Thief (Zach X F!Jesse)

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It was the legend. The legend of the Beacon that killed and slain the monsters from the sky. Each more fearful than the last. It was the hearts that were stolen from them and the turned into shriveled up messed that caused an uproar of death.

The last of the trinity of the deadly and feared was Herobrine. He was there from the beginning and said to be there until the sun doesn't shine anymore.

But they do not look before they speak. The white eyes of Him are not of the original. the one that terrorized the townspeople, the hunters, the governors, the leaders. Those eyes were blinding white, like an interrogation room's harsh lighting that burned into your retinas. But the eyes that watched from afar... they were a lamp that moths flew by and stuck around.

When Jesse first met him, she heard his name as if he was just a passerby through the woods and towns. He said his name was "Zach," and his hood was reminiscent of the thieves that passed by. He told her he would only steal objects, but never lives.

Jesse slowly found the time to stick at his side. At first, it was her job as the leader of the Beacon. But soon, she saw him around and she linked arms together and traipsed through the town. Jesse wondered what Zach stole.

"What do you steal?" She once joked and he paused. 

"I'm not picky," He shrugged.

Jesse laughed with him, but she did not realize that it really meant that Zach could steal anything but lives. The world had so much to steal that Jesse couldn't think of what Zach could steal next.

"Hey, try not to steal, will you? I'm inviting you to Beacontown," Jesse offered. Zach stayed. He joked that he stole space from Jesse, but since she didn't confirm it, rather, shot that thought down, Zach didn't steal for ages.

For too long, maybe.

The plan was long and torturous. Not for Zach, but more for Jesse. He did not take a life, but rather, the thing that gives it. Zach had stolen Jesse's heart.

Zach was quite frequent in the mines after a while. He would go in during the sun's rise and he would find materials to use for his journies if he went on them again. Then, one day, he did not step out of the caves to see Jesse, but rather, an empty road.

"Hello?" He asked as he gazed around. There was nothing to respond to or with.

Zach followed each trail, path, and road and found the lamps that moths fluttered by. He watched as Jesse fought them off. The soldiers sent from the sky that sent swords, arrows, and axes flying her way.

She was talented, but she was outnumbered. 

She was very, very outnumbered.

The last thing Jesse saw before the corpse of Him lay before him with his friends and allies scattered beside, was the blinding light of his eyes.

It was an explosion that lit the skies and the ground like faulty fireworks and set fire to her heart. 

When she finally lay a scar-ridden, burn-drawn hand to the sword that lodged into the ground and pulled it out and lay tribute, she saw the faint light that flickered.

"Give it back!" She cried.

She got it back. Before it was stolen again.

A blinding white light consumed her vision and she saw Zach standing with his sword that soon clattered to the ground.

"I'm so sorry," He said as his tattered hood fluttered with the wind. 

"I don't want it back," She murmured as she passed out with a peaceful expression winded on her face.

"What?" Zach shook her as she lay with her small breaths coming out of her mouth. "Jesse!" He shook her again. It was only time before she was laying on her bed in the treehouse they built.

They never spoke of it.

Zach wanted to bring it up and Jesse needed her memories toggled but no moves were made. 

Only time brought them together. The legend of Beacon that would fight the fourth of the monsters that came from the sky.

The thunder struck fear into many. Jesse was one of them. She was once again, the warrior that must fight the monster of the skies that would bring death, war, and chaos to her and her peaceful life.

She was so tired.

So was Zach. He stared at the clouds from where he sat, a lone throne placed within the stars. 

Jesse took the steps and slowly, she climbed up and gazed at Zach.

"You're... Him?" She asked him with a soft whisper.

"No," Zach turned his head to look at the sea of stars that rippled as crossed his legs. "I guess you could say I stole his title, though." They both laughed.

Thunder struck again.

"I don't want to fight," Zach told her. "I just wanted to save you from your worries and that tired look on your face."

Zach stood up and slowly, he walked over to Jesse. "I hope you won't miss your heart, because you're getting mine." 

Jesse placed a hand over his chest and looked into his white eyes. "I'm a thief as well, now?"

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