Jokes On Me (Ivor X Reader)

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I'm sorry if this is bad, I'm busy and... tired.

Oh, the sleep in my veins... haha! Nope.


"Oh my god."

"Soren... please... calm down!" You laughed as your friend fumbled into your room and passionately flumped onto your chair. Soren sat cross-legged, his palms placed on his forehead.

"I doubt Ivor will listen to anything I say! It's unbelievable!" Soren huffed, crossing his arms. You stood up and traveled to Ivor's room with no time.

"Ah, (Y/N), come to complain, aren't you?" Ivor hummed, turning to you with his armor half on.

"What's the armor for?" You asked.

"Ah! Yes. I was about to run down to The Whispering Forest." He shrugged, his eyes betraying his 'cool' demeanor.

"Can I come?" You asked, again.

"I don't--" You clasped your hand on his mouth.

"I'm bored enough, I just need to get out of here." You growled and Ivor slowly nodded.

"Sure." Ivor pulled the door next to him open. There was a set of armor made just for you, sitting in the closet... untouched.

"Wow..." You raised an eyebrow and Ivor gestured for you to try it on.

"Like it?" He asked and you nodded many times before you held your trusted bow in your hands.

Ivor and you had turned on the trail, walking and smiling.

The sun glowed pink and orange, and you smiled even wider.

The day was ending and you sat on a tree next to Ivor, your best friend.

"Hey, thanks for the trip."

"Erm, it was nothing." Ivor glanced to the side.

"Wonder what Magnus is thinking about this." You murmured.

Ivor groaned audibly. "He's going to make so many jokes."

"Jokes it is then!" You shout, pointing to the sky, now colored with purple.

"On whom?" He turned to you.

"On you!" You sang and pecked him on the cheeks and scrambled into the forest to meet the giant tree, you picked up sticks and leaves there.

Ivor swung his legs and jumped down, following you down the path where the river grew and then shrunk. "Wonderful." He breathed and looked at you. "Even more than the view." He chuckled.

You picked up the fallen branches like they were stars and built a small fort. "Camping?" You asked and Ivor looked up at you.

"The house isn't too far, why not just head back?"

"Nah, this is more fun!" You threw some branched in a circle of rocks and pulled out a flint-and-steel.

"Where did you--" He was asking until you cut him off.

"Stole it from Magnus." It was your turn to shrug. You jumped back as the flames devoured the branches and dried leaves. You turned to him again.

"You can go back, I'm going to stay."

"No... I'm staying as well." He said. 

"Great!" You grinned, pulling the bag on your back to the floor. You then opened it with cheerful shouts and you unrolled a sleeping bag. Ivor didn't comment as he climbed the tree again, waving for you to come up and join him.

The sun turned navy blue and Ivor laughed as he glanced into the distance.

"What's so funny?" You asked.

"Nothing, you better build faster, would not rather get Soren's pets attacking you."

"Yeah, 'cuz you can't fight." You retorted

"And you have a bow for a weapon." He stated. "And I have potions..." He sighed, you smiled at him from below and he waved.

"Better not die!" You shout and Ivor chuckled again.

He stayed on his tree and smiles. "Jokes on me, it is." He smiled.

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