Honey and Red Cars (Aiden X Reader)

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Based on three randomly generated nouns.


Jewels Bakery, a nice and quaint place where you can get a nice slice of cake or a warm cup of coffee. The bakery was from my grandmother's side, then was inherited by my father, then when he was away, I took over for the time being. My father did such that, he had a business trip with my mother who was in business and commonly used my father's bakery as an example of a family business. Better to have the owner there to back her up.

Springtime, I loved the spring as the flowers start blooming and that meant bees, bees meant honey (I mean, the honey is usually harvested during summer, but I still prefer spring). Honey was one of the best things that came to Jewels, it could make cheesecake, berry tarts, and even ice cream.

Even though honey was harvested during the hot, heated days of summer, I had just been notified I will receive a shipment from Sweet Skull Honey Co., who supplied Jewels with different kinds of honey. 

So, I headed out of the shop, where, in the parking lot, there sat a nice maroon red vintage car that looked like it came right out of James Bond. Now, I was awfully confused, as I was expecting a big truck that had a skull logo dripping honey (original design, totally) plastered on the two sides, but I couldn't see it. The truck came at three o'clock exactly and it had already turned 3:15.

I shuffled towards the corner, to my dismay, it wasn't there either. I latched onto the document in my hands with the information of the supply, rounding the corner again. The most likely option was for me to call Sweet Skull Honey or--

"Ow." I sat up and stared at the scattered pieces of what seemed to be car parts. I had tripped on a connector rod as Axel's taught knowledge of cars tapped in, quite ironic.

"Sorry!" A young man rushed over, waving a wrench in his hands. "I should'a called." He offered me a hand, in which I took.

"Oh, no, my fault." I grinned sheepishly. The man was my height, green eyes that glimmered like emeralds, brown hair that was trimmed neatly near the ears, but near the top, the brown spikes curled forwards with sweat. He wore a dark green button-up with pale yellow and white stripes, sleeves undid, and crumpled near his elbow. He also had on blue jeans and a leather jacket was thrown around his waist.

"Sorry, I was tryin'a fix this darned thing." He pointed to the maroon red car.

"Still looks nice, that's certainly doesn't need fixing." I laughed.

"Thanks! Had her for a while." He nodded, a grin spreading on his face. He clearly was proud of it. "You must be (Y/N), I'm Aiden, I was supposed to guide the newbie, Gill, but he ended up getting caught in real heavy traffic and my car broke down."

"Oh, no, I see. It's fine then." I paused. "Oh my god, my files!" I hopped up and scrambled to find it.

"Here." Aiden also laughed sheepishly as I took it from him. "Sorry."

"It's fine." I smiled. "I'll get Axel to fix your treasure and I'll invite you in for some honey and berry tarts." I smiled. He grinned.

"Sure, thank you (Y/N)."

We entered the shop with the small bell ringing. I dropped my file at the front desk near the cash register and headed in back. The smell was so nice, the sweetness of berries floated through the air and the honey mixed right in, the flaky tart pastry gave a beard-like smell. I grabbed the boysenberry-blackberry and strawberry tarts.

I popped out with a glass of lemonade after setting down the tarts.

"How is it?" I asked, taking a sip of my lemonade.

"Absolutely wonderful! God, the honey is being used in the best way possible." Aiden's grin grew. He took another bite. "I don't think my sister could make it this well." 

"Will you be repaying me?"

"Of course," Aiden smirked, "How about a date? I heard the car is running and St. James Park is wonderful this time of years. Spring is my favorite season," He winked, "Of course, since there are the bees and flowers... and best of all, the honey and berry tarts."

"Honey and red cars... sounds great." I smiled.

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