Inlove with a Jerk - Chapter 46

Start from the beginning

Out of nowhere, he squealed with delight.

Not in a girl way, though.

I chuckled.

"I can't get over my child," he beamed. "I'm already in love with it."

I smiled warmly, and put an arm around his shoulder. "Me too."

Daman also put his arm around me, and smiled at me. "Life's awesome, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is," I smiled back.

Daman and I walked down the hall.


Angie was sitting on the bench outside, breathing with her mouth open. You could see the cold air coming out of it.

Daman's face went red when he saw her. AWWW!

"Come on," he glanced at me, then took my wrist, and took me towards his girlfriend.

"Hey Anj," I said.

She breathed, letting more visible cold air out. "Hey guys. Thanks for...everything."

Daman hugged her, and she hugged him back, closing her eyes.

I looked around. Where was Taylor when I need him?

We got into Daman's truck - me in the back while them two were in the front, and Daman started the car.

Angie coughed, and it was one of those coughs that sound like they hurt.

Poor girl.

"Angie, you can have some advil or something when we get to my place," I offered.

"Thanks," she said, smiling at me through the review mirror, then looked at Daman. "Daman?"


"If I'm annoying you...or bugging you in any way...I can stop coming over."

The car swirved to a sharp right, and Daman squinted his eyes, then drove the car back to normal.

"W-what? Angie, you're not annoying or anything like that," he said, acting like he almost didn't kill us.

Angie smiled, and touched his arm. "Okay, well, I actually have a reason for coming over today."

"Which is?"

"I want to think of names with you."

He glanced at her, then put his eyes back to the road. "...Names? For the b-baby?"

Angie chuckled. "Daman, I don't wanna call the baby Fotiz..."

"I know," he said.

I cleared my throat. "Angie, you still have like, months left, though. Why now?"

She shrugged. "I might come up with an awesome name NOW..and forget it months later."

True that.

Daman blushed. "You don't need a specific reason to come could even move in if you want."

I smiled.

Angie smirked. "After possibly telling my dad...I might just have to."

"Yeah," I said. "When are you gonna tell him?"

She shrugged. "I wanna wait..."

"But, won't he get mad for not telling him sooner?"

She frowned. "He might make me get an abortion."

I saw Daman glare through the review mirror. "I will not let that happen."

My phone buzzed, and I immediately took it out.

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