eldest, is a fierce seventeen years old latina, just like her mother. One of the most beautiful women this world has even seen - parents have the right to brag, except this time the man is being fair. Despite her fame of someone you shouldn't mess with, she is a good student that usually stays out of trouble - unless it involves people picking on Normani, her girlfriend, or bullying her little sister Camila. To be honest, Camila can be a bit mean to Camila herself, but that's simply sisterhood.

Karla Camila Hernandez Cabello is the charming fifteen brunette, dork, theater enthusiast, loudmouth diva, that would-like-to-be-called-by-her-stage-name-Camila Cabello-thank-you, which is a little bit selfish sometimes, but the most forgiving person you'll ever meet. Born to be a star, Camila is an unstoppable force of nature; driven by her dream to be the world's best actress after Barbra - as in Barbra Streisand, her idol - the little starlet only calms down when a certain head cheerleader, best friends with her sister, is around.

The tiny girl fell in love with the brunette when she was only seven - and Lauren was nine - after suffering a small accident. Ally was supposed to be watching her but was too focused on the new neighbors' daughter, Normani. Lauren was running late for their play date and Ally couldn't be happier for having Normani all to herself. Camila was playing by herself with her favorite doll, Barbra S., but started to run away from a bee. She stumbled and fell right before Lauren's eyes at her arrival, skinning her knee. The older girl carried Camila inside her house and took care of the wound, giving it a small kiss after aiding it.

At the time, Lauren was still shy, chubby, wore glasses and braces, and Camila already thought she was the prettiest girl she's ever seen. She was a kind girl - the kindest, according to Camila - who loved reading and was way smarter than kids her age. Her main problem was the pressure her father put her through to fit his crazy standards and be like her older sister, Taylor. Although her mother usually stood by her side, protecting her, Lauren finally gave in to her father's wishes when she was thirteen, losing the rest of her baby fat, along with her glasses and braces, doing also a nose job.

Ever since that day Lauren was endeared by the brunette with warm chocolate eyes. She hated when the other kids picked on Camila and tried to protect her whenever was possible. By the time Camila got in high school, Lauren already was head cheerleader and HBIC. It took some time and lots of persuasion for Lauren to ban the slushies, including seducing the quarterback, her now boyfriend Zac, to control the jocks. Every once in a while some jerk tried to defy her orders, but she had someone - usually Dave - to deal with the fool. At first, Ally was the first one to step in, but after so many times being sent to the principal's office, she couldn't have her second in command, and best friend, getting expelled. In the end her efforts couldn't keep Camila in school - sophomore year she was transferring to a private school, MCA Academy, that would provide her the arts program the singer deserved and, hopefully, she would be able to make some friends.


"Mamá, please! She'll, like, embarrass me in front of my friends!"

"No she won't. She's not a child Ally, she knows how to behave. Besides, it's not like you won't be able to do that by yourself." Sinu teases the young version of herself.

"Mami!! One time! Would you ever let it go!? Anyway, please, please, please, leave her at some of her friends to her own slumber party."

"Which one, mi hija, would you kindly tell me? Which one?" Sinu calmly asks.

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