It's been hell without you| Ybn Nahmir

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Y/n Pov

"Y/s/n over here" I smile as I crouch down as he runs over arms opened and he hugs me "Hey baby boy" I smile as I lift him up doing a small spin.

"Mommmyyyyy" He says as i place him back on the ground "How was school" I ask as we walk over to my car and I open the back door "We played so many gamessssssss" He smiles as I lift him up to his seat and he takes off his bag and I buckle him in as he throws the bag on the floor.

I close the door jogging to the front getting in as I look at him once more "You ready to go home" I say as I drive out the line of cars.

"Yeahhhhhh I wanna draw something for daddy" He says "Mommy when are we gonna see daddy" He asks as I stare at the lights "In a couple weeks babe' I say as he groans "I miss him I wanna see daddy" He says as I look back at him "I promise you will  see him soon" I say as I look up as the light turns green.

"I just wanna see him" He says "Well baby let's not worry about that right now we have a week off school so you can see grandma" I say "yaya" He says making me laugh.


"Alright we have apples we have oranges or we have strawberries witch one you want for snak today babe" I ask as he runs over taking a seat "Strawberriesssssss" He smiles as he looks over at the tv "alright strawberries it is" I smile as I take them out of the fridge and I start cutting the up then I pass them over to him and he starts to munch them down.

"Got any homework today baby" I ask and he shakes his head no "So we can watch some movies and play some games" I say as I sit next to him and I steal a couple strawberries from him.

Nicholas Pov

"Dear lord another city another show" I groan as I jump onto my bed "Only seventeen more to go" Cordae says as he takes a seat on his bed.

"I just miss my kid and my wiffy it sucks not being able to see them" I say as I sit up "you call them" Cordae replies as he tries to turn on the tv and bangs it on his hand a couple times.

'Even then we dont call alot he has school she has her work and the hour changes are hard as fuck" I groan as I conutine watching him try to trn the tv on but he finally gives up.

"So much for a high class hotel" He groans as he throws the remote on the ground and the tv turns on "Oh c'mon" He says making me laugh.

"But aye just remember you'll see them soon its hard but you always get thru it" He says as his phone starts to ring "alright I gotta answer this Ill be right back" He says as he gets up and walks down the hall and out the room and I just lay back down staring at the ceiling "17 more shows" I say to myself.

Y/n Pov

"Cordae" I say as I walk down the hall so Y/s/n couldn't hear "Aye sorry I was just talking to your manz" He laughs.

"He ok" I ask as I look down at the ground "His depression kicking in more he really misses you guys" He says.

"Dear lord well hey I booked the flights we leave at eight fifthteen am and we should be there around twelve" I say as I hear him texting some things onto his phone "Which airport" He asks "Midway" I reply

"Damn alright so i'll leave at eleven thirty ish just in case text if there's any delays" He says "Yeah I will I already booked a room for a day" I say

"alright gal I gotta go someone calling him see you soon be safe love ya" He says "Love yeah bye" I say and hang up and I walk down the hall to see Y/s/n looking back at me "Who was that" he asks as I walk over taking a seat next to him "It was duck cleaning" I say and he nods as he looks back up at the tv "I thought it was daddy" He frowns.

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