i'm a whore

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Camila flexed her hand around the grip of her rolling case as she watched the elevator numbers climb. It wasn't her first time to the penthouse suite at that hotel, but that didn't mean she had to like it. Or be proud of the reason she was going.

Or the fact that she likely wouldn't be wearing any clothes soon after entering.

She closed her eyes and tilted her head toward the ceiling of the elevator, taking a deep breath and mentally preparing herself for her night. She used to hope whoever was waiting for her would be gentle or maybe would just want companionship. After two years of pulling her case to expensive suites though, she'd learned that was rarely the case.

She was good at what she did. One of the best according to her handler. She was incredibly flexible thanks to years of cheerleading, intelligent, receptive and willing enough to take whatever role the client requested, and possessed enough stamina that she was often requested specifically by repeat clients.

It didn't help that she would still be walking out in the morning feeling dirty with a thick envelope in her coat pocket to take back to the firm though. She sighed as the elevator chimed softly and the doors slid open. Opening her eyes, she stepped out of the elevator and down the short corridor to the double doors of the suite.

It was a new client tonight and she was nervous since her handler hadn't been willing to give her any information beyond that the client had submitted the clean bill of health the firm required before sending any of its men or women out. She'd been pushed the hardest every time he'd held back details and she hated the uncertainty. Her heart pounded in her chest as she raised a fist to knock on the door.

She could just hear the soft sound of bare feet on carpet on the other side of the door before the handle turned and it opened. Seeing the beautiful Hispanic woman standing on the other side with an expectant look, she blinked in surprise. Her jaw worked for a moment before she could manage to swallow past the nervous dryness in her mouth and get any words out.

"I... I'm sorry. I must have the wrong room," she said softly, ducking her head to try and hide the embarrassed blush covering her cheeks.

"Are you Camila?" The voice was husky with a soft rasp that sent a shiver down her spine.

She glanced back up at her, confused. "Yes... I came here to, um... assist a Mr Jauregui?"

The chuckle was like fine brandy, warming her almost to the point of burning. "You mean Lauren Jauregui. Not Mister. Don't make assumptions based on a name, Camila." She stepped back, her tight skirt whispering against her thighs as she moved to let her in. "Well? Are you coming in to...assist me or not?"

Camila swallowed nervously, but nodded and pulled her case into the room as Lauren shut the door behind them with a soft click. "What sort of services will you be requiring tonight, ma'am? I'm afraid I don't usually assist women, so I'm not entirely certain why I'm here..."

Slender hands pulled the case from her hand and maneuvered her to stand in front of the large mirror on one wall, soon followed by lithe arms wrapping around her from behind and undoing her silk blouse while a warm mouth fastened on her neck. "I'm sure what you're used to will work just fine." Lauren pulled the blouse from pale shoulders, making the woman shiver as she sucked on the join of her shoulder and neck. "I'm different from everyone else."

"O-oh?" she whispered, letting the woman's tanned hands smooth over her bare stomach and slide up to cup her breasts, as her eyes closed. She let out a little gasp as thumbs suddenly rasped hard over her nipples through her bra, teasing them into stiff peaks.

"Mmhmm." It was the only answer she got as Lauren sucked on her neck and watched her hands kneading her pale breasts in the mirror. "I requested the best," she whispered, leaning up to pull an earlobe in between full red lips as she undid the clasp joining the two cups together and moved just enough to let the strapless bra fall to the ground. "Beautiful..."

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