24 hours

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You wake up one morning to an unusual tightness in the pit of your stomach. You squint when your eyes open, as the early morning sunshine spills in through your open window. You push yourself up onto your elbows, craning your neck to get a glimpse at your alarm clock, noting that it's 9 a.m., and you'll be meeting Camila for a coffee date in two hours.

The quiet in the house is the most amazing thing you think you've ever experienced. You love your parents and your little sister, but their two week vacation to Florida has given you the freedom to bring your girlfriend home and fuck her senseless as often as you want. You won't have that for much longer, and you want to savor every moment before she goes off to New York for college and has to leave you behind.

You push yourself into a sitting position, letting out a yawn as you toss your legs over the side of the bed. You pad over to your dresser, put on a clean bra and set your clothes for the day out on the bed before you cross the hall into the bathroom to freshen up.

When you come back, teeth now brushed, make-up on and smelling of the perfume Camila loves, you pull on your tank top and push down your shorts and panties. As soon as your panties are around your ankles, you see it. It's hard, long and thick and definitely wasn't there when you went to sleep the night before.

"Whoa." Well, that explains the unusual, throbbing tightness in your stomach you've been trying to ignore. You wrap your fingers around your cock and squeeze lightly, testing it out, making sure it's really real. Your eyes flutter closed and you have a little trouble breathing just at your own touch. It's real, attached to you, and even you know it doesn't belong there.

Instead of the short shorts and lacy panties you've had picked out for today, you grab a pair of black sweatpants and decide that maybe you should make a visit to the nearest clinic before going to lunch with Camila.


The doctor at the clinic knows you - he's a friend of Camila's dad's, and you can remember one dinner he had there when you and Camila were having one of your sleepovers. He greets you with a friendly pat on the back and leads you into one of the exam rooms.

"So, Miss Lauren, what can I help you with?" Dr. Garrett asks you, eyebrow lifting.

"I...don't know how to explain. I have something that I shouldn't have?" He only looks blankly at you, waiting for more information, and you sigh because you really can't give him anything. "Can I just...show you?" Dr. Garrett nods, and you get up off the exam table, pushing your sweats down to your knees.

"Well." Dr. Garrett looks confused as he peers through his glasses at your cock. It's not hard anymore, but it's still there, resting against your thigh.

"It wasn't there last night," you say quietly. You watch Dr. Garrett puts on a pair of plastic gloves and look over every inch, squeezing and pulling and making your breath catch in your throat, his eyebrows drawing together in concentration.

"I've never seen anything like this before, Miss Lauren," Dr. Garrett admits. He looks up into your eyes and smiles kindly. "Why don't I do some research, and I will give you a call if I figure this out, all right?" You quickly nod, blushing at how hard his touch has made you, and yank up your sweatpants, reciting your cell phone number for him to write down before you leave.


When you eventually walk to the Starbucks between your houses to meet Camila, you're spent. Maybe you don't know what's made your cock appear, but you do know that when you went home thinking about Camila, it got hard again and masturbating is way more fun with a big, thick cock.

Camila is sitting at one of the tables outside the shop, and she smiles widely when she sees you, standing to give you a long hello kiss and squeeze your ass. You moan a little, feeling your cock start to harden again, and when she gets close enough, your cock brushes her pussy through the fabric and her eyebrows shoot up.

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